Do you support religious exemptions for vaccines?


  • Jm - 8 years ago

    The doctor in the peace talks about the outbreak of measles in California funny she talks about that 130 some odd people got measles they're all fine and naturally immune now 77 of the people that got the measles were vaccinated and 55 were not that means more people got measles that were vaccinated then we're not. Furthermore she talks about pertussis as being a problem there are numerous studies done by Penn State and the STA that show the vaccinated are asymptomatic carriers of the protective disease and are spreading it because they don't know they have it whereas kids who have it are being quarantined. The misinformation being spread by physicians is insane the Lehman's seem to have a better grasp on this topic than actual physicians but remember they are not immunologist or biologist they are simply general practice doctors who are paid very kindly for having high immunization rates within their practice. There is an article on Helio which is a source for doctors and it talks about how much money they make for having everyone vaccinated. We've gone from 5 vaccines 256 we are the most vaccinated country in the in the world the National vaccine Compensation Act of 1986 is proof in the pudding that the reason we raised the amount of vaccines required is nothing but a cash grab. At the end of the day we must remember that two-thirds of Americans are adults 2/3 of Americans have not had vaccines for over 10 years those vaccines Wayne most of Americans are not vaccinated yet we are not swimming in disease this is because of better nutrition quarantine programs and the end of things like the Great Depression where people had no food or nutrition. In countries that are similar to this condition of the United States during the Great Depression there's still disease can you see what I'm saying.

  • Barbara - 8 years ago

    The doctor in the article is speaking incorrectly. She stayed that there are very few religions that dismiss vaccines across the board. But all individuals are entitled to their religious belief. This is not wrapped into a tidy little denomination. When she is able to tell me what I should believe, as a religious person, our freedoms are dead. I believe that God made our bodies AND our immune systems He does not need the assistance of the medicinal community to force my body to use their immune system DRUGS! Most of these DRUGS contain aborted fetal cells, DNA and proteins! I refuse to get an injection that contains another person's DNA, especially when they did not consent. Abortion ends another person's life. Without their consent. It is wrong for all people who believe God created each unique person.

    Is it any wonder that many of the problems with vaccines causing health problems are connected to the aborted tissue? Essentially, it is tissue donation without regard to the permission of the person donating, and no blood typing is done, no tissue rejection study - before or after - is completed! There is risk. When there is risk - there must be choice. "Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights
    Article 6—Consent

    1. Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be express and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice.

    — The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), October 2005

  • Christina - 8 years ago

    Some vaccines are made from aborted babies and contain human products, just FYI for my fellow Christ followers.

  • Doug - 8 years ago

    Quarantine is the answer for serious communicable diseases. The recent Ebola epidemic of West Africa provides a good example of quarantine's effectiveness.

  • kathy - 8 years ago

    Parents should have the religious freedom of choice for their children. Keep government out of religion.

  • kathy - 8 years ago

    Parents should have the religious freedom of choice for their children. Keep government out of religion.

  • kathy - 8 years ago

    Parents should have the religious freedom of choice for their children. Keep government out of religion.

  • Nathan - 8 years ago

    Yes we should be allowed to make our OWN decisions for EVERY medical decision for our selves and our kids. We are planning on moving to Va come summer so guess need to keep track of this tyrannical scheme. Pass it and well there goes us moving there.

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