Should DML Hire Pinky?


  • Sheila Russell - 7 years ago

    Hire Pinky? Maybe, but I would like to see something from the other 5 BREDA sisters dubbed "Donny's Angels" as well. Loved hearing the back story from Jean (car-selfie BREDA sister), my neighbor and friend. Not sure if you know, but she lives only 20 minutes down the road from her sister Pinky in Florida.

  • Essence Park - 7 years ago

    DML, you give us the truth every day so I feel that it's best we be honest with you. No offense nor disrespect to Pinky at all. Pinky seems like a great gal and a nice person, but she was incredibly hard to understand and her attempts at humor fell flat in my books.

    You are still a new platform DML, I think you should keep on the straight and narrow, giving people the truth and nothing foo foo on the side. For now, I think you and Scarlett make a great team giving people the truth dissected for us to understand. You are professional, we trust you and understand you. Pinky doesn't quite fit for your platform. I say pass on her.

  • Billy Nolan - 7 years ago

    I offer my critique with the greatest respect to both you and Pinky. After viewing the audition tape three times and thinking about it in terms of what I believe you are trying to accomplish with your media platform, I would say, NO.
    I've no doubt that Pinky is a very nice woman and may even be humorous to some, but if your goal is to hit the ground running and be taken seriously as a TRUSTED NEWS SOURCE you must make every effort to inform your viewers and once you are solidly established, you can offer up some light hearted entertainment. Just not now. Thanks for asking our opinion. That shows us that you take your roll seriously!
    We are depending on you.

  • Robin Hamilton - 7 years ago

    Ask her to try to just be herself. I too could barely understand what she was saying. It was too low and echoey. I am sure if she has a topic, relax and see if her talent of being herself flows, then she will be fine. Trying to be funny or cute is not what we need. I fear this would go towards your show making fun of other types of people, "Kooks" as she put it. We need to learn tools of healing the divisiveness that the current administration has put upon us. And if she adopts the Pinky name I will keep thinking Pinky and the Brain, and want to listen to Brain.

  • Julie - 7 years ago

    Hard to understand but I'd like to see more before voting but my initial viewing says no.

  • Leona Marshall - 7 years ago

    I watch the video and then just listened and I still never did understand all of what she was saying. I missed the humor in the part about the psych degree. A bachelor's degree in Psychology is basically useless in the professional world. She seemed to think it meant more and would mean she had enough education to qualify her as a nutcase. My vote is no for those reasons.

  • Tami Kuether - 7 years ago

    I think that you and Mary love these girls and you could find the right fit for her in the right place...maybe not being a reporter or commentator, so to speak, but once you get established, have you ever thought about creating a platform of doing good deeds?? I've been thinking about this as my New Years Resolution and what I could do in some small way to help others...I watched a clip today that I saw online about a news network out of Las Vegas on Fox news 5 called the surprise squad, that they get their listeners involved in choosing recipients to do good deeds for. This network gets support from companies in the area to help cover the expenses, and their viewers choose who gets "lucky" today. Pinky and her sisters may be the perfect people to engage these acts of kindness...if you choose to add this to your platform once you're established. And as a daily watcher of you, I would be the first to say that finding a place to donate that would provide 100% profit toward a good cause such as buying a cart of groceries for a young struggling mother, filling a gas tank for an elderly gentleman, or providing a warm night stay at a hotel on a cold night for someone who is homeless, would make my day. think about it Dennis and check out Fox news 5 out of Las Vegas for more information...What a great way to win over more people, when you are able to do good for others in need!!

  • Alice Rudolph - 7 years ago

    I follow you because I am tired of wading through what is fake news and what is not. You have established a level of trust with your audience. You and your enterprise have substance. Pinky's cadence, mannerism and speech pattern did not exhibit substance nor instill trust. Your platform is not the right platform for her. If you are trying to add a "Water's World" type segment I feel the timing is not right. With all the fake news we are subjected to we need a truthful enterprise that, for now, only delivers the news. It seems you are trying to develop something to fit the person. Instead figure out the direction(s) YOU want to go with your platform then find the person who has the ability to take that direction and make it a success. Final words, trust your heart. Best wishes for a successful and prosperous New Year.

