Who Is New Jason Better With - Liz or Sam?


  • Nadia byk - 8 years ago

    No chemistry with Sam and jason

  • Sandy - 8 years ago

    Sam and Jason after all it has always BEEN them they had devotion and trust and real love and its got to be real because after all this thing with Jake thier was always a bond between Jake and sam ,,And let's face it how many men Liz has been with so far come on now I believe any man gives a little attention to Liz and she is like a fickeled school girl crush so id say

  • SUSAN - 8 years ago

    Jason/Elizabeth-yawn Jason/Sam-fire Put master manipulator Elizabeth with Franco. That can be her next gig.

  • Lillian aviles - 8 years ago

    I can't stand slutty/con artist Sam, always dressed in black. There's no dimension to her, and I just don't see any chemistry her and Jason. I think Jason should discover hidden feelings he has for Liz. Some people call Liz manipulative, what do you call a con artist like Sam!

  • Nicole - 8 years ago

    I think Jason has better chemistry with Liz...he seemed to truly love her. Sam and Jason feels forced....it seems like Jason is with her bc people tell him he's supposed to be. Plus we've already seen the Jason and Sam relationship, it's time to give Jason and Liz a chance. N since this is a new person playing Jason, he will never be exactly the same as before, so they shouldn't try to make him like the old Jason (it's more believable if they keep him a little different...diff face = diff personality). I also think Liz never forced him to be anything but what he truly wanted to be....she didn't stop him from doing what he wanted or being friends with who he wanted n she didn't keep telling him stories from his past (n technically she has known him longer than Sam). It feels like Sam is trying to make him be the way he was before....she might not say it, but her actions show that she wants him to be exactly the same. I also don't like how he is when he's with Sam...he's really changed since they started dating. He went from seeing both of his kids regularly to just seeing Danny, he use to avoid fights n now he's fighting all the time....he's not a good Jason when he's with Sam. It's time for him to forgive Liz (who only lied bc she was afraid to lose him) n get back together with her. There could be some good stories there, if only the writers would give them a chance. I am definitely over this Sam and Jason relationship (been there, done that), it's time for something new like Liz and Jason.

  • Sharon - 8 years ago

    Jason and Liz would have been a better story line than Sam/Jason. It doesn't feel right, look right or seen right with Sam. Sam character is sickening. Liz is human, make mistakes, love hard and will fight for her man.

  • Deborah Ceiner - 8 years ago

    Always has always will be flaws and all Sam and Jason! Without even realizing it Jason is more himself and at times even seems more at ease! He says and does little things that only Jason would do, whether as a fan you like it or not. I also believe we are going to see more of what Helena did and hello Franko is not the only one following him! At the end of the day Sam will always be the better choice. She's capable of handling things better than whinny Liz, who is also a major manipulator herself! There I've said my piece for what it's worth -after all it is a soap and things can change on a dime. But, if I had my way I'm a true blue Sam/Jason fan????

  • Donna - 8 years ago

    So much chemistry with Liz.....not with Sam....he really had a wonderful relationship that grew with Liz and the children sorry the writers did not go with it.....

  • Anne - 8 years ago

    Jake and Liz had better chemistry. He was more gentle and would have been a good husband and father for them despite the lie. But if her really loved her he would have forgiven her. Sam is kinda slutty jumping from one man to another and since he's been Jason trying to kill people. I don't like him now!! I see no point to him in the show except as a villain.

  • Anne - 8 years ago

    Just want to correct an error. Where did the word 'Jethro' come from. I meant been 'Jason

  • Anne - 8 years ago

    Jake and Liz had better chemistry. He was more gentle and would have been a good husband and father for them despite the lie. But if her really loved her he would have forgiven her. Sam is kinda slutty jumping from one man to another and since he's been with Jethro's trying to kill people. I don't like him now!! I see no point to him in the show except as a villain.

  • LaVerne - 8 years ago

    With Liz, Jason is a better man and father. With Sam he is not so good always ready to fight.

  • barb - 8 years ago

    Sam.Liz would never let Jason/Jake be himself. She alwaysctried to mold him into who she wanted him to be. She would always push yhe kids on him because she saw them as a family. Sam lets Jason be Jason. She puts no expectations on him. Danny is his son but Sam doesn't push it. Sam wants Jason to remember who and what he was on his own. She andweres him with the yruth. Yes Sam wants her Jason back flaws and all, but she wants him to get there on his own. Sam and Jason will always be together. Their love is the real thing.A love for the ages if you will. Jason and Liz were like Ozzie and Harriet. Get up got to work at a job he hates,take. takes care of the kids and comes when Liz calls. That is not Jason's life. One thing for sure is they better find out what Helena did to Jake all those tears she had him. He really needs deprogramed before he gets any older. Off of my soap box for now. Thanks for letting me share.

  • anna - 8 years ago

    this new jason has no depth. jake/jason had a personality. need more from him. i really enjoyed him as jake with liz i think finding out he was jason without liz knowing would have been way more story for that development of this new jason. i would have like to see him struggle more with his feelings of then/now when it comes to everything. i'm not into the Sam/Jason pairing anymore (since baby jake was born) but I would have enjoyed a struggle of his feelings more btwn the two ladies that didn't include them fighting. Liz and Sam play well off one another its too bad Jason triangle ruins that.

  • Patricia Raye Schuette - 8 years ago

    Is it possible that New Jason is just frustrated because of his memory loss?

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