Should HCS spend money to fight the 4th Circuit Court ruling on transgender bathroom issue?


  • J - 8 years ago

    Any ruling or law should favor the majority, not minority PERIOD. Regardless what the issue is about. You would think that would be common sense. Why is it ok to make one person comfortable at the cost of making far more uncomfortable? Gender, religion, sex have nothing to do with that and I'm very tired of people acting like it does.

  • Patricia - 8 years ago

    There was a man on the 6:00 edition of the news tonight who said "God don't make no mistakes" referring to transgender persons. Well, this is how God made them for whatever reason- He put a female into a male body or vice versa. Just like gay & lesbian people- this is not a choice- this is how GOD MADE THEM!!!!
    And my God is loving and caring not prejudiced and hateful.

  • g seymour - 8 years ago

    I believe that those people that have changed their gender by their own choice should have to go along with what is right -keep the men in the men's room and the women in the women's. If they have a problem, let them have a bathroom by themselves. Why should those of us who believe in what the Lord has made us have to suffer for those that want to be changed.

  • G Dano - 8 years ago

    Religion should not enter into this discussion. Religion is a personal issue, just as gender identity is a personal issue. Science has proven that "gender identity" is associated with how one perceives oneself through their development from childhood through puberty to adulthood. It is not a choice, per se. Transitioning has been around for well over a generation but the vast majority of people were unaware because it is a VERY personal journey. It has just became an issue due to the public transition of Caitlin Jenner, empowering more of these conflicted individuals to take the road to realizing their gender identity. This is happening at an earlier age than in the past, as it is recognized as a part of the transition from child to adult at puberty. To subject these young people to stigmatism & ridicule because of their conflicted gender identity is grossly unfair and cruel. A boy transitioning to a girl would be in harm's way in the Boy's Bathroom and a girl transitioning to a boy would be very uncomfortable in a girl's bathroom, as would the other kids. Furthermore, one must ask "would a woman be comfortable seeing a transgender man, who looks every bit a man, in the Ladies' Room? And would man be uncomfortable having a transgender woman, who looks every bit a woman, in the Men's Room? Furthermore, this puts transgenders at risk for assault (or worse). There have already been cases of transgender women being severely assaulted THESE ARE NOT PERVERTED PEOPLE. THEY ARE NOT PREDATORS. They are just trying to live their lives in harmony with their feelings and appearance. And to you people quoting religious objections, I ask...what would Jesus do?

  • Elsie Anderson - 8 years ago

    We seem to need some education and open talking about this issue. Priests abused boys, They use the same bathroom. Transgender people are no more likely to abuse anyone, any more than any heterosexual or gay/lesbian person. Fear mongering is the biggest problem here. Children are more apt to be abused by people they know outside of school, than by their peers. Why doesn't the BOE invite some professionals to a meeting to discuss this and get rid of all the imaginary fears and hatred. EDUCATION!, please!

  • Carolyn Vaughn - 8 years ago

    To save a whole lot of tax dollars and a lot of arguments, just have one bathroom and have a lock on the door. This would settle everything.

  • Joe Ann Edge - 8 years ago

    I do not feel that children from birth to high school graduation should have the option of choosing which restroom they want to use. Who knows if this child has ill or sexual ideas on their minds. They also do not know if the other children have been raised with deep prejudice and may decide to use that opportunity to set an example for other gender identity persons. I would have issue with a man in the ladies restroom with me. I have definite ideas about how God made things and it is not up to us to change His decision. I accept each person at face value and treat them as I would like to be treated. I will not have their choice shoved down my throat either. I am so tired of the majority having to change for the rights of the few! We need to take a stand and stop stepping back or waiting for everyone else to do something about it for us! We must stand up for what's right!! You insist our girls dress a certain way to avoid creating a sexual attention but you allow boys to wear their pants falling off!! What's wrong with this picture? What happened to respect for ones self and of our parents and teachers? Why do we seem to allow the children to decide what's right and tell the adults what is going to be? What has happened to our country and our world?

  • S Williams - 8 years ago

    My daughter had a boy use the girls bathroom at her high school while she was in there alone. She kept quiet in case the boy had malicious intent in mind. She had no idea who the boy was, so she didn't report it. Why aren't the restrooms monitored better by school staff for ALL students instead of worrying only about the LGBT students? Problems with fights in the restrooms will always be an issue for straight and LGBT students if not better monitored. All students should be taught respect for your fellow man, and that starts at home!!

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