Who do you think won the Fox News Google Republican debate?


  • Robert Davis - 8 years ago

    It is time to vote for someone who will unravel this government that intrudes into every aspect of our lives, that drags us into wars without thought of their consequences, that makes foreign commitments that ruin our economy and is making dependent zombies out of much of our population. That person is RAND PAUL.

  • Mildred Risolo - 8 years ago

    My prefernce would be a gov. Chris C. Is who you need now a tough outspoken man with a background in federal governent as DA plus gov. of NJ how did we win the 2nd WW remember FR he also was gov. of NY John K for Vice Pres. would be a perfect pick did anyone hear him speak about how too fixi the economy and work with each side that's politics

  • Mildred Risolo - 8 years ago

    My prefernce would be a gov.

  • John - 8 years ago

    Rand Paul

  • P.Testa - 8 years ago

    Only one candidate on the stage mentioned pre
    serving and protecting the constitution, and bill of rights liberties from the steady erosion that has taken place over past administrations, and that person is Rand Paul. Personally, I believe we need a defender to get us back to what makes us a truly great nation: our constitution, our freedoms and individual rights, which enable Americans to unleash their creativity and entrepreneurial aspirations when they are free from the oppressive weight of the bloated monster our government has become. Rand Paul is the man to lead us in the right direction: freedom and progress.

  • matt henry - 8 years ago

    Ted Cruz for president for Vice President Glenn Beck

  • matt henry - 8 years ago

    Ted Cruz for president for Vice President Glenn Beck

  • Louie - 8 years ago

    Rand paul is by far the best candidate. He is a true constitutionalist and stands for the bill of rights. I don't quit understand what America does not see in him and his message of freedom. This country has forgotten it's roots and foundations, let alone it's principles. If only people in this country open there eyes and return to the individual and not the soul collectivism of the establishment, only then will we ever se this country return to what the founders intended it to be. I swore an oth the protect and defend the constitution. I will die doing that. It light of Rand Paul, my hat goes off to him and may my vote be a light in his becoming president. God bless America and all the nation's in the world!!

  • Bondcos - 8 years ago

    Chris Christie is an insufferable blowhard and barefaced liar. As a former long suffering Jersey resident, I am aware of the truth. The state is possibly in worse financial condition than any other in the nation. He blames his predecessor but he has done nothing but make it worse. So much money is fleeing the state that an exit tax was imposed on anyone trying to escape so their pockets could be picked one last time. I am nauseated having to listen to him lie about the wonderful things he did for the state. As for Bridgegate, not only was he aware of it, he ordered it.

  • Kurt Felsch - 8 years ago

    It's not that complicated.
    All you have to do is follow the Constitution and respect the Bill of Rights to keep and/or make America great again.

    RAND PAUL 2016 @ randpaul.com

  • Denise B. - 8 years ago

    Rand Paul is by FAR the best candidate running! He is well educated, honest and is the only person running who will actually keep his oath of office, put forth a plan to balance the budget in 5 years ending with a surplus, has common sense foreign policy positions (like not arming our enemies) and has and will continue to fight for the civil rights of ALL Americans! He would be the best president this country has seen in decades, if not more, and if America blows this opportunity to get this one man who will truly work his butt off to get this country back on track; well, then we will get what we deserve. More of the same and a country heading off a cliff! We are &22,000,000,000,000 (that's trillion) in debt and counting and Rand is the ONLY person who even talks about this huge problem and has a plan to solve it. America will never become great again from Bankruptcy Court. Rand Paul 2016!

  • Ann - 8 years ago

    Dr. Carson won just by being there and gentlemanly accepting the disrespect shown him by the moderators!!

  • Bilbo - 8 years ago

    The only person on stage talking about the Constitution is Rand Paul. We don't need any new great ideas. We already have a great idea. It's called the US Constitution. All we have to do is follow it. It's the law of the land. It's what generations have fought to protect and preserve. Many smart people spent years working on it and they got it right. Return liberty back to the people. Trump is just looking for followers. He's not that smart. He's just playing the American people and he has the real potential to be our own version of Der Fuhrer. Dangerous dangerous man.

