Should Maine implement a five year limit on TANF benefits


  • the collector - 8 years ago

    Hey Jim Go away

  • Jim - 8 years ago

    well Answer I take my hat off to you . Not many people can say that . This day and age if people would get back into Church and do all the right things we would not even have TANF. You are old enough to remember when people got married and had a family, and if some one did get knocked up not being married they were shipped off somewhere and was very shameful. well its not like that anymore cause people do not have morals anymore. they took prayer out of school and replaced it with drugs, sex ,disrespect and the list goes on I am not judging anyone because I am a sinner just as much the next guy

  • The Answer - 8 years ago

    Jim, I am a 68 year old retired teach with 4 grown children. I have been married to the same women for 45 years. So I am nothing like you described. Just someone with a opinion

  • Jim - 8 years ago

    Did I hit a nerve? Are you a bastard? or are you one of those who knock up a women then leave her high and dry? Satan loves people like you ,you support gay marriage , abortion, and dope smoking I know this because you claim to be a DEMOCRAT and that's what they support. Answer I really bet your a good guy and maybe smart maybe too smart that is why you may think everything to death. Or maybe you just like to stir the pot

  • The Answer - 8 years ago

    Jim who we to say that people need to be married to have kids. That is their choice. If you are so religious, where does it say in the bible that we can use the word "sucks" ?

  • Doug - 8 years ago

    5 Months,

  • Jim - 8 years ago

    Well one reason we have this problem is no one wants to get married anymore . NO MORALS! We can just live together and have kids then there is no real commitment and now we deal with one parent bringing up a child or children . see now we have a bunch of bastards out there and its the child who really pays . Family is father mother then children. Some of these people who collect TANF are NOT married and have children with different men if that's what you want to call them . I think there should be a law where you have to be married to have kids and if caught committing adultery time in jail. Hey lets go back to Biblical ways starting with the 10 commandments and see good things happen. Satan SUCKS!!

  • The Answer - 8 years ago

    It is not right. These people have become accustom to living like this and now they may loose their tanf benefits. This isn't fair. These people are being treated unfairly. They deserve these benefits

  • ScottL - 8 years ago

    Yup, we should just cut the rope to the life raft that many Maine families are in. 'Cmon people, there's nothing on the other side of the equal sign!

  • the collector - 8 years ago

    I agree with The Answer . I think you should be able to collect until the age of 18 . 5 years is way to short and it just can not be done . The Governor we have now just making things harder for me . When I came here from Mass. 12 years ago things were a lot easier was not so much red tape.

  • The Answer - 8 years ago

    I love how you guys blame everything on the democrats. Guess what how about people take responsibility for their own actions? That's the big problem. No one holds anyone accountable anymore. We just keep loosing laws and regulations just because we are a Kindle country down. BS.

  • Reg. Guy - 8 years ago

    Rick you rock!!!!!!

  • Rick - 8 years ago

    I agree with Jim ,I also think the Governor we have now have taken steps to make things better , but 40 years of democrats that want to give away everything can not be fixed in 2 terms . Whats the saying give a fish and eat for a day teach to fish and eat for a lifetime .

  • Kandie - 8 years ago

    There is already a 60 month (5 yr) time limit . Questions like this imply otherwise. There are only certain people who meet the criteria for not having to be restricted to it . President Clinton created welfare reform while in office. Good cause was put in for various things so that states could apply for it if needed based on economy .

  • Brad - 8 years ago

    2 years max, if they don't have a job by then, or at lease are trying to help themselves out of the system, buy them a one way ticket to Massachusetts. or better yet send them over to the answer's house let him pay for them.

  • bruce - 8 years ago

    The system has been abused from generation to generation and the people we elect to serve us don't want to do anything about it because the ones abusing the system have voting power. Our state is in a sad position as the term "welfare" means a way of life for too many. There is no incentive to work when the state pays for everything for you.

  • Jim - 8 years ago

    I think the first thing should be done is drug testing and I mean a hair sample that can see how long ago any illegal drug that has been taking and I think cigarettes should be included. If they can afford to smoke they can afford food . Also need a pic ID and if caught selling anything that the state has handed out they should pay back double and then some . I know everyone is not dishonest but I know a lot of people who just make a living off the state .

  • joe - 8 years ago

    I think 10 years would be a better limit. In these hard times 5 years would go by too quickly. We need to help the children.

  • Scott - 8 years ago

    April, they are working. They are working on making kids and I think scratching tickets is work right? HAHA

  • Don Thomas - 8 years ago

    Looks like we're all pretty much in agreement. April ! you nailed it.
    I voted yes.

  • April - 8 years ago

    TANF.....the first letter in this acronym stands for Temporary. You should be able to get your life together in 5 years. My tax dollars should not have to support you for the rest of your life. We need to do like many other states do, you want help show us that you are working.

  • Don - 8 years ago

    You want to see who's on TANF? Just visit Walmart. Their the ones in their pajamas , shuffling along with with their freebee cards. Now I ask you! what can these people do for work? They never wanted to work in the first place ,and knew just enough about the system to latch on to it. That was their way out,all they had to do was keep having kids. It's a sorry predicament for sure.
    As far as the question goes. I vote yes ,and I might add it should be less maybe 3 years. Maybe there should be some kind of an institute to try and bring these people back into a working society.
    ps: The ones that want to work will find a job : The ones that are capable of work ,but don't want to should be put into a town run workforce like taking care of the roadsides,and parks.

  • The Answer - 8 years ago

    Why should we limit these benefits? These people are trying to raise kids and a family, They deserve our help and by limiting their benefits to 5 years is not right.

  • brian - 8 years ago

    I totally agree 3 years or less and they also need to volunteer in the town/city they live in, once they get on it they are career TANF people we need to put a stop to this, this is OUR tax dollars at work here, get them off the couch.

  • Just my Opinion - 8 years ago

    I agree it should be a shorter period of time , I think a year would be more realistic as if they can not get there live on track in that time then I doubt they ever will and most will find a way to continue to receive assistance from the state in one form or another. I also think that anyone who receives assistance should have to register to perform work fare services as a condition of such assistance

  • Scott - 8 years ago

    5 years? How about 3. This wasn't designed for people to make a career living off it. But most seem to make it that way.

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