Will Nelle Be Pregnant With Sonny's Baby?


  • kim - 8 years ago

    The article speculated that Nelle might also try to sleep with Michael. That would certainly not fit in with the scenario that Nelle and Carly share the same father. If Carly and Nelle are half-sisters than Nelle would be sleeping with her nephew...ugh!

  • Krista Ramirez - 8 years ago

    They really need to move Nelle s/l along. Also, please let Alexis get better. Without Julian. Laura needs to get a job! She is not an old lady.

  • Linda Harrell - 8 years ago

    Please don't ruin Carly & Sonny's relationship. Not a Nell fan. really.. She seems evil and taking it out on the wrong person and once she finds out it was Jax's doing i'm pretty sure she will feel guilty. I hope Bobbie catches her in the act. gh writers stop ruining the relationships.

  • Anna - 8 years ago

    I do not believe that Sonny and Nelle slept together. He was drunk and asleep. She will make him think that they did the dirty deed, and maybe later tell him that she is pregnant with his baby. But I do not think she will be.

  • Markie Byers - 8 years ago

    Writers please show us new story lines, make GH stay on top! I can think of many ways these stories can go that would bring back the spark in GH, not boredom! Seriously, fans r going 2 start leaving if u don't stop repeat everything that has happened in the recent past (even) like Sonny & Ava, now Sonny & Nelle! Come on! Recast Morgan & Nickcolas, they were important roles in GH!. Don't just kill them off, then years later bring them back as a twin or who knows what? Fans r not stupid, we can handle recasting, just make them a good recast that can @ least close 2 the characters they r replacing! I see on all the post, we r all r basically saying the same thing, I hope u start listening 2 the fans because they will slowly leave just like ur storylines!

  • judy - 8 years ago

    I'm so sick of this crap, theses writers need to start writing different are they gonna lose alot of fans. what ever happened to coming up with new ideas always bring old crap back but with different people sucks. and please don't bring Brenda back either. Can you please put carly and sonny back together. Thank you.

  • Doris McClenney - 8 years ago

    Please stop doing this to Sonny and Carly, no more baby for sonny let him get through what he is facing now, and if Jack knows about Nelle, let Carly fine out what Jack did. How is Jack going to judge Sonny when he do wrong his self. Let us see how Carly handle Ava and Nelle before this year is out and bring in the New Years with Morgan and Sabrina.

  • Rosanne Gomes - 8 years ago

    it is so boring and outrageous that this could happen for once lets bring some happinesss doing the repeat story of a long time ago sucks this why the ratings fall and shows cancelled tell the writers to do better bring a replacement and share the joy of morgan as a Christmas present for carly let him get in touch with his dad and let sonny be the one to bring him to carly enough of repeat storylines get nelle out she stinks

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