  • Jason - 8 years ago

    Oh poor Donna sweety you need to lay of the bible thumping war drums bullsheet, you honestly sound like a typical moron yet clearly think of yourself as brilliant yet when you are over 40 and yes sweetie it is obvious that you aren't but by then you'll be disappointed and disqusted with your previous incarnation as a young hormone laden hot head who would blow up the world today hoping for peace tommorow, how bout we build our own selves up and worry about war If we are attacked , or better yet you go get on the front line ok war monger Jesus claimer with NO real relationship with Jesus whatsoever, it's obvious from the war cries and howls sweetie you've confused self righteous indignation and hormonal rage from your flustered sex life confusing it with feelings for whatever the "fight of the day is" confusing puffiness with godliness, how bout you actually read the bible and also actually read what your guy Carson plans to do first day in office and that is stated to declare official WAR. Got it yet? Did you hear his ridiculous statement that the pyramids are grain storage, lol wow sorry RAND Paul is by FAR the better man .

  • Jason - 8 years ago

    Um excuse me "Evangeline" r u daft? Rand Paul is by FAR the better choice, Ben Carson has already stated that he'll declare war his first day in office , it's right in his campaign emails look for yourself do You even know anything about the canidates or just enough about the 1 you choose without careful review of that 1 or ANY of the other candidates. Research ok princess don't just decide quickly not only that but become educated about the real issues of social breakdown not brainwashed by non critical thinking convinced you've really thought it out when there are many things that can make a really good man like Carson do the absolute wrong worst thing possible and that is send Our boys and girls to die in the Middle East when ALL we should be worrying about in our present bankrupt situation is our Damm selves and our home land , let Arab boots hit the ground not American boots! So sick of God Damm war, aren't you?

  • Danacb - 8 years ago

    Most of them did well. However I think Rand Paul came out on top and strong.! Donald Trump is an ignorant, loud, clown! America is already great!

  • Evangeline - 8 years ago

    Ever since the start, it is frustrating that you are selective with who you want the public to hear. You have not been fair with Dr. Carson. Fox is undermining Dr. Carson ability to speak. Of all candidates, he is the only one who has character and has the purest motive of running. Is America asking for another Obama? America is really sick, you really need a doctor and that is Dr. Carson who has a brain.

  • Robert - 8 years ago

    As Republican nominee, Trump would be Hillary's worst nightmare after the FBI. I like the look of fear in many reporters' eyes when they interview Trump because they know they're up against a very intelligent person who can embarass them quickly if they are not careful and accurate in their interview.

  • Donna - 8 years ago

    If the American just would have had a chance to hear more from Dr. Carson, they would see just how brilliant of a man he is! But every debate thus far, has practically ignored him. The time allotted to each question is so over the top, and then of course, we have to have a rebuttal, so they go at it again, allowing them to monopolize the debate. Of course, after that is over, guess who gets the next question...CRUZ or RUBIO. Dr. Carson went to the mid-east and talked with the refugees to find out what they wanted...it WAS NOT TO COME TO THE USA...they wanted to go back to their homeland! But our administration and OB still insists they come here! How many of you have actually heard the interviews Dr. Carson had with the refugees, the leaders etc.? Did you read his TAX PLAN...Steve Forbes called it the most excellent one yet! But did the media report that? NO What about healthcare? Who would know more about health care than a neurosurgeon who has operated on 18,000 children who had brain damage, co-joined, cancer..etc. He even operated on babies in the mother's womb..who better to fight PLANNED PARENTHOOD and ROE vs WADE. Do you hear him talk about ME ME ME or I I I ...it is we the people!!! He would like a wall built, but it isn't him that will do it, it will be him and us, the people! He will surround himself with the best qualified people of any given situation...they will discuss, and make the best decision on the solution. It won't be him and his phone and pen!!! Yes, it will be his final decision, but it might not be the one he thought would work best...HE LISTENS!!! No one person has all the answers to life's problems or the world's for that matter....but when you have someone who will gather the best around him, I think you can say , that most always, they will come up with the right answer! And for those of us who believe that there is a GOD who has watched over this country, has blessed us beyond deserving, and gave us doctors, lawyers that are brilliant in their field, jobs that allow us to buy our homes, send our children to college, and enjoy this country....this man is a GOD LOVING MAN...who believes that JESUS CHRIST is GOD's only begotten Son, died for our sins on the Cross and arose...and coming again! THAT is the TYPE OF MAN he would be as our PRESIDENT! We could say MERRY CHRISTMAS, we could pray in our homes, resturants, and schools! We could once again be a nation that is morally good, a nation that will inspire our young men and women, a nation that has the most powerful MILITARY in the world! A nation , under GOD, whose dreams of all can come true. VOTE for Dr. Ben Carson...or visit his page and read his interviews with various people, listen to his speeches he gives to our young college kids, or the poor black or white family that lives in the getto. Thanks for reading this.... GOD BLESS AMERICA!