  • Cathy Jackson - 7 years ago

    I had to listen to her twice.The first time I hardly understood a thing she said.The 2nd time she was a little better, but I really didn't care for her style. I didn't care for her style of "reporting" and can honestly say I wouldn't watch her. Thank you for asking for our opinions, it just goes to show why so many watch you, you truly care about us and how we feel.

  • terry compton - 7 years ago

    I vote No, didn't like her act trying to be cute or funny or whatever she was going for. Couldn't understand her well in her baby voice either. Trying to be nice but rather turned off.

  • Deanna Hirz - 7 years ago

    DML.......This is your show and in that case, it has to be YOUR decision. I will give you my reasons why I do not want you to go the direction of "Pinky".
    1. You are a man worth listening to. You are inform, do your homework and have greater knowledge of what is going on than most of our politicians.
    2. You have to fill your team with people like you..dedicated, informed, articulate.
    3. Our trust is in you and your abilities and your presentations of truth.
    4. I hear very well, but my volume was up as high as it would go and her speaking was not distinct or qualified as one who is easy to listen to.
    5. Your drawing card to your platform is YOU and your talents and skills of teaching, presenting and warrant us wanting to come back for more. Keep it 'classy'. When you look into the eye of the 'camera', thousands of eyes are looking back at your eyes. We want to see and hear a voice we can trust and you have that DML.

    Thank you for being you and a 'light' for us to guide us in the troubled world of ours. God bless America and God bless you.

  • Christy Hart - 7 years ago

    She was very boring, nothing to make you want more. Struggled to keep watching as short as it was.

  • Pat Thomson - 7 years ago

    Volume Low could not hear what she was saying.

  • MaryAnn - 7 years ago

    DML, I love that you would give us regular people a consideration and chance to work for you! I'm all for that! But based on the audition tape, I don't think there's enough there to keep your audience interested. I know you found her funny on your evening out, but you were in the moment, and meeting new people is fun! Again, based on this tape, there is is not enough to her personality to make me think she is funny or particularly interesting. I could be wrong, and maybe giving her an assignment might be the best indicator of her talents, but I found myself bored and wanting to turn her off.

  • Deborah Clay - 7 years ago

    I voted no. I want to be as kind and respectful as possible when I say that I didn't find her understandable,
    TV" material, or at all funny. The psych degree sort of turned me off. I personally, don't think that would add anything beneficial....we already get truth, logic and trustworthy news from you, Harlan and Scarlett. All professionals. Your platform is casual, just the way we like it, but those serving us the news are true professionals which will make the difference. Please....professionals only. (My humble opinion), but of course, you do know best how to run your business, and I will support whatever you choose to do. Happy New Year to you and your lovely family!

  • Cyndi Maher - 7 years ago

    I would be interested in seeing her on camera, doing a piece of reporting on whatever content she plans to focus on. If she is reporting as Pinky", her audition should be as "Pinky" I need more.

  • Ellie - 7 years ago

    I'm with you for some insight on what's happening here and what effects us elsewhere, it feels like a personal connection with an old friend who sees things more or less the same way as I do but better informed and who puts things in a way that I can understand, a hard act to follow. There is too much "stuff" going on and as I see it, we need as much indisputable ammunition to combat the expected onslaught of libtard commentary as we can get and that must be from someone well informed because there will be a challenge every step of the way. I get a kick out of listening to someone like a Judge Jeanine Pirro belting out hardline opinions not unlike we hear from liberal counterparts.

  • Pamela LePage - 7 years ago

    I could hardly hear her. and I don't think it is a good idea, just my gut response no.

    But the choice is yours, go with your instincts.

  • Wendy Leslie - 7 years ago

    I couldn't hear her at all!

  • Bart Nash - 7 years ago

    Maybe a little rough around the edges but definitely has some potential. Voted for need to see more.

  • Gail - 7 years ago

    I agree with all the comments about not being able to hear and understand what she is saying. I voted no. Most people who have trouble hearing have trouble with the high frequencies. Men's voices are much easier to understand and hear.

