Who won the CNN GOP debate tonight?


  • Amy - 8 years ago

    This Asian American woman who voted for Obama two elections ago, will be voting for Trump. Without a doubt he won this debate.

  • Matt Dixon - 8 years ago

    Rand Paul once again had a very strong showing and was a sane voice on a stage full of Bush 3.0's. Paul actually leads the GOP in real flesh and blood straw poll wins. The liberal media wants Hillary so they skew their polls to Trump's demographic. The media was reporting Paul at 3% the same week he took 33% of the Republican Liberty Caucus? Really? Paul is almost always in the top 3 in the online polls that don't let you spam votes as well. Another thing, Trump has every vote he's going to get already. People either LOVE him or they HATE him. Hillary is the same way. But come primaries if Bernie loses that's 30-40% of the dems that are without a candidate. Well they hate Trump and they hate the GOP, but most Bernie supporters have said that they'd vote for Paul if it was Paul vs. Hillary. If it was Trump vs. Hillary they say they'd either vote Hillary or stay home. So Paul is poised to get a huge boost if Hillary wins the nomination. Trump will only get those that are loyal to the party (Paul would get those too so they don't weigh into this). The media stopped doing Paul vs. Hillary polls months ago because he was murdering her and they don't want that. They're trying to make him disappear by skewing the polls so they can get her in. Paul is a candidate that appeals to both parties. Ask around. Its rare to find somebody that hates him. Sure they might have a favorite candidate but most agree they'd vote for Paul if he had the nomination. Ask the same question about Trump and there's a lot of people that are undecided or say they might not vote at all. That's a pretty good reason to back Paul if you ask me.

  • Colleen pimm - 8 years ago

    Funny how this doesn't seem to reflect all the booing in the audience tonight

  • Justin - 8 years ago

    Paul won. I feel that Paul won and was not challenged. He answered all question perfectly and dominated the state with no equal. Ask him any question and he will win votes. He will be the greatest American President ever known.

  • Justin - 8 years ago

    Trump is answering a question on the nuclear triad in the same way I would answer a question in English class when I hadn't done the reading. —Russell Berman

    That pretty much sums up EVERY Trump answer. Trump is a bully buffoon who is using the scare tactics that Obama used when Obama somehow got elected twice. Does America not know how to spot a phony? Ridiculous that anybody would even consider voting for Trump - especially when there is actually an intelligent candidate on state with real answers and real solutions. My vote stands with Rand Paul.

  • Doug Boone - 8 years ago

    Bernie Sanders For President 2016.

  • fred - 8 years ago

    Rubio did show a rare knowledge of Syria, and the whole Middle East area by countries and Sunni and Shia. His summery of the situation was fabulous. Cruz slipped when he said that Iran is supporting Isis. It shows that he has not a single idea of what is going on in Syria and the rest of the middle east. The debate on the illegals in the US is highly complex, but I will say that after the registration of the new wave of Latino voters in Texas, he may not win re election to even the senate and Texas will surely turn Democratic.

  • Samson - 8 years ago

    They all politicians they can talk except Trump we need something different like him. Real man

  • Amy - 8 years ago

    Trump definitely won the debate.

  • Pablo Picasso - 8 years ago

    Anyone who paid attention understands there was only one clear winner for a true conservative, that man was Rand Paul. Trump is a complete embarrassment.

  • Mike - 8 years ago

    Carson sounded like he was reading a bedtime story to everyone, terrible, trump and Cruz and Christie impressed me tonight

  • dave - 8 years ago

    Trump disappeared when anything of substance was discussed

  • Andrew - 8 years ago

    The person who really one here was Marco Rubio because his ideas is what both Democrats and Republicans alike can get behind. If anybody is reading this they have to understand that Kasic is right that Assad has to go and the only way to keep America safe is to remove horrible dictators from power and replace them with a Democratic, Free, and Secular Allie. When God created this country God wanted us to be the Flaming Torch of Freedom, and democracy not just for us, but for Others If it wasn't for us Americans South Korea would be forced to Worship Kim Joug Un's boobs and jiggles. If it wasn't for us Americans Japan would have still been Imperial, It it wasn't for us Americans, Israel would not have existed, If it wasn't for us Americans Cuba and the Philippines would still been a territory of Spain, If it wasn't for us Americans their would have been a Major Genocide against the Kurds of Iraq. Are we Perfect hell no we screwed up Vietnam, we haven't completely liberated the Korean Peninsula, Iraq is still a hellhole, but we at least tried and learned from our mistakes. Right now in the Al-Hasakah Province in Northeastern Syria (The One Dr. Carson mentioned) is under the control of the Syrian Democratic Forces (Kurds, Arabs, Christians, and Turkmen) not ISIS or Al-Nusra unlike Isolationist and Freedom Hating Rand Paul repeats incorrectly, and they have remained steadfast in only receiving US support with what little Obama gives them and are on the move to liberate Raqqa this moment and are trying to liberate Raqqa by Christmas as a gift to us. Their goal is to liberate Syria Completely, so their is no Assad vacuum that is going to take place.

