What Is Your Decision Making Process Like Before Buying A Watch?
Assuming I have the disposable income available, I'm ready to buy a new watch I like immediately after discovering it.
I typically weigh other options and look for the best place to purchase. I buy a watch I like within a few weeks of learning about it, assuming it wasn't a temporary infatuation.
Testing how I feel about a watch is important because buying it is a commitment. So I casually flirt with the idea of getting a watch for months if not years before buying it.
While I am ready to purchase a watch I like immediately, I will only do so after it meets a particular price I've decided on in my head. I'll wait years (or longer) if necessary. I might not buy it at all.
I tend to be indecisive or possibly very impulsive. Knowing that about myself I wait until I've decided whether or not I really want a watch before getting it
I wait for special occassions to buy watches, keeping a mental list of what I want and then referncing that list when I have a good reason to purchase something for myself.
The only reason I need in order to purchase a new timepiece is for the right watch at the right price to come my way. I can purchase almost indisriminately if the right deal comes my way.
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