  • Scott - 8 years ago

    Ben Carson for President, and Rand Paul for vice president! Although Trump wins headlines, speaking without a filter would be problematic or even disastrous for the country. Ben Carson came from poverty to being chief of neurosurgery at John's Hopkins. He is clearly talented, and measured with his words. Rand Paul is a true fiscal conservative who would work to get us out of the financial mess we are in due to excessive debt and excessive money printing! Both of these men are honest and want what is best for the country more than they want to be president!

  • bingoat - 8 years ago

    Jeb Bush for president Marco Rubio should not be president

  • Roni - 8 years ago

    Fox mistreated Dr. Carson every debate. Dr. Carson is a good speaker if they would be "fair and balanced" with him. Unlike that fake haired blowfish, you will never hear Dr. CARSON complain. I believe in Ben Carson, his values and his integrity. He will make a wonderful president. WinBenwin 2016. Was nice to have an adult debate without the crybaby rump there. I don't believe for a minute he collected 6mil. for Vets. He don't like vets.ist have a guilt trip. Read about all the near things he said and did to th on 5th ave in NYC. He makes my blood boil. Would never vote for him...just another Obama.-

  • Roni - 8 years ago

    Fox mistreated Dr. Carson every debate. Dr. Carson is a good speaker if they would be "fair and balanced" with him. Unlike that fake haired blowfish, you will never hear Dr. CARSON complain. I believe in Ben Carson, his values and his integrity. He will make a wonderful president. WinBenwin 2016. Was nice to have an adult debate without the crybaby rump there. I don't believe for a minute he collected 6mil. for Vets. He don't like vets.ist have a guilt trip. Read about all the near things he said and did to th on 5th ave in NYC. He makes my blood boil. Would never vote for him...just another Obama.-

  • matt henry - 8 years ago

    Marco Rubio for president Jeb Bush should not be president

  • Darryl - 8 years ago

    I can't believe you all actually think Trump cares. He cannot hold up to a debate. He simply doesn't understand how it works. Not to mention the lifelong support and friendship he gives the Clinton's.... Rand Paul is POTUS

  • matt henry - 8 years ago

    Marco Rubio for president

  • Robert - 8 years ago

    Trump won this debate LOL! He is a brilliant tactician, and I want his cleverness in the Oval Office for the benefit of us all. I can't wait for Trump to go against the Democrat nominee. Did you see how he counter punched Hillary so hard after she attacked him for being "sexist" that she shut right up? Do you see how Trump takes control of biased media reporters and doesn't let them get away with misrepresentations? The media has met their match in Donald Trump. It is very refreshing, like opening a bottle of champagne, to see the media's biased butt kicked for once, thank you Donald!

  • Jes Byrnes - 8 years ago

    Trump, Trump & Trump

  • Jes Byrnes - 8 years ago

    Once again Christie avoided his previous support for gun control and flip-flopping to being a 2nd Amendment supporter. When will the media challenge his fat ass???

