How would you rate Connecticut's business climate?


  • Mike - 8 years ago

    The poll says it all--he should be unseated. He's done NOTHING to help our State except tax us to death and lay off hundreds of people. He's a bgiger disgrace the Weicker was. I hope all the fools that re-elected him are happy

  • Ernie - 8 years ago

    Come on down to TEXAS best move I ever made

  • Alice LaTorre - 8 years ago

    It is time for this moron to be kicked out of office. He lied to the people to get voted in and then all hell broke loose. State is a billion dollars in debt, he is laying off health employees. His Transportation is a joke, if you ever look at those "green: buses, there are hardly any people on them. Don't kid yourselves, he is trying to prime himself for a position if Hillary Clinton gets in office, why else would he speak at her convention...duh!!! This man has ruined this state and you will see the Insurance Companies start to leave. He has his own agenda, and he his getting away with it. Democrats used to be for the poor and the middle class, no more, they have become greedy and self-centered. I will be changing to Republican and will from here on in vote Republican. He also did not monitor what Motor Vehicle was doing and look what happened. He did not monitor the building of the statium for a baseball team, and look what is happening. There has to be a way to get him out of office. I don't see him giving up anything, I've known lots of people who have left the State, and I myself am contemplating it. Even Pratt&Whitney is contemplating leaving. Governor Molloy you are a disgrace to the people of the State of Ct and yourself as a human being. You have proven that you can't be trusted. Then, like an idiot, you accept to take 10,000 Syrian refugees. They get free housing, medical, food stamps, and whatever else free you can give them. They will never contribute back to the State and they were not thoroughly checked out by the government, so what else do they bring. You're kissing up to get a position with Hillary Clinton's office, and we'll see what happens with that. Gov. Malloy has sent this state into a tailspin, which it will never recover from as long as he is in office. He defrauded the people of State of Connecticut with lies to get re-elected and for that reason he should be ousted as Governor.

  • ioannis Tiniakos - 8 years ago

    I am a small business owner in Plainville ct.Can not wait to sell everything and get the hell out of this unfriendly small business state.

  • Ralph - 8 years ago

    It's time for Malloy to go! He is so out of touch with the middle class and is so arrogant when he is questioned!

  • caroline con H nor - 8 years ago

    How can Malloy say such a thing? This state is dying from being overtaxed!! He continues to raise taxes and in doing this it makes people leave and ruins small businesses. What cloud is he living on? This state and this govenor are the laughing stock of the whole country. Building bus lines when people need jobs, veterans are homeless? Seriously? Then he wants to bring in rufugees and illegals???? You have got to be kidding! He is by far thee worse governor in the state of connecticut that we have ever had!! I didnt vote for him and I cant wait till he is gone along with Obama and Hillary...and hopefully Chris Murphy. All democrats! This state needs to be run by someone who doesnt continusly raise taxes cause he doesnt know how to balance a budget and keeps spending our tax dollars on providing for refugees and illegals. Those tax dollars who should be going to us citizens!!!!

  • Sally - 8 years ago

    I'm a small business owner in CT and it's not easy. The only reason I stay here right now is family.

  • Mark SM - 8 years ago

    The very tiny businesses seem to have invisible customers. I suspect they are laundering money. Some very tiny businesses are quite pitiful.

  • john bogdanski - 8 years ago

    Malloy is out of his mind. What's worse he will not pay attention to the poll or the comments. UGH////
    Malloy you are burying this state...
    You need to get out of your ivory tower and get real.

  • Jay - 8 years ago

    Stop living in Washington and start living in Connecticut, while New York was negotiating for Jobs, Dan was playing patsy to a DNC pud pulling party. Disgusting.

  • Susan Stamatien - 8 years ago

    WHAT, is Malloy living in a hole somewhere ? Businesses and families are moving out in droves ! Take a look around at all the houses for sale, foreclosures etc. This guy is oblivious to what he has done for the State of Ct. Get him the F#*%k out of office !!!!

  • Kevin - 8 years ago

    I honestly don't know why I try to stay and do business in this state. The leaders here are levying new and higher fees for everything, higher sales tax and not phasing out taxes that were only temporary like the "Business Entity Tax".

  • Christi - 8 years ago

    Deficit Dan is delusional. I would say he should get a mental health exam, but he laid all of them off...

  • Dan - 8 years ago

    Our governor is a disgrace and liar just like the rest of his Democrat colleagues including Hillary Clinton!

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