In Trump's admin., in whom do you have the least confidence?


  • Terry Gupton - 7 years ago

    I think the leaks are coming from the existing old Obama staff, they are still loyal working against President Trump , and could still be working for Obama from what I've been reading about his shadow Army.

  • Bonnie Estes - 7 years ago

    I am concerned about the many so called pro Trump media on Facebook that attacks Trump's staff and causes some people to have doubts. So even though I voted, I really don't want to vote unjustly as some posts I've seen have been attacking Spicer, Kelly Ann and Preibus and has possibly been tainting our opinions.

  • Amy Ratto - 7 years ago

    I said Sean Spicer because I think he needs to control the press room better. I realize it's early so will give him time to smoothe out and grow into the role. KellyAnne looks pretty tired. She needs to take a break.

  • Chris Niska - 7 years ago

    I believe these guys are doing a great job amidst the lame stream media attacking them.It's the past admin who needs to be shown the door.

  • Doreen Micali - 7 years ago

    I pretty much have confidence in his cabinet. I do not have confidence in any Obama leftovers at the house. It baffles me to why there are Obama people still in that White House! I am in disbelief that the intelligence Community would withhold national security information to our president. The Democrat party should be investigated in all branches to go against a president is a sad day for United States of America. The president needs to get those Obama people out of the White House you have to know that they are spies for Obama is overshadowing government, and how the hell is in overshadowing government even allowed? Obama did his presidency it's done it's over get out! He has such a huge ego that he doesn't want to see Obamacare and he wants to see more muslims coming in to take over our country as they did Europe you can't tell me any different. I am tired of my country looking the fool! I keep saying that those new phones that were put into the oval office need to go all the cell phones that were given to the administration need to go and the people in the intelligence community there's like 60,000 of them, every single one of them should be fired and replaced. They will never find the leaks! The warrants everybody's talking about to be able to spy the way they did on Flynn and who knows who it who else I'm sure Obama gave the green light to do this spying just before he left office. I don't know why they feel a politician is the only one tries worthy of holding office because we have we have had some real doozies in that oval office overtime especially the last one that was in there that has destroyed our Country in so many ways. I know as an independent voter I will never vote for a Democrat again not with everything that was learned in this past election they have become a very evil party! The sadness is I am sure we are the laughingstock of the world The great and powerful USA presenting herself as corrupt and deceitful! A country with no respect for their President. It's shameful and it has to stop. And one more thing regarding the intelligence community they work for the president the president does not work for them so this really needs to be looked into otherwise how will our president make an executive decision on whatever is going on. Shameful! Totally disgusted in our government branches.

  • Carol Mitchell - 7 years ago

    Spicer for lack of composure and professionalism. Reince for potential establishment more.

  • barbara marino - 7 years ago

    I believe its reince or sean spicer I feel trump needed to vet his administration better and start getting the moles out of the white house

  • Donna Farina - 7 years ago

    I have trust in all of them! It's the Obsma leftovers that I do not trust with intelligence. The entire democrat party, Obama and his shadow house, Soros, Liberal Media, Liberal education system, etc.
    we need to educate people on this Shadow White House and Obsma undermining our country. We need to educate the brainwashed a holes of what is really going on in their fight for New World Order. What the future in the US would become !!!

  • Karen Moore - 7 years ago

    It's not really any of these guys I don't have confidence in. I think there's people still working at the White House who worked for Obama who's causing trouble behind the scenes. The leaks are probably from the old staff that are still there. They all need to be replaced.

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