  • MaryAnn Tatum - 7 years ago

    DML I loved her. Yes, she is a little quirky, but I don't doubt she could be serious as well. I understood every word she said, but then my Mother's family was all from Florida and they (like us in Dallas, TX) have an unusual accent and manner of speaking and pronouncing words. Sad to see how many were not willing to give her a chance to work on getting some polish. She could never replace you (nor could anyone else). My entire household cycles around your walk and talks. At age 66 they are the center point of my day. Your honesty and straight forward style are refreshing and much needed in the world of fake reporting of the news of the world. I love your zaniness and your (sometimes off key) singing even when you don't always know the words. I especially appreciate that you give God the glory and thanks for all He blesses you with. Prayers for God to richly bless you and yours, our military & first responders, our incoming President Donald J Trump, and our great country of America. Blessings and prosperity on your new broadcasting efforts and app as well.

  • Marian - 7 years ago

    It was hard to understand some parts. Maybe the quality of the sound/video. While I love humor, I think it should be interspersed in conversation as is fitting. I didn't find her humorous at all but rather a bit silly. I found that the video lacked substance and she did not leave me with any reason to want to listen to her again. All it took was one video from DML for me to continue to watch more and more. Some have it and some don't.

  • Loretta Ray - 7 years ago

    I vote yes, maybe you have to be from Florida to understand her. I love her, I'm from Florida and I find her refreshing and with humor. I want like to see how close we live, if I remember correctly you said she was from around St. Petersburg but maybe not... lol
    But if course no one could be DML, love watching you and listening to you talk about Miss Mary. That could be my husband talking about me!
    I didn't read but a few comments but I still think you could find her a spot somewhere on the show. Hey I'm from Florida maybe we could have a talk together, just to regular people's point of view on what's happening in the world.

  • KK - 7 years ago

    She is hard to understand. I didn't like her comment about having a psyc degree and dealing with "kooks" (sp). Offensive especially to those seeing a counselor.

  • Bernice Campbell - 7 years ago

    Her voice is not Pleasant to listen to it us off right away I'm sure she's a nice person but I would not be able to listen to her for long

  • Laura Wageman - 7 years ago

    I think we could all use a bit of humor to lighten is all up. I liked her! I get what she's talking about with a phych degree reminds me if the lady who read your body language to see if you were truthful. In these days of false news it is most helpful to possibly have someone on s team with that degree. I own a retail bridal store for 20 years and I just told my husband I need a degree in psychology just to understand my customer these days this generation has me ultimately confused!

  • Patty McDermott - 7 years ago

    I didn't read everyone's comments because I didn't want to be influenced by other's opinions. My main problem with her is that she's very difficult to understand. Maybe if she spoke louder and clearer she would be okay. Also, if this is an interview video, I would expect her to show us how she would present news, opinions, etc. She seems like a nice person, but I'm not sure that, without some kind of training, she is ready for prime time DML reporting.

  • Donna G - 7 years ago

    She is a hoot AND she sings!! Haha

  • Nancy Hicks - 7 years ago


  • Sarah - 7 years ago

    Giving an honest review with no disrespect ment:

    seemed a bit "odd" especially for having a psyche degree. I'm not sure that she was trying to be "funny" ....I think this is just her way of being. I'm not sure this would add anything and like others were saying about bad delivery and bad first impressions.....I would agree. Diamond and Silk are naturals at what they do, this person's "natural" is not something that would grab attention in a good way....more in a weird way. I don't really get the pink robe thing unless your hair is up in rollers and you have pink fuzzy slippers on and a big cup of coffee to go with it but this lady doesn't fit that "pink robe/fuzzy slipper" sterotype. Dare I say "too masculine".

  • Gordon Gabaree - 7 years ago

    I think Pinky would be a Great friend I would love to hang out with but think she's alittle too Raw for your setting. Need one of those Fox girls to come your way! I know Dennis you will make a great choice in the end.

  • Christine - 7 years ago

    I voted Yes, ultimately it's your choice. I do however hope this doesn't mean that we will see less of you! YOU DML is why we are all here! Pinky is cute but definitely don't want a bunch of DML imposters reporting news. You can always terminate her or find another place if she doesn't work out.

