Which book should win Canada Reads?


  • Marianne L. Bond - 8 years ago

    I agree with comments posted by Minnie Smith - I felt that Farah over-reacted and created one of the few if only uncomfortable moments I've felt being a huge fan of Canada Reads. Thank you Bruce for making us all feel better in terms of how you responded to that ... and how you presented and defended a book you were clearly passionate about.

  • minnie smith - 8 years ago

    Shame on Farah. Being overly sensitive and extremely political is not the behavior needed on a program like Canada Reads. It's not a platform, but a healthy and enjoyable venue for a friendly and enjoyable debate. I see Bruce embodies what it means to be Canadian........apologizing even when none is necessary.

  • Yasmeen Tyyebi - 8 years ago

    What an amazing debate...!!!. This is what Canada is all about openness and democracy in every sphere of life...All five defendants were great in championing their books/causes. The younger generation is paying attention to this debate and it is very encouraging for Canadian literary atmosphere. We must laud CBC for staging such an intense literary show like "American Idol" only in this show the Idol is a great Canadian book.

  • Yasmeen Tyyebi - 8 years ago

    What an amazing debate...!!!. This is what Canada is all about openness and democracy in every sphere of life...All five defendants were great in championing their books/causes. The younger generation is paying attention to this debate and it is very encouraging for Canadian literary atmosphere. We must laud CBC for staging such an intense literary show like "American Idol" only in this show the Idol is a great Canadian book.

  • servanne woodward - 8 years ago

    I see there are more votes by readers for birdie, so how come a jury decides on the merits of books from personal group kinetics and talking at nauseam about who they are?

  • Kristine Dubois - 8 years ago

    I must be existing in an alternative book universe; Minister Without Portfolio is by far the most thoughtfully written and enjoyable read -- the setting grounds the reader and the characters are real, flawed with the starting over so understated it is terribly courageous. The supporting characters are truly us and it is so real how they simply accept Henry, Martha and the baby congregating at the house; people simply show up to help.I agree that it felt like the most real Canadian story; contrasting with the flimsy, predictable storytelling of all four of the other books; any high school student could have predicted each chapter and certainly the endings; the elements in Bone and Bread such as the chicken bone death, the India house awash in sewer, the geographical cure in Birdie and the shoot out at the end of the Illegal were laughable; born from television rather than literature. I'm a reader who gladly delves into The Goldfinch, The Luminaries and The Orenda -- and I'm very disappointed with the calibre of books in Canada Reads this year and the impression that it has become some type of debate over Canadian ethnicity rather than quality writing. If The Illegal wins, I won't ever use it as a source of book recommendations. For years, I've read every book in this debate and held friendly competitions amongst my book lover friends (and picked a few of the winners!), but CBC you've lost a fan.

  • Karen Clark - 8 years ago

    I have enjoyed the radio debates but agree with Kathryn above that Bruce was unfairly ambushed this morning, and accused of being "insensitive". I agreed with his comments from yesterday and I really felt that he was put on the spot by Farah. I have read all 5 books, beginning with "Birdie". I worried about her for a few weeks because I thought her existence was tenuous. I was sorry that it was voted off in spite of Bruce's very compassionate defense. The book that spoke most to me, and the one I loved, was "Minister Without Portfolio". A beautiful story of transformation, love & redemption. I will carry Henry with me for a long while. I was so disappointed that it was the one voted off first when other books with far less evidence of "Starting Over" remained. I was ambivalent about "Bone & Bread" and "The Illegal", which were both "good" stories but didn't make a big impact on me. The book I favored least, and which for me never did represent authentic transformation or the promise of new beginnings is "The Hero's Walk". I found the characters within this family to be cold, distant, stubborn and disconnected. The grandmother was actually cruel to everyone and no one ever called her on it. The saving grace is the activist son and his young orphaned niece, whose sad lot in life it is to have been cast in with this bunch. I do not believe that this is the book that ALL of Canada should read. Vinay is doing a great job as a staunch supporter of this story, but for all his claims that this is a "universally human" story, I have never come across such a situation and with such dismal characters. I suffered through 213 pages before encountering any kindness or compassion among the members of this family. I only persevered because I was fully committed to reading all the books prior to the debates. That leaves us with "The Illegal", which at least has the benefit of being timely and current, in view of the Syrian diaspora that the world is experiencing. Keita is a champion, morally as well as athletically, and I am infected with Clara's enthusiastic cheerleading not only of him but of all the marginalized people that surround him in solidarity. I think Bruce Poon Tip might have a very difficult decision ahead of him tomorrow. Adam & Clara will support the Illegal, and Vinay & Farah will continue to push for the Hero's Walk. Bruce may have to cast the deciding vote, and I hope he will follow his heart and go with what he believes is the best story for ALL of Canada to read.

