Did You Watch the Early UK Pony Release?


  • Auditormadness9 - 8 years ago


    Why do they have to ignore the episodes until The Fault In Our Cutie Marks? All of them were aired Before it. And by the way, if you live in UK, then it's normal for you to watch the early release, I'm talking about the USA . Also don't you feel like watching 2 middle episodes after watching the finale kinda not right? It just breaks feelings, feels dull, no passion, not astounding, no emotion, and no thrill. It feels to me like you watch them casually just to waste time. If you watch in order and not rush on them, you will see how erotic will it be, especially in the ending, and you will feel the aura of the show.

  • Kelsi - 8 years ago

    @Auditormadness9: By your logic, fans had to ignore episodes until The Fault In Our Cutie Marks aired. I watched them when they came out to avoid spoilers, I live in the UK anyway. And I have a lot of patience, during hiatuses I do other things and let new pony come when it comes. I do agree impatience is is bad though, but still

  • Auditormadness9 - 8 years ago

    @JH No, impatience is for losers. I hope you have fun having a longer hiatus than officially and feel the absense of passion by rushing watching the episodes so you can quickly "finish them off and begone". Whoever watched the UK release doesn't have emotion because it was in the wrong chonlogical order.

  • Drakin - 8 years ago

    I did and I feel guilty about it. I should have waited, but I have to watch the shows online anyway since we don't have cable or Satellite. However I will simply say (without spoilers) that this is the best season finally yet. It broke all the established tropes. So. Awesome. ^___^

  • JH - 8 years ago

    Of course I did! Patience is for losers!

  • AAARGH Zombies - 8 years ago

    Maybe you should add an extra question for those bronies who LIVE IN THE UK, they watched the episode legitimately at the time of release.

  • Dogman15 - 8 years ago

    "Lila" is skipping the season finale just because it has Starlight Glimmer in it? That's absurd.

  • don - 8 years ago

    just got caught up and then saw the final episode........poor Spike lost his chance to smooch his (MMM)marsh mellow mare.

    great ending,,, will see it when it airs in it's proper time.

    here's hope for our dragon in the movie or season 7 if it gets made....

  • Jay - 8 years ago

    I promised myself I would wait until they aired in the US. But they were already up on YouTube hours after the British release and the temptation was too much. I was like "Damn it I need it now!" so I caved and watched them.

  • Joshua Moudy - 8 years ago

    Of course I have. My personal favorite out of all three was the season finale. But, I'll wait for the HD release so I can download them.

  • InfinityDash - 8 years ago

    This is pretty much just me going on a tangent, but still: It will be interesting to see if/how this affects the ratings when the episodes air on DiscoFam. I know those ratings "don't matter," but they *kind of* do, to the network itself anyway. Hasbro doesn't care as much as long as the toys keep selling. I don't have cable so my only way to watch FiM as it airs is a technically illegal stream/download or buy it from iTunes the next day (used to be 2 days later in earlier seasons). This is true of pretty much all TV shows I watch since the majority of them aren't on OTA broadcast TV (the only TV I have "legal" access to).

    This poll already with ~4300 votes shows that basically half of fans will watch the episode as soon as it's available, no matter where or how, and without regard to whether or not it's "legal". It's kind of crazy how so many companies/networks still don't realize that, since it's not just MLP: any TV show is usually uploaded within 1 hour of the first time it airs anywhere in the world (esp. if it has a big online following). In the past, a multi-national company like Hasbro could assume that no one in the US would be able to watch live a UK broadcast, or a Brazil broadcast (like with LoE), or be able to download the episode (without commercials btw) almost immediately after it airs. But for over a decade that hasn't been the case.

    Since I (like many (most?) fans) pretty much watch FiM "illegally," I have made sure to support it by buying all the season DVDs and EQG Blu-rays, and a whole bunch of merch (both licensed and stuff made by Hasbro). I've even bought many of the episodes twice, once on iTunes and then again on the DVD. But for other TV shows that aren't primarily a means to get people to buy toys (ie, most other shows out there) it's kind of amazing that networks still depend so much on Nielsen ratings. (Since even people watching the live streams are usually watching commercials. If you download it though, it's no different than using a DVR where most people I assume skip the commercials)

    Anyways I don't know where I'm goinh with this. I just think this UK early-airing thing is an interesting way to see how this type of stuff affects ratings. (EQG airing in Brazil early was different, since that was a Netflix release in the US, and it was only a week. These eps aired multiple weeks ahead of time).

    Ok, tangent over.

  • Bill - 8 years ago

    No I don't feel comfortable with watching a season in the wrong order.

  • Chris - 8 years ago

    Yep. But to be fair, I live in the UK - I would've been stupid not to.

  • Chris - 8 years ago

    They should have a "Yes, but I'm also going to watching when them when they actually air on Discovery Family too" option. Because that's what I would pick.

  • Moon Pearl - 8 years ago

    There was any doubt? If you find there's the possibility of watching the Finale beforehand, l'm sure there's a lot of people that would take the chance. l did and I DON'T REGRET ANYTHING!,

  • Bryce Kanyon - 8 years ago

    Guilty as charged. But I still intend to watch the releases in the U.S.

  • Libor - 8 years ago

    Technically, people who were impatient will have longer hiatus between the end of S6 and start of S7. So I'm waiting for the official release.

  • Dan - 8 years ago

    Only the finale. I'll catch Top Bolt this weekend when it airs.

  • Guest - 8 years ago

    Yes - but I hope to god tinypop doesn't get this change next season.

  • Lila - 8 years ago

    No. Where the Apple Lies and Every Little Thing She Does is the first episodes I've seen since Flutter Brutter. I haven't catched up yet and only watched those because I like Applejack and want to like Starlight. I'm not watching the finale though, if I catch up I'll skip it alongside the other Starlight episodes. She makes me more upset each time, she's not healthy for me to keep watching episodes of.

  • Frith - 8 years ago

    Yes and they were great! The early releases were especially fortunate for me since I'm working on the weekend that the two part finale will air, so I wouldn't be able to watch that stream anyway. But I will watch this weekend's stream (Top Bolt) and I will watch all three episodes again!

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