Do you believe the men and women in the Michigan Militia should be labeled extremists?


  • Cap - 8 years ago

    Yall constructed a hit piece based on a preconceived notion. You made sure to talk to folks who shared your opinion such as the Rep there at the end. We do plenty to help out our communities and if you are concerned about us having the rifles we have, then may I suggest you go somewhere where you won't see those? Yall are out to discredit us and bring as much public dissent without giving the public all the facts.

  • David Mangum - 8 years ago

    Bottom line, if our Police, or Army needed help defending America, Those people would be right along side them if needed, Fighting for Americans.

  • harry - 8 years ago

    After watching the video it was very clear that vice had a preconceived opinion and they only looked to validate that opinion. I saw nothing that could be construed as dangerous at what these men were doing. But the undertone was prejudicial. Without actually saying it they made it out to be a racist motivation as to why they were in the militia to begin with.That video was not journalism it was anti militia propaganda in my opinion on the part of the individual who was reporting. I found it very interesting that the politician who was Muslim was more worried about armed Americans then the extreme Muslim terrorist that continue to threaten to kill Americans and others around the world. There is no way to make any type of judgement on this militia based off of what little information was gathered through this video.

  • Rob Balla - 8 years ago

    I am in the Genesee County Volunteer Militia (GCVM). We are like a branch off of the Michigan Militia (SMVM). When you swear in, it is the same as the military's swearing in. You are to uphold the Constitution and defend our states from foreign AND domestic threats.

    We are not some hate group the media portrays us to be. We are just your neighbors, teachers, police officers, etc. who are willing to risk our lives to protect your life, our community, state, country and our families.

    It said at the end of the video that MM members are going to start a revolt if the Flint Water Crisis isn't resolved. NOT ONE person has said that. It doesn't even make sense! This is on a local level and the next National American Revolution won't happen over a small local area.

    The GCVM helps the Red Cross in handing out water. We were out in the freezing temperatures and now the scortching heat to help out Flint residents. We do nothing but good for our community and yet so many people are afraid because of media like VICE.

    We had people in residential Flint say "God bless the militia!" when we would go door to door handing them cases of water. We don't get paid for helping people. We do it because we love our country. If you hate the militia so much, then tell me what YOU are doing to better your community.

    Rob Balla
    Private, RGA, GCVM

  • Tom Banks - 8 years ago

    Poorly informed hit piece. Please educate yourself before your next video.

  • Timothy - 8 years ago

    Those who smear militias don't understand anything, they need to do some actual research and realize that the militia is the people

  • Todd Fichter - 8 years ago

    Nice hit piece. McVeigh was never a member of the Militia. He was rejected by the group for his outspoken violence. The conspiracy charges against Hutaree were dismissed by the judge. Didn't put that in your video because it doesn't fit the narrative. Also, the professor gave her opinion as to whether we are all safer with armed men and women working together as a unit. She should have been asked about the historical outcome of weapon confiscation by governments. Think Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, China, North Korea. Which scenario has led to massive death? Armed citizens or disarmed?
    Vice kept calling the Militia "dangerous". Based upon what facts? This video was nothing more than innuendo and fear mongering, and your site should be ashamed for giving it a platform.

  • Gonzo - 8 years ago

    I never knew, loving my country and wanting to help protect these freedom's, we all enjoy, was such a bad thing.

  • Rick Moshier - 8 years ago

    It was the III% and will always be the III% that keep this country free from tyrants....including our government. Militias are an important part of why we are free to begin with. Its all in the constitution and in our history books.
    If their considered dangerous or terrorist then sign me up.

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