  • dave - 8 years ago

    Trump disappeared when anything of substance was discussed

  • Bill - 8 years ago

    Dr Ben Carson won and he is going to win the election. The media is against Ben and the American people are tired of it. The racist political class little bitches will get voted out of office. Ben will win.

  • Mike - 8 years ago

    The longer Trump is at the no. 1 spot the longer he keeps hurting the Republican Party and there cause and if he gets picked to represent the Republicans and go against Hillary Clinton then he will lose and damage the party for many years to come.

  • pat - 8 years ago

    The trumpster did not know what nuclear triad was! Rubio had to explain.i am not sure if that is hilarious or pathetic.his dr note was great.his dr. Actually wrote thay he would be the unequivocally the most fit president ever,my dr never wrote any comments on my dr note. Did the trumpster actually write his own note? Pick a serious,knowledgeable candidate please.

  • Nona - 8 years ago

    Trump is our man!
    Say what you like but, you should see by now who the Silent Majority wants and Will Get!!
    Go #Trump!!!!!

  • Lewdon - 8 years ago

    I can't believe people think Donald Trump won that debate. All I can say is Our country is doomed with whackos like his fans. I think you need to bend over and kiss your butts goodbye

  • Jim - 8 years ago

    Cheryl the reason Rubio doesn't have more votes is because the majority of republicans are morons who like to hear trump make Political fart jokes

  • Jens - 8 years ago

    Most like trump because they are undereducated idiots there are only three canadates Rubio Cruz and Christie no one else can beat Hillary!

  • Scott - 8 years ago

    What we need is a leader who understands our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Somebody who can reground us on the principles we were founded on. Only Cruz or Paul fit that profile. Rubio has gone to the dark side and now sided with Zuckerberg and other corporate monsters to again change our immigration laws for the worse. Trump has the ideas and knows how to sell to the American public. Unfortunately he lacks control and experience. Don't get me wrong he's a great businessman in the real estate market. But keep in mind he's doing business with people that want to do business with him. We need a leader that can do business with those that don't like us. My candidate is Cruz. Some made comments about him not answering questions. This is were good judgement comes in. The media wants drama to fuel their machines. He's not going to answer a question about some remark he made at a private gathering. What good would that have done at the debate? We all heard what he said including Trump, why ask him to confirm it? Drama!!

  • Ben L - 8 years ago

    Honestly I was impressed with Cruz tonight as I was not a supporter before. Trump still comes to me as strong, but the petty little insults will reflect badly when he debates Clinton. We need to acknowledge what Kasich closed with-no Republicans will win without the vote of Ohio! As long as he is Vice President (because I don't think he is too strong) to Bush or Rubio because it's a similar situation in Florida.

  • John Michaels - 8 years ago

    Trump won, hands down. But I felt a disturbance in the force as they say LOL !!
    And that was Chris Christie ! He really held his own ground and did it well tonite , the only reason I chose Trump over Christie was that Trump got attacked and he went right back and didnt take no crap from the Bush ! Jeb was trying to be the Bully tonite and he got handed his (__|__)

  • Brad Gunter - 8 years ago

    Ted Cruz should be known as "The Great Obfuscator". No matter what the question he will not answer it.
    He is impossible to trust on anything. He's a bigger narcissist than Trump. (and a lot more dangerous)

  • Bob - 8 years ago

    I think Trump stayed on the mark. He is my number one vote, Cruz is for sure the close second. I think a great ticket would be Trump/Cruz.

  • Tim Smith - 8 years ago

    The biggest laugh is Ken bush !! I was embarrassed for him when he tried really really hard to bark at trump!!

    Trumps reply settled in a few words .. Trump said I am at 42 you are at 4 and one step away from falling off the end

    Trump did a great job fending off the wimpy attacks from the single digit Losers!!

    That demonstrates trumps ability and character to beat a gang attack including that one wimpy moderator

    Lastly this was a sided debate focusing on cnns choice which clearly was Cruz and Rubio

    Typical left wing cnn B S Media

  • Nancy - 8 years ago

    Rubio has voted for everything Obama has put out there. He is a danger for America. Thinks nothing of getting us in war with Russia. Rubio also along with Paul Ryan made sure that TPP was put in by Obama. Which will send all jobs left to China and also give our Sovereignty over to the U.N. They are either uneducated or for the NWO. Scary we have seen the true colors since Trump has come in the picture.

  • Nancy - 8 years ago

    Rubio has voted for everything Obama has put out there. He is a danger for America. Thinks nothing of getting us in war with Russia. Rubio also along with Paul Ryan made sure that TPP was put in by Obama. Which will send all jobs left to China and also give our Sovereignty over to the U.N. They are either uneducated or for the NWO. Scary we have seen the true colors since Trump has come in the picture.

  • Cheryl little - 8 years ago

    One more comment. The republican who moves forward to represent our party MUST be strong enough to beat Hiliary Clinton. The people need to vote for Who will be able to accomlish that.

  • Cheryl little - 8 years ago

    Rubio knows his facts and identifies logical and specific plans. I cannot understand why he doesnt have more votes! What are people watching?! I do like other candidates, but Rubio impressed me the most.

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