What is your stance on President Barack Obama's gun control plan?


  • Bill Thornburg - 8 years ago

    History repeats itself over and time again by people who are easily placed under false illusions and end-up making wrong decisions to resolve their fears. There is no history where liberty has been attained or maintained without the utilization of force. It requires little understanding and thought processes to see that disarmed or marked (registered gun) individuals cannot help prevent disasters like those of recent or more specifically, the Virginia Tech incident. In reviewing the Virginia Tech situation, it appears that the “professionally trained” defenders of life were behind trees outside of the building where the mass slaughter was being carried out. The professionally trained armed defenders were at risk of getting frost-bite from the ice falling on their heads; where the poor students were at risk of getting wounded or killed and many were. Criminals always find instruments/weapons to hurt innocent people. Why would we not consider making more guns available to counter criminal minds. Yes, we cannot cover all bases, but personal defense is important in those first five to ten killing minutes. Government leaders usually have guards around them and their loved ones. The majority of individuals do not have professionals standing at the ready. Thank you for not being a victim and defend yourself until the professionals arrive.

  • Bob Roznowski - 8 years ago

    There are already laws on the book doing background checks and such. Any law abiding citizen has no problem going through the process. And I believe it should be a thorought check. And if you are a public citizen, wanting to sell guns, maybe this should only be done through registered dealers, as so a background check is completed. If the idiots in office would enforce those laws, and all the others written, then it would deter criminals. Quit making punishments like going to a spa vacation. You do the crime, you do the time. And make the time hard time. That to just might help stop criminals. Just my 2 cents.

  • Eric Anderson - 8 years ago

    Those that want to be heard the most, the most vocal sympathizers with that dude occupying the White House are the very ones ignorant to what is currently in place and have probably never purchased a gun LEGALLY! There are already background checks in place, as well as the gun being purchased is registered. Hell, they even give a spent casing with your newly, legally purchased firearm for the forensic experts in the event your weapon is used in the commission of a crime.

  • Patricia Hoy MacKenzie - 8 years ago

    The Founding Fathers who crafted our government created three branches of government for a reason, so that none would have exclusive power; Obama has ignored that and has created a dictatorship. He doesn't want to work with the Legislature or compromise. Criminals are always going to be able to get weapons. Hand guns can be created with a 3-D Printer. I'm sure a large 3-D printer would be able to craft larger guns. Is Obama going to outlaw 3-D Printers or require background checks to purchase a 3-D Printer? The American people need to wise up and stop electing idiots and bozos. The WILL OF THE PEOPLE - the Majority of the People needs to be adhered to, not the will of one man.

  • Susan VDB - 8 years ago

    The 2nd Amendment was never created to let every Tom Dick and Harry have a gun. It was to allow for a well regulated (notice regulated) Militia to protect from enemies foreign and domestic. What Obama has done is to strengthen laws and close loopholes that allow people who should not have access to weapons to buy them openly. Yes, criminals will get guns (and unlicensed drivers will operate vehicles) but that is another discussion. If you can only sell your guns through licensed vendors who do the legally required background check MAYBE one person won't be able to get a gun that will kill anyone.

  • Concerned Citizen of the Commonwealth - 8 years ago

    Extensive background checks are currently in place. If you have never purchased a gun, obviously you would not know this. It's already against the law for drug dealers, abusers and traffickers to possess or purchase firearms so that whole statement is a lie. These are baby steps of a scared but determined and intelligent liberal party to erode the second amendment of the United States Constitution. It is about money! They want to have you, as an individual, pay another fee (tax) for a background check before you sell or give a firearm you've had your whole life to your brother, sister or other family member you've known your whole life; and know them to not be a threat to society. Wake up society, let them have an inch, they will take a mile. Again, I reiterate, no gun control law has ever been shown to save any lives... ever. Please research this yourselves. On the flip side, good guys with guns have saved many lives from the ruthless hands of bad guys. Don't be weak, be strong, take pride in your constitution and stand strongly by the bill of rights. Be wise to the wolves in sheep's wool.

    Terrorist and thugs will have guns regardless of what laws are in place to use against an unarmed society... ask yourself, Will I have my gun when I need it? Remember, this President is trying to make laws to prevent people who already don't follow laws from obtaining firearms...please think about this the next time you go to vote.

  • Tracy - 8 years ago

    Where was all that emotion when San Bernadino happened or Paris? Everyone cannot think violent offenders get their guns legally. Really. There are drug laws and no drugs on the street right?

  • Barbara Massie - 8 years ago

    There should be a background check and all guns should be registered so when a weapon is stolen then it can be tracked.
    Everyone in America can own a weapon but having a background check s crucial.

  • Barbara Massie - 8 years ago

    There should be a background check and all guns should be registered so when a weapon is stolen then it can be tracked.
    Everyone in America can own a weapon but having a background is crucial.

  • Earl Layell - 8 years ago

    I do not see why having a background is wrong. If a republican said there should be a background check, you would not have know where near the number of people disagree but a republican would never say this because they are getting paid by the NRA. It is about money not lives and you do not believe that you are in self denial

  • RayT - 8 years ago

    I think it great. But not enough. All guns should be register yearly just like automobiles are with finds for not reporting or having that registration or weapon. We have the technology.

  • Brenda Kahmeyer - 8 years ago

    Maybe President Obama should look into the number of criminals he's turned lose from the prisons while he's been in office. He wants to control the guns the general public has to provide for the safety of their families or themselves yet he thinks nothing of releasing hardened criminals back into the public. Can't blame Bush or Congress Republicans for that one!

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