Which Platform are you using Project CARS on?


  • Brett - 8 years ago

    The game it self on Xbox seemed like it ran really well (not as well as PC obviously), but for console I thought it looked decent after the updates. The main problem I have and why I got rid of the game was the horrid issues I had with my TX wheel working properly with the game. I should not have to go through 30+ options of settings to get the feel right for the car. Worse than that was my wheel simply would not work with the game no matter how I changed the settings. There should really be a page taken from Forza on how wheel settings should be implemented. Sometimes simplicity is better. Spend more time on making the feel for wheel users better out of the box so they do not have to spend hours trying to fix it themselves. It makes no sense why a user should have to go through several websites and user guides to get the settings just right, only to have to go through the same process if they decide to drive another car.

    Had the wheel settings worked better out of the box and not been so overly complicated I would probably still own PCars still. Sadly no matter what I did I could never get my wheel to work right and have the FFB feel good. If it felt even 75% as good as Forza, I would have left T10 for PCars as the rest of the game gives me that actual Motorsport feel. Unfortunately the game felt like trash and it was not worth the headache to try and fix it.

  • SuperSic - 8 years ago

    Next time can we refrain from nerfing the PC versions so that the underpowered console versions don't look so bad. It's not PC users fault that consoles use laptop technology, we spent hundreds/thousands on our rigs for a reason, and we want to put it to good use on your products.

  • Jukka Drugg - 8 years ago

    There was no questions about how game works so I comment it here.

    1) Online races show wrong results all the time. Many races I was ahead of someone but game shows me behind of him on results. This needs to be fixed since this is unexeptable.

    2) There is strange lag things happening. Last time we raced I was ahead of two guys and suddenly they jumped ahead of me. i dont believe its my internet connection because I have never experience similar on any other sim.

    3) There should be possibility to save multiple setups for a car for each track since testing different setups is impossible with this system.

    You should consentrate fixing bugs before conserning other things since if game is useless because of these bugs players will not play with it and sure does not buy any dlc to it ( I think whole idea of dlc is wrong in a game that already cost over 50€, all new cars and tracks should be included with this price)

  • Mike Cooper - 8 years ago

    My ONLY disappointment is with the car setups. I find it a very poor interface given that ALL the competition has a better system. End of gripe

  • Tony Lanciano - 8 years ago

    This is by far the best Racing game ever so far - I've Just added a couple of extra bits
    On QUICK RACE WEEKENDS - Mandatory Pits on/off feature
    Australian V8 Supercars
    Monza Short track - stop AI cars getting stuck on barriers before the main straight
    Please fix contrast and reflections from cockpit view
    I play on Xbox One

  • cristian - 8 years ago

    at the moment I play PJCARS in ps4 but i have in program to buy a PC dedicated for play drive simulator with best graphic

  • Colin - 8 years ago

    Even more customisation for OFFLINE race modes. Like selecting the entire grid, car by car... like say if I want to set up a 24 le mans with 4 race catagories. Thought that would have been included in P-cars tbh... it seems simple enough to implement.

  • angelo rangel - 8 years ago

    i finished the survey and i was expecting an area for general comments, but i found none. since we now rarely have the opportunity to collaborate, ii returned here to write them down:

    1. cars: vintage classic cars are all very nice and i would like to have all lotus race cars for that matter (specially the 56B turbo and the 38 Indy). however, modern cars are a must, i think, as well as old but recent ones are also important, e.g., the porsches in le mans, or the alfas and ealier mclarens.

    2. tracks: old versions of modern tracks could be (in a pace) introduced and also those which no longer exist but were classic at their time (mille miglia, the old oval in monza, etc.). new tracks will always be welcome and i know you guys are trying your best to bring them in. some rally tracks, actually the most famous (monte carlo, for example) could be nice incoming surprises.

    3. car painting: this is really important! many people i know would very much appreciate if one could design his own livery. i do! and that must be made simpler than all the procedure we have to go thru now, even using graphic external software. i know the possibilities are immense, but something similar as we have in FM6 would be great. i have many complaints against FM5 and FM6. but their way of painting cars and build up liveries and logos, though not the quintessence of paradise, are very close to the ideal format. i believe something in between, without all the burn of having to create a separate special file, but having the capability of displaying photos, or official logos (it is also a pain to redraw everything over when a new FM version is launched, cause it takes hours to produce one simple logo which could be easily pasted on the car body). and, another important feature, that all that work be shown to others, not only in offline, but also in online modes. to spend all that time and work for it to be seen by only me is completely senseless. today, if i build up a livery, i shall be the only one to see it, unless i take a picture and post it. which brings us the next topic.

    4. photography: it is a real pain to achieve a good photo in the present pCARS photo mode and to display it for the community. i do not know how people do it, but i have a nightmare when i try to take a photo. i agree that there are many resources i can use, but to have the camera limited to go only around the car is a serious flaw. i like the feature that we can go very far from the car, even up in the air, but a nice view from an angle below a certain level of the car is impossible.

    of course, i know the limitations of the game might turn those features above almost or totally unattainable. i understand that a fine control of everything, although desirable, is not real. but these are my comments which are more on the constructive side than the detrimental one. you guys did a nice job, but the community will always ask for more. if you have the time and patience to read it i would appreciate your efforts to adopt at least a couple of the ideas.

  • angelo rangel - 8 years ago

    i use more than one platform (actually, three: PC, Steam and XB1, and i update and buy DLCs for everyone of them) and i know some people who also does. the unique options does not represent well, platform wise, the actual use of pCARS.

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