Do you think people should be legally allowed to hang an effigy of the president on their property?


  • Adolf - 7 years ago

    Oh how I would have loved to hang Nobama in effigy. The Secret Service should put an end to this. Do you remember Silence of the Lambs and how the Great President Reagan was shot because of it? There are many mentally sick people out there and Mike Cunningham is one of them. Mike should serve time for this. From what I understand, He has had many threats against his life and I hope he has trouble sleeping at night. Oh yes, I am a disabled vet and was just doing my job because I love my country. I would never use being a vet and disabled as an excuse for doing something disgraceful. I would spit in Mikes face if given the chance! You are a disturbed man, no.... person Mike.

  • This is disgraceful to our president face it he wo - 7 years ago

    This is disgraceful to our president face it he won the election and you Democrats and liberals or whatever you are you should not be able to have this kind of free speech disgusting and disgraceful

  • Cindy - 7 years ago

    There shouldn't be any way anyone can hang something like this that looks like anyone it is a threat to anyone this is outrageous this is a threat on the president I disapprove if this was someone else other than our presidenand they would have had them take it down that is a threat on someone showing someone hanging

  • Jim - Proud Army Vet - 7 years ago

    Glad to see a lot of commentary from those who agree that this is not right. It's just as bad as those yayhoos sport athlete's who refuse to stand in respect during the playing of the National Anthem! And what about all of the others, namely those in the entertainment industry that said they would leave the country if Mr. Trump was elected President? Well get on out! Wah, wah, wah!!

  • John - 7 years ago

    I wonder what would happen if I hung an effigy of our current mayor? Maybe I should also make a few depicting local police! I doubt the reaction or tone of the stories would be the same! Its easy to do this to Trump its a trendy easy target, no courage in hanging this just anger and hate. If I were his neighbor I would hang an effigy of his children hanging from my trees and claim free speech!

  • Walter Wall - 7 years ago

    I’m also a vet, 29 years, Marine and Army. During my career I served under Commanders and Chiefs that I voted for and others that I did not. Some I found myself in agreement with and others not, but they all were, The Commander and Chief and the President of the United States of America. I to THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE and I can understand your feelings reference President Trump. Hanging an effigy is within the law of freedom of speech but is so wrong and not the answer. In my opinion those that disgrace our American or any Nations flag by burning it or trampling on it has been within their legal rights of freedom of speech. If I came upon such incident, I would give my life to protect that flag for the respect it deserves, for the service and blood shed by so many to provide us an opportunity to live in the greatest and freest nation in the world, and I would pray others would do the same and may be you too. Same in hanging an effigy of anyone, that is wrong and can be and has been interrupted as a hate crime, no matter what the race, religion or heritage and can incite violence. My advice to you sir, is to remember your military training, your oath of service, you might not like the mission or task at hand, but drive on and make the best of it. Do you remember being told "Our main mission is to win the hearts and minds of our enemy." What message are you sending to your neighbors and their children?
    Hope you rethink your actions. God Bless America and you sir, Hooah !!!

  • Becky - 7 years ago

    I don't like it. If you disagree with someone wanting them dead is the solution? No, never ever should that be the solution, even if it isn't really Trump hanging there. But I guess since so many got away with doing this and so much more to Obama I'm not surprised it's happening now. The more hate you see the easier it is for you to show hate.

  • Tom - 7 years ago

    In my day serving in U.S. States Army we took an oath of enlistment. I to this day respect that oath and if this person served in our military he would have learned and respected the president of these united states who has been voted in office. Someone might check this person for drug use. He surely isn't of his right mind.

  • Judy - 7 years ago

    Shame on the person who felt this form of action is acceptable. I believe in freedom of speech but there
    is a respectful way of delivering that freedom. Thank you for serving our country but I cannot thank you
    for doing what you have done on your property. Please remove this life sized doll from your tree. It is not acceptable for anybody to do what you have done whether it is a black, white, yellow or any other ethnic
    person to be displayed in this fashion. We as a country need to pull together not tear each other apart.
    May God help us in the days ahead if this kind of behavior continues!

  • James Fleagle - 7 years ago

    This is the same as saying kill the President. So this person should be in court. Thank you!!

