Did Eric Marry A Monster When He Married Quinn?


  • jake Dumas - 4 years ago

    and i think that Quinn encourages shauna to go after ridge and after inviting her to Eric’s forrester mansion and shauna brought Florence with her and Florence was confused and don’t know what to do until the gambling debt collector thieves pressured Reese and Florence is innocent and bill made things worse y having a bad choice and causing baby swap drama and frame Thomas because of bill’s hatred towards ridge and Thomas and Quinn tries to kill Liam just to stay away from steffy so that her son Wyatt can have steffy and Quinn pushed ivy in the water and kidnaped Liam and targeting Eric and convince Eric to marry her because Quinn is after Eric’s money and power of forrester creation and kissed ridge and made Brooke upset and there are many bad things Quinn had done and pushed deacon off the cliff and bossing people around and staring a war between Quinn and Brooke and slapped Brooke and throw something at Sheila and hit her back head and crossing to much lines and Eric will file divorce papers and put Quinn’s wreak of havoc to stop permanently and yes Quinn is the monster just like bill and Sheila and they both deserve prison for thousand and millions of years and that is that jack

  • Veleria Blackwell - 7 years ago

    How quick the writer forget how Lism has been treated by Quinn she tried to kill him she keep him locked up and away from his family she stole Hope and Lism life and gave it to her son she killed Hope baby now she is stealing Lism life again. Why do Wyatt have to have Lism life this is crazy I think I am going to stop estching because that is to much she tired to kill Devon. It is time for Wyatt and Quinn to get what they deserve. Why not stop this mad lady she have really cause Lism nothing but heartache and pain. I hope Steffi is about to find out she is having a baby by Lism Quinn and her son to be in a but house somewhere. There is nothing like an old fool that thinks he is in love Eric wake up and smell the coffee.

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