  • Tou Parish - 8 years ago

    Thanks to Trump, the US Veteran won tonight to the tune of $6M.

  • Bruce1950 - 8 years ago

    I think they all lost the debate, they are all losers and Donald Trump is the winner!

  • Zachary - 8 years ago

    Kasich - I think he's better suited for the state level. Doesn't seem to have the ability to rally people like a president should.

    Cruz - Claims strong conservative values... But doesn't seem genuine from my personal perspective and I don't think he could beat the Democratic nominee.

    Rubio - Interesting candidate across the board. I would like to see him speak with the same comfort he does in one on one interviews.

    Bush - Did okay... But his name nails the coffin in my eyes. Generally, I don't think he has much of a shot, nor did he from the start.

    Christie - Comes off stern in the realm of politics. Speeches elude to the actions he will take both foreign and domestic if elected. I think he won the debate tonight. Definitely won over more Republican voters.

    Paul - My personal vote. To me, his reasoning is second to none. He is, literally, the most constitutionally conservative candidate in the race. He is, without a doubt, looking to give the power back to the citizens of America. Ultimately, too many working Americans are sick and tired of being sucked bone dry of everything they've worked for and too many Americans are jobless due to the economy which starts with the debt... He is hell bent on balancing that budget.

    Carson - Much like Kasich, too soft spoken. True to American values, great man and doctor but I'm not so sure he's cut out for the oval office. Haven't given up on him, I'm just looking for him to prove more on stage.

    Trump - His intolerance will never earn the vote of anybody but a bunch of clowns. WW3 implied all in his words and actions. What f****** "leader" mocks someone who is disabled? Or mocks anyone for that matter? He lacks discipline... In that aspect, even Obama is on a higher level of maturity. Ridiculous that this man is carrying any legitimacy in the race.

  • Annette Doelle - 8 years ago

    Once again, Dr. Carson was grazed over. What did he get? Three or four questions? Fox is right there along with CNN and the rest. Done with these so called "debates".

  • Zuma - 8 years ago

    Trump is the winner

  • Luann Brown - 8 years ago

    I have been watching every Republican and Democratic debate ever since they have begun, being an undecided voter. Tonight's Republican debate was the best Republican debate I've seen. (It helped to not have an angry clown present) I was quite impressed with Rand Paul. He behaved Presidential. His intelligent answers and presence displayed someone who I would be proud to call our President. He wasn't trying to out perform others, but rather addressed the issues asked instead of being sure he got out prepared soundbites.

  • Shane - 8 years ago

    23 of 27 #GOPDebate focus groupers tonight say @MarcoRubio won the debate.

  • JP Gravitt - 8 years ago

    Rand Paul for the win!!! He's the only candidate who's actually consistent, actually WANTS liberty and conservative governing and has truly conservative fiscal policies. He's a great guy. I'm behind Rand Paul ALL the way!!

  • Keith - 8 years ago

    At least we got to hear from all, we know the Orange headed clown was just going to talk about poll #s besides we have along ways to go,i wish all my fellow Americans a goodnight.

  • Tim - 8 years ago

    I checked the results just to confirm the media bias of people bashing Trump to win the nomination. Fox news is a joke, CNN is a joke, MSNBC a joke, my neighbors are a joke too, who else, probably a few of these commentators pretending to be shmoes but in reality are joke Jeb operatives. What else is there to say? This party needs to quit complaining and shape up. Everyone has some type of talent they can harness to succeed. They just need to believe without feeling like they aren't included in the American Dream. Trump believes, Trump wants this country to be great, and yes I think we all want to be proud of this country too!

  • Richard Mayo - 8 years ago

    The best part of the debate is the fact Donald Trump was not there. Give Dr. Ben Carson more time. Best debate so far. Nice to hear candidate views without all the (Trump-et) noise and nonsense. Marco Rubio by far won this debate, Christie was great as always, Ted Cruz just talked on and on as always

  • Fred Furrer - 8 years ago

    I think the men who debated tonight seemed to equalize themselves which made Trump the winner.

