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Which Project Do You Most Want to See? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 1,547

  • Donia - 8 years ago

    Do you have a sister, daughter, niece, cousin, mother, wife? Voting for Endo What could change their lives for the better. How? Because millions of girls and women worldwide suffer excruciating physical pain, preventable infertility, as well as the emotional pain of having doctors and family/friends tell them it's "normal," they're exaggerating/attention seeking, or they're just wimpy and have a low pain threshold for a normal fact of women's lives: menses. And all of that is FALSE and completely UNNECESSARY!
    If more people knew about this horrible, debilitating disease, our sisters, wives, mothers, nieces, cousins, and daughters would not have to suffer for as long or as much as they do.
    We can help mitigate the suffering of women worldwide by voting for Endo What which will help educate women and girls and the family/friends/doctors in their lives who are largely ignorant of this all too common disease, and help them get properly diagnosed and treated.
    We've been suffering in the dark for far too long!

  • April - 8 years ago

    I am so thankful for the project, Endowhat? I lived with the pain from endometriosis for 18 years, I wasn't diagnosed until I was 30 and I had a total hysterectomy. It took my adolescence, it took my fertility, it took half of my life. Its a painful disease people don't know about, and a lot of women don't know they have it. There is no cure and I recently learned the hysterectomy I had most likely didn't take it all out of my body. I am having pain again and it sucks, endo sucks. Please vote the endowhat project and help spread awreness of this awful disease.

  • Donia - 8 years ago

    Do you have a sister, daughter, niece, cousin, mother, wife? Voting for Endo What could change their lives for the better. How? Because millions of girls and women worldwide suffer excruciating physical pain, preventable infertility, as well as the emotional pain of having doctors and family/friends tell them it's "normal," they're exaggerating/attention seeking, or they're just wimpy and have a low pain threshold for a normal fact of women's lives: menses. And all of that is FALSE and completely UNNECESSARY!

    If more people knew about this horrible, debilitating disease, our sisters, wives, mothers, nieces, cousins, and daughters would not have to suffer for as long or as much as they do.

    We can help mitigate the suffering of women worldwide by voting for Endo What which will help educate women and girls and the family/friends/doctors in their lives who are largely ignorant of this all too common disease, and help them get properly diagnosed and treated.

    We've been suffering in the dark for far too long!

  • Channyn hess - 8 years ago

    My whole Endo story is on my blog. The pain started when I was 11 and I wasn't diagnosed until I was 21. I went through my adolescence being told that cramps were normal, and after I was in the ER with bursting cysts my general practitioner told me that I was just depressed, which is what caused the cysts. I was put on Prozac, but that obviously did nothing to help the pain. If Endo What? Had been available when I was a kid my story would be different. I pray that this video makes a gigantic impact in the world so other girls and women don't have to suffer as long. Please cast your vote for Endo What? Your vote could change lives.

  • Luigi Gagliardi - 8 years ago

    Mr Rudolpho's Jubilee is a movie full of fantasy but also clear connections with the real life.Robyn and Michael blend together heart, intelligence and a lot of professional experience and attention to details. Really a pleasure for me to work with them. I wait with a smile this wonderful flower!

  • Valerie A. Ramunno - 8 years ago

    I battled with Endometriosis since I was 9 and at that time the doctors didn't know what to make of it. Excruciating female pain which last 2 weeks out of every month. I got told by grown ups and kids I was making it up to get attention, which was further from the truth and would of gladly let them have the pain. I was referred to Boston Children's Hospital when I was 10 years old. At the time, I had a laparoscopy, and was told by my surgeon Dr. Goldstein that "We are not sure what it looks like you have TB." This foreign body was found all over my reproductive organs and wall of my vaginal cavity."

    I was given 800mg Motrin's around the clock. In the mean time, I am doubled up, screaming in pain, and throwing up...all at the ripe old age of 10. I couldn't play nor want to because the pain was dibiltating and exhausting, not to mention being constipated due to all the pain medicine. Dr. Goldstein had put me on birth control pills to try to regulate my menstrual cycle. Heavy periods with clots the size of golf balls and having to shower numerous times a day was not my idea of fun.

