Do you think police should enforce a curfew in Fort Wayne?


  • CSScott - 7 years ago

    Just curious, what happens when the child is 16 emancipated and with a child of there own. At what point are the children allowed to be stopped questioned and asked for ID. Are we just gonna randomly stop people whom look young, seems a little absurd. I can understand if they were already causing a problem being able to enforce more "punishment" on them for that, but otherwise this law seems very flawed.

  • Corey Ervin - 8 years ago

    Why don't you who support the curfew just step up and raise your kids? Be accountable to your children's lives. Its unconstitutional, we don't need to give anymore power to the government. Stop voting yes on the infringement laws of the Constitution. I also can't believe people support giving law enforcement more power with all the corruption and murders going on. Wake up people!

  • Anonymous - 8 years ago

    I just think that its crap that us teens get blamed for the crimes of others doing. Its not just teens that are doing all of the crimes, it is as well the adults. Do they get blamed? Do they get a strict law? How am I at fault when I want to stay out late and hang out with my friends? But supposedly we are supposed to,be the land of the free!!! Where is MY FREEDOM!? I hate that I'm the one that has to follow this dumb law for someone else's actions?

  • She - 8 years ago

    Earlier times for curfew. Parents must be accountable for their children. Instead of having after school activity centers, we need to have after school homework centers so kids can have help with school work and focus on grades.

  • Jessica Stewart - 8 years ago

    This is a wonderful idea. I think it should affect all people under 18 and should be set earlier than midnight. I defiantly would never let my kids out at that time of night. I also think parents need to be responsible for there children. Quit being there friend and start acting like a parent. That's what children really want in the long run.

  • Kelley - 8 years ago

    There have always been curfews, they just have not been enforced. When I was growing up, they were. But also, my parents did not let me be out late, especially on a school night! There is no reason for anyone under the age of 16 to be out late at night - 16 year olds could have a job, but there are laws that they can only work to a certain time so that they can get home before it's too late! Parents need to step up to the plate and make rules for their children to follow - an enforce those rules. I realize that there are a lot of single parents in the world today, but family's should be family's and help out. Check on the grandkids, nephews/nieces etc. if their parent is at work! As the saying takes a village to raise a child! Legal age for a child is 18 in the state of Indiana - before that, they should have rules and be made to follow them!

  • Shon L Butler - 8 years ago

    Everyone shouldn't be effected by yal law and order witch is an problems because the police can't solve an murder case here we go again violated right again just wrong because they are not on their jobs

  • charles - 8 years ago

    what a crock , police haven't solved a murder case here in decades, but they have the time to harass teens. might be a good idea yo give teens more things to attend to keep them out of trouble.

  • Jack - 8 years ago

    Speaking as someone who recently turned 18, I was out until past the curfew many times prior to turning 18. This doesn't mean my parents were irresponsible or that I was out doing elicit activities. All my friends and I would do is go to each other's houses to watch movies or go to steak and shake or Walmart. If this law does reduce crime, I'm all for it, but to me it's seems like just another example of the government putting itself where it doesn't need to be

  • Herb - 8 years ago

    I came home after Navy boot camp, walking from my girl friends house to my home I was stopped and asked
    how old I was I told them 17, they took me to the police station and was going to book me I guess when they asked for an ID I gave them my military ID when they saw that the let me go. Thought it was funny that the person who picked me up had not asked for a ID. I still like the idea of a curfew but like some others it should be anyone under the age of 18. To not confuse anyone this was in the Everett, Washington area back in 1958.

  • clarence crawford - 8 years ago

    yes I think it's a good thing in my opinion, it should BE SET AT A MUCH EARLY HOUR, , AND PLEASE , PLEASE MAKE THE PAREN TS RESPOSIBLE, , --- AND PLEASE, CITY OF FORT WAYNE, DON'T LET THIS GO BY THE WAY SIDE, IT DID NOT HURT ME COMMING UP, BUT THEN BACK IN THE DAY , MY PARENTS SPANKED US, W/O THE PROSACUTERS GETTING INVOLVED, -- WHICH I SAY , WHIP THE BUTTS WITHIN REASON,, ,, , as it is now, the kids threaten the parents, I could go on , but you get the message, so I say again shorten the time somemore

  • Jimmy - 8 years ago

    This is great. The only problem is that the hours are too narrow. There is no reason kids need to be out in the middle of the night unless they are going to or from work. Now they need to outlaw sleeping on public property so that homeless people will be forced into shelters or to live with family and friends.

  • F Nasty - 8 years ago

    It's easy to commit a crime any time after dark. Making a curfew and abusing resources better used elsewhere is unnecessary and unintelligent.