  • Kathryn Holst - 8 years ago

    Farah's claim that Bruce had made insensitive comments and her request for him to apologize was completely unfounded. Bruce's comments have been thoughtful and respectful. It was Adam who needed to make an apology to all the panelists on the first day when Minister of Portfolio was voted off. He dismissed all of the other books with insensitive and offensive comments, stating that his book was the only book about a "real Canadian". Bruce seemed taken by surprise, as was I, by Farah's comments and kudos to him for offering a gracious apology when no apology was needed. Farah set a negative tone and Bruce got the debate back on track along with Clara and her positive comments.

  • NP Young - 8 years ago

    Regardless of the book we would choose and defend right to the final vote of Canada Reads 2016, I am hopeful that we all might agree to celebrate CBC's investment of money, promotion, and creativity in their production of this extraordinary program. What a gift to viewers and listeners here at home in Canada as well as those beyond our national borders choosing to become active listeners and consumers of works written by the fine authors whose works and whose names have justifiably earned our gratitude and respect!

  • tim rapsey - 8 years ago

    I was sorry to see Birdie go, though I haven't read it yet of the five, I sense it is one of the important books to read...and I can't wait to get my hands on it.
    I have a feeling it should have been in the final two...and I got the feeling Vinay voted strategically this time knowing that it was the strongest left against his Hero's Walk....which by the way of all the others which I have read, I have found the best in all categories to date...story, writing, relevance to the theme, and as Canadian a book as any in its being.
    I have appreciated Clara's passion and compelling points which have moved me a little...but not enough, to feel the Illegal belongs in the top two...Hero's walk still is my choice...at least until I have read Birdie.

    Just one thing I haven't liked about this year's Canada Reads...today I felt the background theme music to the readings from the novels was corny and theatrical and actually interfered with listening to the passages through the spoken voice.

  • Karen davidson - 8 years ago

    I was very disappointed with Adam Copeland's take on Minister Without Portfolio. I felt he did not get the feel of the character,Henry,or the profound supporting characters that Michael Winter surrounded Henry and led him to the path to Start Over. When a reader reads a novel set in Newfoundland,prepare yourself to become a "Newfoundlander". I love this place,called Newfounland,the people make you Start Over!

  • Jason Avramenko - 8 years ago

    I read all five books, and The Hero's Walk is indeed the best read. Beautifully written, elegant, brilliant characters. My least favourite book is Birdie. Not only is it overly complex and convoluted, but our main character is contradictory in statements and actions, the stories are not strong metaphors, and it does a poor job introducing the complex cycle of abuse that aboriginal women struggle with; this book is not accessible for most Canadians...so how does this help...seriously? Finally, Birdie is not a great message. Let me explain: Aboriginal people across Canada demand Truth and Reconciliation from the government that abused them for centuries -- they demanded and rightfully received an apology. This book introduces a woman abused for years, and it ends with this same woman receiving no apology, no recognition of the abuse, no truth from those responsible, and no reconciliation with the past. NO ONE in this book deals with the past. The whole book asks Bernice (our abused main character) to 'move on' and 'get over it' without any of those responsible ever recognizing their role in this cycle. In the end, Bernice goes back to the same men and women (her relatives) who were part of the cycle of abuse, and none of them are asked to make amends and or suggest ANY way to move forward positively. This book puts all the responsibility on the victim, and ignores the responsibilities of anyone else.