    Second time to Boston Children's Hospital, second laparascopy, they were finding a lot more girls my age developing this disease. The girl in the bed next to me was given all kinds of medications to eradicated the Endometriosis. I had it burned out out me, but it came back and it was fiercer than ever. Nothing more that they could do...When I got to my late teens, I had my third laparoscopy, and was put on Depo-Provera...and by my thirties it ended up taking the Phosphorus out of my bones. At the age of 45, I know have Osteoporosis. I was told I couldn't have kids. I had a total hysterectomy in my twenties.

    The stigma of medical people who treat you like the pain symptoms are all in your head is wrong. Endowhat? has been the much needed support group for girls who suffer with Endometriosis. I just wished it was there when I was growing up. My step-daughter and my granddaughter now suffer from it. It is a disease that needs to be eradicated and more education needs to be out there on it, this group gives all support and education. They deserve the award.

  • Samantha - 8 years ago

    Took me 7 years to get diagnosed with endo. I've had 5 surgeries and I'm 29. Each time I go under the knife I worry if I will wake up from it if there will be complications. Endo caused me to have an ectopic pregnancy that all the doctor's missed and went in for a diagnosis surgery after my HCG levels refused to drop and they found a ruptured tube. I was so used to the pain that I didn't know the difference. Endo has got to stop. There needs to be a cure. Marilyn Monroe suffered from endo and she overdosed trying to get out of pain. Vote for Endo What and make a difference in Millions of lives.

  • Stig Eldred - 8 years ago

    Michael & Robyn's, "Mr. Rudolpho's Jubilee", is an amazing story about the healing power of Love.
    I spent three weeks filming in Berlin, working with this wonderful crew of artists, celebrating the positive energy inherent in the fellowship of film-making at it's best!
    Please join me, and vote for "Mr. Rudolpho's Jubilee".
    Thank you,

  • Meeta Mukerjee - 8 years ago

    Thumbs up for Robyn and Michael's Mr. Rudolpho Jubliee. It will leave you feeling light and happy verses so many heavy movies. Can't wait to see it!

  • Guylaine Gamble - 8 years ago

    " Mr.Rudolfo's Jubilee" by Robyn & Michael Bright Blue Gorilla sounds like a winner! Best of luck to all films!

  • LeeSummer Williams - 8 years ago

    Imagine a world where people are born with a brutal and crippling genetic disease that attacks and destroys various internal organs and no one wants to help. That is our reality. We've had to educate ourselves and empower ourselves after so many doctors chose to brush us off, mock the level of pain this disease causes, bounce us around among other doctors, unwilling to help us and unwilling to learn more about this brutal life-wrecking disease. It is truly like living in a torture chamber and screaming for help but rescuers just ignore your pleas. Forced to suffer for decades. It's been almost 40 years of brutal torture for me. And it has only gotten more severe over the years. I can't even find a doctor willing to help me with kidney failure because my kidneys, ureters, and bladder are so badly diseased and destroyed by Endometriosis. Doctors won't touch this mess. This disease has been ignored too long, we've been brushed aside and forced to suffer too long. Too many have lost their lives because of this disease. The medical neglect needs to be stopped. We did nothing to cause this. We were born with this. It's in our DNA. We don't deserve this torture, more CAN and SHOULD be done for those who suffer from the effects of Endometriosis. No one should be forced to suffer this way. It is beyond cruel; it's torture. With all due respect, Endo What? is by far the right choice to make. The medical neglect needs to be stopped!!! It's about time!!!

  • Emily Dawson - 8 years ago

    Please vote for "Endo What?"! I've suffered from this disease for 10 years now - and am only 24. It's a horrible debilitating disease that so few know about. We need to raise awareness. 1 in 10 women suffer - and it's appalling so few know what it is. This includes doctors.

    While the other running may be great artisticly - We need this. This disease affects people's lives. I was undiagnosed for 7 years because of a lack of awareness. If this movie could diminish that number -- it would be a big win for women everywhere.

  • Emily Dawson - 8 years ago

    Please vote for "Endo What?"! I've suffered from this disease for 10 years now - and am only 24. It's a horrible debilitating disease that so few know about. We need to raise awareness. 1 in 10 women suffer - and it's appalling so few know what it is. This includes doctors.

    While the other running may be great artisticly - We need this. This disease affects people's lives. I was undiagnosed for 7 years because of a lack of awareness. If this movie could diminish that number -- it would be a big win for women everywhere.