  • davidwiliams - 8 years ago

    Write in vote: Donald Trump, from 5 minutes away.

  • Cindy Green - 8 years ago

    I am enjoying this debate. I have changed by thinking on Donald Trump. I am concerned if he feels he will not be treated by the people asking questions, what will he do when world leaders confront him. Just because it didn't go his way, you can't back down. Granted he raised money for vets but that seems as though it was ploy to get attention. Many vets stated they declined his support.

  • M Carter - 8 years ago

    Rubio is not bad Shane but he is just another slick politician.
    He also comes across as a puppy. No more big donors, no
    more sacrificing our economy over moral tug of wars.
    Make America Great Again.... Vote for Trump!!!

  • Johnny - 8 years ago

    Rubio needs to stop eating crayons and pooping his pants to play with the big boys.

  • Bill Kalles - 8 years ago

    Every candidate is for doing nothing to balance the budget, just continue kicking the can down the road letting future generations clean up the mess except for Rand Paul.
    I hate it that the GOP acts like the party of Lyndon Johnson. Rand Paul is like the conservative 50 to 70 years ago, not the NeoCons of today.

  • Roman knowles - 8 years ago

    The only reason Rand shows more votes than anyone else is because there is no spot to vote for trump. Therefore everyone picked Rand and used it as their trump vote.

  • Shane - 8 years ago


  • Ricky nelson - 8 years ago


  • Jim danger - 8 years ago

    TRUMP WON this boring debate.

  • M Carter - 8 years ago

    #Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump

  • Shane - 8 years ago


  • Keith - 8 years ago

    I am going to leave the stage,really Ted.wish you would have.

  • tammie picton - 8 years ago

    Trump -president
    Carson -HHS
    Fiorina- white house spokesperson
    Judge Jeanine Pirro Att. Gen.
    Allen West secretary of defense
    Ted Cruz - supreme court justice
    John Bolton secretary of state

  • Shane - 8 years ago

    Trump and Cruz cannot beat Clinton, Rubio can!

  • Shane - 8 years ago

    @Jonathan, because Paul has a bunch of online voters like his dad did. They are good people, but Marco Rubio is the obvious choice here!

  • M Carter - 8 years ago

    Sorry, I was too busy watching Trump earn over 6 Million Dollars for the Vets.
    Trump is going to be the greatest Job Creation President in history. To be honest
    I like Cruz. I am Christian, Pro-Life, Anti Gay Marriage, but most importantly...
    OF IT! Make America Great Again, vote for TRUMP!!!

  • Jonathan - 8 years ago

    Why are the candidates not listed in the order of support?

  • PK - 8 years ago

    Chris Christie won this debate!

  • William - 8 years ago

    I wish that the questions were evenly divided, would have liked to heard more from Kasich and Carson. Both seem more thinkers first then speakers.

  • M Peterson - 8 years ago

    How does Kasich get to be heard? He is rarely asked a question. I have been an Iowan for 49 years and have lived in Ohio for 2 years now and the economy is great and there are jobs galore. I have been impressed! I'm for Kasich! Actions speak louder than words.

  • M Peterson - 8 years ago

    How does Kasich get to be heard? He is rarely asked a question. I have been an Iowan for 49 years and have lived in Ohio for 2 years now and the economy is great and there are jobs galore. I have been impressed! I'm for Kasich! Actions speak louder than words.

  • M Peterson - 8 years ago

    How does Kasich get to be heard? He is rarely asked a question. I have been an Iowan for 49 years and have lived in Ohio for 2 years now and the economy is great and there are jobs galore. I have been impressed! I'm for Kasich! Actions speak louder than words.

  • Heather McDougall - 8 years ago

    Rand Paul has a tax plan, a plan to break the chains on our small business owners and a path back to freedom.

