Whose side are you on?


  • Joy papcun - 7 years ago


  • Dawn Heath - 8 years ago

    Don't like megyn kelly. She's a hypocrite. She stripped for howard stern on national tv to get noticed. Then she says she's for women. In reality as far as women go she is a disgrace. Also there's a wekileak out exposing that she is meeting with hillary once a week to discuss what hillary want her to talk about. She's absolutely shameful.

  • Rochelle - 8 years ago

    Megan wants to interview Hillary. That is what this is all about. She is now the liberal honey and should be on CNN. Not cause she is not a Conservative. That isn't the issue. She like the liberal media no longer objectively reports the news. At least with Hannity, you know he is a Trump supporter. Megan wants you to believe she is objective. She was very disrespectful to the former Speaker of the House and should apologize.

  • Velma Hisle - 8 years ago

    I've been a loyal viewer since she began the show but no more. I always tght fox leaned toward the right not last night Donald Trunp may be no angel but he isnt as corrupt as Hilary we need all votes and support right now so I'm boycotting way to go Sean

  • Bonnie - 8 years ago

    I used to enjoy Megan's show. I will no longer watch it. She is so obviously biased against Trump. She constantly brings up the Billy Bush video & the women that came come out recently. Really Megan? I thought you were a journalist. Why didnt any of these women ever speak out before? Please, do you actually believe that if a billionaire had touched them inappropriatly 10, 12 years ago that they wouldnt have run to the media & made a big deal out of it then? If you want to vote for Hillary, who is the most corrupt politician to ever run for predident, thst is your business, but please keep your opinions to yourself. No one really cares what you think. To call Trump a sexual preditor is unforgivable. This is one Trump supporter that will boycott your show. #nevermegan, #biasedmegan, #boycottmegankelly

  • Maria Colletti - 8 years ago

    Megan Kelley is obsessed with Trumps problems with women.Newt called her out on it tonight. Thanks Newt! Megan is taking Trumps sex talk and kissing way too personally, like maybe she has had personal trauma in regards to men. She needs to stop her incessant talking about it. I'm getting tired of her show.

  • Matt - 8 years ago

    You people are so deluded. And feeding right in to the machine!

  • Tony H - 8 years ago

    Megan Kelly "ain't all that" like she thinks she is. She way overstepped when she took that cheap shot at Trump during the debate and started that war. Now she thinks she's untouchable. I've watched how she treats her guests in the past few months, and she's getting more and more aggressive and downright belligerent. Why should Trump subject himself to that crap. He already had plenty of the lame stream media hammering away at everything he says or does. Hannity is the bright spot in media trying to present the good side of Trump while everyone else takes the low road. Just being a pretty blonde with a gnarly attitude isn't going to make Kelly the long standing commentator she thinks she is. She's still a rookie in that game.

  • Jennifer - 8 years ago

    The reason I side with Sean on this is, because honestly trump talks to everyone but her. Trump talks to fox and friends, hannity, bill, and he used to talk to Greta. If trump won't talk to her she only has herself to blame. Neither candidate wants to talk to her. I don't mind the hard questions, but she is overboard relentless about them.

  • Leanne Whitley - 8 years ago

    I LOVE that Hannity promotes Trump! Hannity exposes the truth. Megyn Kelly is so unprofessional and looks like a big joke instigating everything . Even Trump doesn't have the bad mouth that she has. I quit watching her show a couple months ago but don't like how selfish she has gotten!!!! She needs to go to the gossip channel or grow up and report the real news, not cry about not getting an interview!!!!

  • ROBERT CHANDLER - 8 years ago

    Could never work for the Clinton news network
    Or known as the communist network news. Softball was invented by CNN AND THEY NEVER USED A BALL.

  • Karen - 8 years ago

    Really, go work for CNN..

  • Robert Chandler - 8 years ago

    It's so clearly. .KELLY in the Clinton camp . Sean is honest he let's you know who he's endorsing. Believes what is right. Go ahead and try trash him in the end he'll have the last laugh and millions and millions of his fans will when we elect Donald Trump. Sean keep on doing what your doing. Sean jealousy Ms. Kelly is. She can't get the best interview. Sean we will be saying Cheers after the election from a bartender to former bartender God bless you keep it up!!!

  • D - 8 years ago

    Hannity is a Trump butt kisser.

  • Davod - 8 years ago

    Megan is never reluctant to ask anyone the tough questions....no matter their political favoritism...period!! Sean is a good journalist who heavily favors the right side, no matter what is said.....he has always done so. Megyn has achieved the position that she is in at FOX because she is an extremely intelligent person and a very good journalist. I side with Megyn's perspective most of the time and I do so here.

  • Emily Cockrell - 8 years ago

    Don't get so upset!!! God is still in Control and he has chosen Trump, but we still have to vote. All the things you said were true, but have you noticed that no matter how much they throw at Mr. Trump, he survives!!
    Tim Kaine acted like a child and most people were making these videos of him and posting them that were so funny because, Tim must have been shot with whatever they shot into Hillary Clinton at the first debate. They both were high on some happy gas or something. A lot thought Sen Kaine looked like the Joker in Batman. First time I have had a good time laugh in a long time. ????

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