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When will we have to resort to the "bullet box" to restore freedom? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 55

  • Mike Murray - 8 years ago

    I hope not, but it could happen.
    Perhaps a black swan event, leading to an economic collapse, martial law, and then a final confiscation of wealth, resources, and guns "for the good of the people". It has happened in plenty of countries in both the 20th and 21st century. Assuming that "It can't happen here" is foolish. Resistance wouldn't be organized (at least at first), just spontaneous acts by individuals trying to save what they have for their families.

  • joel - 8 years ago

    Hate to say it, but people who believe there will be organized revolt any time in the forseeable future are living in a dream world. No insult intended, I lived there myself when I was younger. But if it were ever going to happen we'd have seen its seeds before now. The closest thing we have is the comically dysfunctional militia movement and nearly as many political points of view as there are political people. By far the majority suck down the Soma and either live on the labor of others or try with increasing desperation to make it through one more week. Either bunch would be terrified by the prospect of actual independent freedom. What we'd recognize as real freedomistas comprise so tiny a minority as to be functionally nonexistent.

    American/western society may well tear itself apart, over quite a number of issues. The government may well become much more authoritarian, using quite a number of excuses. But I see absolutely no sign that the response to any of these things will be an organized armed movement to restore liberty.

    Possibly a new and somewhat free society will rebuild itself in one of the smaller balkanized states that might form after this country flies apart, but that's the only scenario I can imagine. It's up to us as individuals to find ways to live as freely as we can on our own and in our own small communities.

  • Pat - 8 years ago

    I think a crisis - perhaps ISIS, or Putin's attempt to start another Cold War - could swing a "patriotic" mood to help either candidate in the next 5 years. If so, freedom will be 'forgotten' while Americans come together to fight another tribal enemy. When that happens, it will take 50 years or more to 'remember' again.

    OTOH, if the "social justice" generation gets into power (and they WILL get into power - every generation does), we'll probably have a fight in 10-25 years.

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