  • kathy Gallagher - 8 years ago

    I can't see the online chat with the Day 2 show? Oh Ihope that is still going to happen since it adds so much to ur experience

  • kathy Gallagher - 8 years ago

    I can't see the online chat with the Day 2 show? Oh Ihope that is still going to happen since it adds so much to ur experience

  • Janet Gasparini - 8 years ago

    I like Pauline was stunned at Adam Copeland's comments. An Aboriginal women in various places in the west and mixed heritage sisters in Montreal certainly are "truly Canadian". It is interesting that when people are stressed, angry, disappointed etc. they let their filters drop and words come out of their mouths that betray messages and images that we may have learned and believed at some time in our lives - but hopefully we have progressed beyond. I hope Adam recognizes the racism that his comment displayed and takes responsibility for it. Perhaps a more teachable moment than all of the valuable lessons learned in all of these great books. My choice is Birdie - it provided for me an understanding of the underpinnings of so many missing and murdered Aboriginal women (Birdie certainly could have been killed many times) and the opportunity for all of us to start over in terms of right relations with Indigenous people. Enjoying the program!

  • Pauline Peters - 8 years ago

    I was very disappointed in Adam Copeland's reaction to his loss today. While Minister Without Portfolio is a wonderful book it certainly isn't the "most Canadian" book of all the contenders. Mr. Copeland's comments about the other books after his loss showed extremely poor sportsmanship not to mention racism. A book about a white Canadian male is the "most Canadian" of all??? I don't recall Mr. Copeland's exact comments about the other books...Birdie is about a woman lying in her own waste while on a dreamquest..." something like that and equally insulting for all the other contenders. Mr. Copeland's expressed belief that a true "Canadian" novel is a story with a white man who loves hockey at its center is truly insulting, and yes, racist. I am disappointed. I have been a fan of Canada Reads for many years and the quality of defenders have almost always been fair minded, inclusive and intelligent. Shame on Adam Copeland and on the rest on the contenders, and the host, for not calling him on his remarks.

  • tim rapsey - 8 years ago

    I was so relieved that The Hero's Walk did not get eliminated today...Indeed I would have been shocked if it had been so...but one never knows in a competition where people sometimes vote strategically to get the best book out..
    I am glad Clara had the deciding voice and exercised it wisely. I think the right book was eliminated.
    I only managed to read 4 of the 5 books before the contest...Birdie had a long queue and I am in line...but of the four I did manage to read The Hero's Walk stood out most for me. Bone and Bread though was a close second...and a very different style of writing. While Hero's Walk presented wonderful images and a wonderful very human tableau before me and being written in the third person, I felt very engaged in all the characters, accompanying them in their thoughts and experiences and yet was left free. The writing itself was compassionate and lucid.
    Bone and Bread, also was well written...but felt more like I had met Beena in a laundromat or café or train station and she had struck up , not so much a conversation, but had conversationally began telling me ,a complete stranger, her life story...and I became the listener. She drew me in and I wanted to listen to the end...it was so well told...but yet about half way through I wished she would get to the crux of it because found myself, looking at my watch because I had to catch a train...but still I wanted to get to the end....It felt a bit like that.
    As for the Illegal I did actually find myself speed reading as the book wore on...I loved the beginning but though the refugee and Migrant are so topical and important an issue for us all...I was not convinced by the characters or plot themselves...I felt I have been more engaged in the real life stories and problems and pain and suffering of the real life situation than the book. The book reminded me of a David Baldacci fast paced thriller with which I got bored...I loved the premise...the runner...and the beginning til the father got killed...afterwards I felt its potential sadly stagnate.
    And I could not agree less that Minister Without Portfolio was the only truly Canadian Book because it was set in Canada. I am only half way with this book and while I appreciate Adam's very strong identification with the characters and the experience...so far I have not been able to do so myself....The book is a particular aspect, if very valid, of Canadian experience and theme...yet not by any means the only one .
    But this is about selecting a book on more than whether it is 'Canadian'...or the issue of the day...All the authors are Canadian and all the stories widen our perspectives on being Canadian and being Human..
    The theme is starting over...and that is a universal one.
    But lastly these are books...and so the writing must not be overlooked...As I say I have yet to read Birdie...and yet to finish Minister...but as to the writing itself...I have found Hero's Walk...and Bone and Bread, to date, to tell their stories and draw me in...the best.

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