  • Darllene - 7 years ago

    i think this is very disrespectful and low standard, weather you or i like it or not this is our president , and how trashy do you want to look , is this what you want to teach your children and if they get upset with you and dont agree would it be ok to let them hang an effigy of there parent out there , this is trashy be more respectful than this!!!

  • Odi - 7 years ago

    If it was "fine" for Obama to be depicted as such then this is fine. It all boils down to freedom of speech. He of all people earned that right by serving in the military.

  • Buttons - 7 years ago

    Yes I do. Look how many times this was done about president Obama. What is good for the Goose is good for the Gander.

  • Charles Lopez - 7 years ago

    Know why nobody's tripping? Cause white people don't get hung from tree's just blacks

  • Ed - 7 years ago

    Actually for Kylea and others. Flag burning is actually against the law with a fine of $1000 and up to a year in jail. (5-51-207 )(a)(1)

  • Chad Walker - 7 years ago

    It's only being allowed because it's a white male. Had it been Hillary Clinton or Ben Carson, this man would be lucky to be sitting in jail as someone would have attempted to murder him already..... Absolute disgrace

  • Billy Felger - 7 years ago

    What if I wanted to hang a female mannequin wearing lingerie by a noose in my front yard? What if this was an effigy of my wife or my kids school principal? Or even an effigy hanging by a noose of the 12 year old kid across the street? If we allow one will we allow the others?

    What makes us question this nonsense is that the President of the United States has been a whipping boy for years. Trump, Obama, Clinton, all of them. We are a disobedient and virtue-less people with no respect for authority.

    Even though I didn't vote for Trump, this is still crazy that we would protect this behavior and call it "free-speech". This does incite violence and it makes every kid in this guys neighborhood feel unsafe to have him as a neighbor. It also invites the rest of the city to throw bricks through his window. I'm not saying we should, I'm just using my freedom of speech to express my feelings that hanging a doll by a noose that looks like the president may, and probably should, warrant somebody to throw a brick through your window or slash your car tires.

    I hope the secret service shows up and takes this moron for a ride that he regrets forever. There's a right way and a wrong way to express our feelings and this dude just made himself and the rest of our city look pretty stupid.

  • Deb E. - 7 years ago

    Everyone blew up when a black mannequin was hung from a tree, I don't understand how this can be ok. People need to grow up and be respectful. I was taught you might not like something, but you act respectful and be mature about it. What are we teaching our children with this childish behavior? There were things people didn't like about Obama, but there was no horrific behavior like this!

  • Chris - 7 years ago

    He's now embarrassed that he served? I'm embarrassed that he served! I personally think this is going to far. Apparently so does the HOA. However, if this is protected speech under federal and state constitutions then the HOA has NO recourse and can't force him to take it down.

  • Kylea - 7 years ago

    If u can burn a flag this should be legal. He fought for this country, and it's in our civil liberties its freedom of speech. This country itself was built by immigrants, so we should except or at least help those in need. What this veteran did may not be the best way to say what he believes, but neither is what trump has said. People that support trump and criticize this are being hypocriticies. Trump is doing the same thing but with words, and not a dummy. How is it fair for us to criticize?

  • Raven - 7 years ago

    While it is every American's right to speak out when they disagree with the President's and other governmental decisions, I feel that certain acts, i.e., flag burning, hanging the President in effigy, etc. go over the line and are extremely disrespectful to the person, the office, the symbol, and your fellow Americans. You also should consider you may be painting a huge target on yourself, your home and family and your neighborhood by extremists who disagree with your point of view. Sadly, these are times when people feel free to act without concern for how it may affect other innocent people. No one has the right to endanger another.

  • Jim - Proud Army Vet - 7 years ago

    I do not agree with this being allowed. Even if you don't like and/or didn't vote for our President, he is still our President. No matter who our national leaders are, you should never, ever be ashamed for serving in our armed forces.

  • Chris Thompson - 7 years ago

    I wonder if the police would be as lenient about the situation or if the media would show little interest if it was an effigy of President Obama? I think the crap would hit the fan and would be national news. I can't believe that having a hanging doll of the president is covered by the first amendment. I truly believe it is only ok because it is President Trump. If it was former President Obama it would be a hate crime and people would probably be burning the house down and the police would be dragging them out of the house.

  • Tom - 7 years ago

    Wonder if Mr Joyner would be that extemporaneous if a police officer was hanging in that tree.

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