  • Mike Hannigan - 8 years ago

    Rand paul is the only one that will fix the mess we are in. Cruz and rubio will take us back to war

  • Sarah - 8 years ago

    Nice to hear candidate views without all the (Trump-et) noise and nonsense. Carson was not fairly covered. Paul did the best.

  • Anna - 8 years ago

    I love how the Republican candidates are ready to go up against Clinton. Sorry Bernie, apparently Clinton already won the democratic nomination.

  • S M - 8 years ago

    Trump won. Right on the issues and I can't stand Ted "McCarthy" Cruz.

  • Phyllis Giacalone - 8 years ago

    Did not watch much of the debate, ( I'm sick) but what I did see, Cruz was good, and Christie sounded like a winner. I am a Trump supporter and he was the clear winner by not being there. I like that they attacked Hillary Clinton.

  • D Smith - 8 years ago

    Refreshing! Great to not have the Donald - We actually got to hear the real electable candidates views!!! FOX NEWS is the best - so glad to have journalistic integrity!

  • linda portell - 8 years ago

    Why were the moderators ignoring Kasich? He was only asked a question about one out of every three question rounds.

  • Mike Holbrook - 8 years ago

    Best debate so far. Moderators are all stars. Great job. Did not miss Trump at all. Hats off to Fox.

  • Keith - 8 years ago

    BUSH IS PRESIDENTIAL,claim Kool and. Collective,all other canadites use his words.listing and see for yourself S, GOD BLESS AMERICA

  • Lisa Maries - 8 years ago

    So glad D. T. Not there. Rubio and Christie have been great. It's quite obvious though that Rand Paul has planted followers who cheer for him NO matter what he says, so it sounds like he is winning, even though he is not in my opinion.

  • Charlie - 8 years ago

    I wish they would engage Kasich more

  • David S - 8 years ago

    Where is Carson?? Fox is not fair. Tut Tut!!

  • Pat - 8 years ago

    Why have you not asked Carson the same amount of questions and given him the same amount of time? Not all of them has been given equality of time.

  • Michelle - 8 years ago

    I think this is a great debate for serious people. Cruz did very well as did Rubio and Christie. Glad Trump is not here....because FINALLY we can really get into details.

  • Linda - 8 years ago

    I may not always agree with Rand Paul, but I think he is coming off extremely strong in this debate.

  • S Cott - 8 years ago

    Good debate. Refreshing. Well moderated. This is what a debate sould be like...about the issues sprinkled with a little clean humor sprinkled in.
    Bush and Kasich have good, successful experience as governers and seem to be level headed.

  • Joyce Bradford - 8 years ago

    Christie is the only one who is not from inside the government of Washington, who knows how to lead and has the "B's" to take on the Democrat Nominee, who most likely will be Hillary Clinton.

  • Sheila - 8 years ago

    Ted Cruz has a proven record and an impeccable resume. We need an honest, faith based, physical conservative that will protect us, get our economy going, stop amnesty for illegal immigrants, protect our borders and get rid of Obama care. A person who will work for us the people. Ted Cruz is that person.

  • Leroy - 8 years ago

    Donald Trump was the big winner

  • Timothy Woodring - 8 years ago

    Give Ben more time.

  • B. Comfort - 8 years ago

    Why had Ben Carson been ignored most of the night? He has gotten a few questions while Ted Cruz just talks on and on and gets away with it!

  • Peggy evans - 8 years ago

    Even if Trump was not there he was the real winner. Megyn lost the chance to attack him and show how much she is truly a democrat.

  • Peggy evans - 8 years ago

    Even if Trump was not there he was the real winner. Megyn lost the chance to attack him and show how much she is truly a democrat.

  • Douglas Aubut - 8 years ago

    The candidates are nothing more than trying to save their butts. They are career politicians and that is what we don't want. We need to fire all these politicians and start anew. Remember the saying, "I work for the government and I am here to help you" Yeah, right. One of the greatest lies ever told.

    Doug Aubut

  • S murphy - 8 years ago

    Much better debate without D.T.

  • Ann Tallet - 8 years ago

    Actually Trump winning.

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