  • Patricia Dean - 7 years ago

    I couldn't understand must of what she said at all. Doesn't seem professional. I think she would bring you & Scarlett DOWN!! I couldn't understand what she does, psych degree was mentioned in comments above. I didn't catch that at all. I would not listen to her. Scarlett, on the other hand, I love!! She is a perfect fit.
    Pink, is too silly, and the only reason I know that is because of her body language. I really understood very little. I would say No, she needs to much training for your work. You have Scarlett, she is very professional, perfect for you. Don 't let your heart, go for someone, out of kindness, who doesn't fit.

  • Joe Mazzola - 7 years ago

    In my two cents worth of judgment, I say no. First off bad impression. Second you have the ability to take a topic story and dissect and present it to us in a presentable and easy to understand way. I might add this is all done in your head and is spontaneous. I see no characters in her presentation that are even close to yours. She may be a nice person but she is no DML or a COMEDIAN.

  • Kathy Lynn - 7 years ago

    DML, authenticity is the new bacon. Natural, unintended humor is refreshing. Suggest candidates submit a five-minute audition video, interviewing another person selected randomly on the street or in a coffee shop.

  • Julie Grimes - 7 years ago

    She seemed to be trying way too hard to be funny which made it not funny. I appreciate good humor as much as anyone, but you can't force humor either. Either it comes naturally or it doesn't.

  • Lisa Gray - 7 years ago

    I think it will be hard for the those of us that watch you regularly to accept anyone, you are a hard act to follow. You are exciting and charismatic. I'm sure if she did a "real" walk and talk with news worthy info that she would be fine, but it's really hard to tell from that clip.

  • Marilyn Munger - 7 years ago

    I think "Pinky" looks and sounds like fun. Maybe use her for comedic segments--kinda like OReilly uses Watters. Just a thought.

  • Ali - 7 years ago

    I think she seems like a great lady but not a great lady for DML platform. Not my humor style and I couldn't take her news seriously and wouldn't be able to watch it. It's a no for me. Sorry Pinky, nothing personal, I'm sure you are a wonderful person.

  • Vicki Hopkins - 7 years ago She has too soft voice and speaks fast and not clearly enough. Psych degree a plus but there are thousands of those out there...some more hard hitting. Maybe let her apply at a later date.with a more developed presence.

  • Sarah - 7 years ago

    Sorry it does not fit. I would not be able to watch her.

  • Debra Clinedinst - 7 years ago

    Too silly for a psych degree. But on the other side of the coin. maybe she will be an asset as to people's behavior. Something to think about. Have her do another video and put it out there.

  • Phyllis Livingston - 7 years ago

    I truly believe that she would definitely be an asset to the team in some capacity. Do I want to see her in front of the camera reporting? I'm not sure. I only speak for myself, but I think you offer enough comic relief to satisfy us DML.
    Now for the good news! I follow you daily like a stalker..... Lol. Notifications have resumed like normal and the spinning is gone on FB. I've also downloaded the app and it works like a charm! Keep up the good work DML!!!! Much love and appreciation to you from S.E. Texas!

  • Ann - 7 years ago

    I love DML. Pinky was difficult to understand, because of that I would turn her off in about 30 seconds. If she can improve her delivery and give us something of substance, I would try to listen to her again. I like her attitude and her presence. Seems to have an outgoing personality. She could be an asset - but must improve delivery.

  • Vels Beckwith - 7 years ago

    She was nervous, hard to understand. That being said...... You are the focal point. Your other commentators need a little professional polish. Only so people will take your media business seriously. I enjoy you and your reporting very much. I do watch you every day. THE TRUTH. I would love to meet will Mary and you one day. Maybe join in. You have great potential. Sincerely Vela

  • Jk NK - 7 years ago

    I think she should have another try.. Read the comments, learn from them, and do it again.. I think the main problem was lack of subject or theme.

  • Terri Morton - 7 years ago

    I liked her initiative and think she would be a good fit with DML. She seems like a fun and honest person and someone who can relatee to people. If people are skeptical. Have her send a topic and have her report on it.

  • Marlene Schaefer - 7 years ago

    Lack of eye contact and body language would give me trust concerns.

  • Linda Zuber - 7 years ago

    This woman does'nt do it for me. She seems out of place. There is only one DML. I don't think she would fit in.