  • Rosemary - 8 years ago

    I help run a support group for ladies with Endometriosis on Facebook called EndometrioSisters. I myself was diagnosed at 24 nearly 6 years ago now after suffering since I was 14. We desperately need to raise awareness for this disease. There is no cure. Please support Endo What? And raise awareness for the 1 in 10 women who suffer daily with Endometriosis. Thank you.

  • Ashleigh - 8 years ago

    Please for for ENDO WHAT? Endometriosis is a chronic illness that needs to be talked about. Women and girls suffer from this condition and need people to be more aware. As a fellow endosister, I am beyond excited for this film.

  • pogo saito - 8 years ago

    please vote for MR. RUDOLPHO's JUBILEE!!

    robyn and michael are true artists who create a real global village of artists working with love and respect to create films of humor and depth. beautifully written and filmed with so much beauty.
    That they create such a rich tapestry on the wing and a prayer shoestring budget is astounding!
    they are like the tiny mustardseed of film...growing and growing like magic!
    they are a delight, their films are a delight and most importantly, they are artists who truly walk the walk and i can assure you that the REAL gift is how beautiful their creating process is to all artists involved and that creates a really lovely film for the viewer--it is the journey.

    they really deserve a win!

  • Geoff Orr - 8 years ago

    Please vote for endo what? My daughter has suffered for 10 years and has had 6 surgeries, and she is not alone! This film can help millions of women by encouraging research and awareness about this debilitating disease. Most OB/GYNs are not trained in this. Many women commit suicide because of the chronic pain. It could be your daughter, sister, or even you. Please vote now!

  • isabelle lacombe - 8 years ago

    good luck steel pulse

  • TONICK - 8 years ago

    We are so looking forward to Mr. Rudolphos jubilee! What an incredible amount of effort, man hours and artistry are going into it. Love stories that uplift and inspire! The world needs more of them! Go You Fabulous Bright Blue Gorillas! You're a filmmaking inspiration!

  • Sharon Kennedy - Lake Stevens, WA - US - 8 years ago

    Please place your vote for Endo What?! This documentary research of continued chronic pain of this 'hidden disease' of women, with no cure, is a daily struggle of women living in pain. ENDO WHAT? addresses the issues of endometriosis, and brings awareness.

  • Robert Carvalho - 8 years ago

    Dread town is a must this film has to be finished l.

  • Carolyn - 8 years ago

    Please give your vote to ENDO WHAT? More awareness is needed, there are women and girls suffering so much because if this ignored disease. This film could make a huge difference to us all, as an Endo sufferer, I know first hand the pain women with this disease suffer, the ignorance you face, the number of doctors you need to see to get a diagnosis, the medical mismanagement of the disease.....please use your vote to help put an end to unnecessary suffering. Thank you xx

  • Carolyn - 8 years ago

    Please give your vote to ENDO WHAT? More awareness is needed, there are women and girls suffering so much because if this ignored disease. This film could make a huge difference to us all, as an Endo sufferer, I know first hand the pain women with this disease suffer, the ignorance you face, the number of doctors you need to see to get a diagnosis, the medical mismanagement of the disease.....please use your vote to help put an end to unnecessary suffering. Thank you xx

  • Robyn - 8 years ago

    As a woman with endometriosis, I am so excited about Endo What? For a condition as common as diabetes or asthma, it is ridiculous how little awareness there is of it. This film will certainly help to educate, inform and empower girls and women around the world. It is time to start talking about this disease, loudly and to anyone and everyone. Chronic pain, infertility, fatigue, bladder and bowel problems - this is not just a "women's thing" that affects women once a month. It is a daily struggle that women fight, often in silence and with little to no support from the medical community. This film is so important in starting to change that.

  • Alexandra Lavie - 8 years ago

    The Secret Life of Lance Letscher!

  • Linda Couch - 8 years ago

    Robyn and Michael are dedicated to showing the great magic and diversity in this world. This is a film about random kindness and the indomitable human spirit. This is not Hollywood hamburger, it's the kind of film that leaves you better than you were before and inspired to quest for your own everyday magic. Mr Rudolfo's Jubilee is worth your time and I'm certain that you will be sharing it with everyone you know. "Earth without art is just eh!"