  • Curfew Cassie - 8 years ago

    Growing up in a small town we had a was enforced. The 1st time the officer took you home...if you were caught the second time you were taken to a holding cell till your parents picked you up. You learned very fast that you abide by that curfew law because your parents were not happy campers. At least mine weren't!!
    I think this is a good thing but I also think that the hours are way too late for these 15-17 year olds. At 15 you aren't even driving yet so you shouldn't be out that late. If you still live at home as I did when I was that age you should have a time set from your parents and I know mine wasn't that late. Midnight was pushing it and I paid the consequences if I was late. Parents need to be parents...I know that sometimes that's not possible when your child sneaks out, and if that's the case then the child should be held accountable not the parents! Lets get these kids off the streets and get the juvenile crime down.

  • Stephanie - 8 years ago

    Yes it should be a curfew not just because of the shootings. It's sad that we need to have a law set for our kids. I believe this is going to open more doors to kids running from the cops and more of them getting shot by the police. I think this is a minor situation that could turn into a major situations. What we need to talk about is how are we going to get it through not just teens, but every human being mind that killing someone isn't going to solve the problem. We also need to make a end to officers bring in the drugs and cell phone into the jails and prisons. Our community needs to make a end to the cops making deals with the people who is strung out on drugs to bust other drug dealers. Paying them with drugs isn't fair, we need to help those who is in need for help and stop bring them down more. We all need to come together as one with all opening arms and stop working against each other. GOD blessed everyone and praying for a change not only in our city, but also around our world.

  • Nish - 8 years ago

    In the link, it said ages 15-17. It needs to be any child under the age of 18. Make it simple. I agree with the teen curfew. Why the hell should a child be out that late without their parents?. But also needs specified about the 4th, and other holidays, fairs & festivals,special events, & concerts.
    Maybe this will help. But it isn't all just kids doing crimes. Their is adults doing it too.

  • Skulterfly - 8 years ago

    When i grew up there was a cerfew enforced for minors, they should still be doing it. Youth have no business being out without parents late at night, if they are they are probably doing something they shouldn't. The only way it should be OK is if they're with a parent/guardian or on the way home from work/a valid reason for having been out... I now it helped with youth when u was coming up and i think it will help some now. Of course there will still be kids who are sneaky but if they are caught they should be reprimanded along with their parents if it's a continued issue.

  • Joe hooker - 8 years ago

    When I was growing up in Warren, OH if you were under 18 you had to be off the streets by 11 PM unless you were working. It didn't hurt us.

  • Shelley - 8 years ago

    Wish more parents paid attention to what their kids are doing. In this day and age there is no excuse for bringing kids into the world unless you want them and are willing to pay enough attention to what they are doing on the streets.

  • joe - 8 years ago

    check your stats, most crimes by teens were done before 11pm

  • joe - 8 years ago

    check your stats, most crimes by teens were done before 11pm

  • joe - 8 years ago

    check your stats, most crimes by teens were done before 11pm

  • joe - 8 years ago

    check your stats, most crimes by teens were done before 11pm

  • joe - 8 years ago

    check your stats, most crimes by teens were done before 11pm

  • ed - 8 years ago

    I just don't loke so much government control. but then again I look out for my kids. This will make it hard for things like concerts, 4th july fireworks and other events that this curfew doesn't allow for.

  • Frank - 8 years ago

    I don't understand why it has not been being enforced. It is NOT a violation of any rights. It's a law it has always been there; Enforce it!!!!

  • Michael - 8 years ago

    When i was a kid, when the street lights turned on, i knew i had to get my ass home or id get in trouble. That's the problem with kids these days, there is no discipline on majority of them.

  • Rod - 8 years ago

    Next they will be telling us what and when to eat, what we are allowed to say, where we can work , where we can live, what clothes we wear etc. the land of the free and home of the brave?
    Ya right! Let's just get Castro to take over leadership of this country he's use to this kind of thing anyway.

  • Mary Young - 8 years ago

    Teen curfew is a must...just too bad that some parents dont care enough to inforce it

  • Cheyenne - 8 years ago

    It's still won't change the shootings and the killing there Doing it in the day time not just at night tbh it's probably going to make it worse there ganna break the law anyways there not ganna follow it lol waisting your time

  • Cheyenne - 8 years ago

    It's still won't change the shootings and the killing there Doing it in the day time not just at night tbh it's probably going to make it worse there ganna break the law anyways there not ganna follow it lol waisting your time

  • Darlene Craig - 8 years ago

    For Wayne has become a city of way too much crime, way too many homicides. If a curfew can be enforced and it helps the problem, then it should be enforced. Obviously, there are no rules coming from their homes. Time to take action!! Make Fort Wayne a safe place to live and a city to visit without fear.

  • lirley kah - 8 years ago

    I think kids should have early curfews and I'm sorry if a bar closes at 2-230 no one should be out much past that unless u work 3 rd shift

  • Nick - 8 years ago

    What type of curfew. I'm a big car an bike guy an we like staying out an cruising around town till 3am were all 21 an above. I agree yes for like 18 an under

  • bob - 8 years ago

    when I was a kid they had curfew and it was not a big deal when it came time we went home.

  • sara - 8 years ago

    and if the parent dont ????

  • Joe Smhoe - 8 years ago

    Parents should setup times for their kids to be home, not the law.

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