  • Maureen Grogan - 7 years ago

    Right now we need the Real News - the Truth. Our country is in such turmoil. Let's make a America GREAT AGAIN and not let anything -ANYTHING detract from the Truth. We have an extremely difficult job at hand to recover from the last 8 years. This is not to say "PINKY" does not have her place. Perhaps down the road when DML is the #1 new platform and YOU have achieved YOUR goals, I would say Saturday night would be perfect for "PINKY". She 's more of the fill in entertainment type, much like Greg Gutfeld on FOX. She needs to clean up her delivery, I had a hard time understanding her. We have enough illegals in the country we can't understand so let's just say there's potential but she need some fine tuning. Many thanks for asking for our opinion. We the DML People, certainly value yours!!!

  • joan - 7 years ago

    this is not a good idea. I would not watch her. the whole idea of it makes me feel disappointed in the new network. we need more like Scarlet and Harlan

  • Pamela Young - 7 years ago

    I voted "no" because I dislike the silliness throughout. Not that she or anyone has to be super serious but it rubbed me the wrong way. More professionalism with her psyche degree would be more appealing with maybe a "little" silliness on occasion. The pink robe idea has to go. I don't think anyone would take her as creditable. I know I would not, neither would my husband. There is a place for pink robes and that place is in your own home, not during a news report.

  • Maynard Engeland - 7 years ago

    Probably not general reporting. Maybe some kind of niche reporting that would fit her style. To do that she would need some further training.

  • Dennis Wheeler - 7 years ago

    I watched the video twice. The first time I didn't like it. Just way to quirky. The second time I thought she might be OK with a bit of training and toning down the funny stuff. It didn't seem that fun to me. I wouldn't really count her out just yet. Let's see more of what she is capable of.

  • Rosemary Thompson - 7 years ago

    Please no. Once you cross the line from reporting facts & a farce, I'm gone. Nothing personal to Pinky. This was more SNL than DML. Sorry.

  • Chancey - 7 years ago

    I like her personality. But she needs to speak up to get the funny across. She needs to look straight in the eye, if she wants me to pay attention and/or to hear/believe what she is trying to convey. Nice feature, sit up more/straight eye contact. Her speech should push a little to the audience that she is talking to me not the people around her. Like a "one on one" talk, personal, like I need to hear this, what she is saying is important, not a maybe. Just saying.

  • Linda Winn - 7 years ago

    I could not understand most of what she said. I had to listen twice to give you my honest opinion. After choosing the undecided,,, l now choose no.

  • Linda - 7 years ago

    Everything about her drives me crazy NO DML

  • Yvonne Rusch - 7 years ago

    It's a how you come across issue! Not one of the best auditions! would probably be ok as guest for the psych background!

  • Julie Arellanes - 7 years ago

    She's great in person I'm sure. :) But I wouldn't care for her on this platform. I'm with Kathy, her mannerisms and voice would turn me away too. Sorry. :/

  • Sarah - 7 years ago

    Sorry it does not fit. I would not be able to watch her.

  • Debi Stpierre - 7 years ago

    Good afternoon DML,
    Please keep it professional. I work third shift Tramer Nurse in a PICU. This, I don't want to stay up and watch. She is just mimicking your platform. Pass on her please.

  • Donna Santos - 7 years ago

    Need to hear her comment on a real story to see how it's presented.

  • Sharon - 7 years ago

    Need more and/or give her a probationary period. Also, her social media posts would give great insight... can we see them?

  • Len - 7 years ago

    It might be a good idea to bag the poll & just pick who you hire! Might cause more problems than its worth unless of course it's for entertainment value only!

  • Lisa Rangel - 7 years ago

    She reminds me of Leah Remini, good. But too much quiirky and hard to understand some words which can be improved on. I like a little fun in everything but sometimes it gets too much and I have to turn it off. (On your walk and talks) respectfully of course. I look forward to all of them and plan my activities accordingly, lol. Pinky has potential! Let's see more.

  • Kathy McKenzie - 7 years ago

    Her voice and mannerisms would drive me away. Well in fact they did. I only made it to the doning of the pink robe.

  • Rita Eissmann - 7 years ago

    This struck me as a woman who is attempting to be a female version of DML. It came across more as unstable than funny.

  • Rita Eissmann - 7 years ago

    This struck me as a woman who is attempting to be a female version of DML. It came across more as unstable than funny.

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