  • Olivia from Sydney, Australia - 8 years ago

    Not to take away the efforts of the other film makers, but Endo What? has got to be the most important. It is so misunderstood that this educational film is a vital part of raising awareness. I'm having my first "scraping" (cutting out endo tissue from my bladder, bowel, ovaries and outside of my uterus) in the next month. I am telling everyone what's happening but a film like this helps show that my story is anything but unique. Go Endo What?!!

  • Douglas Stewart - 8 years ago

    The Secret Life of Lance Letscher deserves your consideration.

  • Mary - 8 years ago

    Art, please. The only lasting cure.

  • Anita - 8 years ago

    Endo What? is a long awaited voice for all who are touched by this hidden disease. It's well due time for the collective to not only become empowered with knowledge but also fired with compassion for endometriosis.

  • Amy stein - 8 years ago

    More people need to know about endometriosis and the best ways/options for treatment! Vote for Endo What!?

  • P Hawkins - 8 years ago

    Endometriosis....the women's health issue nobody want to talk about.

  • Menno Visser - 8 years ago

    Robyn and Michael make comic movies from the heart. I know these buddies for almost twenty years now. The way they fund their dreams is a lesson for everyone: Follow your dreams, and your dreams will come true. Really! That's why I can't wait to see MR. RUDOLPHO!

  • Jennifer - 8 years ago

    Endometrosis is a disease that many health professionals and family members have not heard of or do not recongnize as a health crisis that over 176 million women (1 in 10 women) suffer from and there is no CURE and the treatments SUCK!! Some of the symptoms of this disease include chronic pelvic and widespread pain infertility digestion issues autoimmune issues and many other health issues. Please vote for Endo What a film documenting and bringing awareness to Endo (short for endometrosis) a misunderstood disease effecting so many women in society. Education leading to the support of women suffering this incurrable often mistreated and undiagnosed disease is needed.

  • Marcie - 8 years ago

    Can't wait to see the next Bright Blue Gorilla installment: "Mr. Rudolpho's Jubilee"! Robyn and Michael put so much love and joy into their projects - you can't help but smile when watching their films!

  • Ton - 8 years ago

    As a Dutch artist I had the pleasure meeting these gorillas :-), hearing them perform and watching one of their movies, all at the same night ! It was great.
    Now I'm very very very confident that Mr. Rudolf's Jubilee will be just as entertaining and worthwhile as what I saw and heard that evening...

  • Lance - 8 years ago

    My girlfriend suffers from endometriosis and most dr's haven't even heard of it even though I have read it is as common as diabetes. So many women around the world suffer from this and it's shocking most people haven't even heard of this and can't get treatment for it. There needs to be more awareness about this disease. ENDO WHAT?, will be incredibly important film and can help a lot of people.

  • Max Alvarez - 8 years ago

    I had the luxury of reading the shooting script for MR. RUDOLPHO and found it absolutely delightful and engaging from start to finish. With Robyn and Michael at the helm, this is going to be another Bright Blue Gorilla triumph -- and an epic one at that. Can't wait to see the finished feature!

  • Jolene Rheault - 8 years ago

    While the other projects are great, endo what? addresses the subject of endometriosis. A chronic pain disease with no cure and decreasing funding. This is something we can all get behind as it is likely that everyone has met someone with endometriosis! 1 in 10 women have this disease. Too common to not have a cure!

  • Jolene Rheault - 8 years ago

    While the other projects are great, endo what? addresses the subject of endometriosis. A chronic pain disease with no cure and decreasing funding. This is something we can all get behind as it is likely that everyone has met someone with endometriosis! 1 in 10 women have this disease. Too common to not have a cure!

  • brendan - 8 years ago

    need more awareness onthe subject of endo,pain is pain

  • Antoni Matteo Garcia - 8 years ago

    Working with Robyn and Michael was one of the wonderful experience as an actor. Sure I was an extra in this film, but what more can I say, I am very pleased and blessed to work with them!

  • Eileen - 8 years ago

    This is a must see for 2016! Robyn and Michael's film will blow you away with a cast of characters like no other! I am ready to see "Mr Rudolpho's Jubilee!"

  • Robyn and Michael are such amazing people. Their lives are a movie I'd like to see one day too! Mr.Rudolf's Jubilee looks funny and beautiful, I can't wait to see it!!!!--Keep sharing your bananas!

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