Yesterday, President Trump ripped into the media during his press conference. Did you like him doing this?


  • Charles Mock - 7 years ago

    President Trump was fantastic. He showed the emotion of many of us Americans in regards to the constant bias and lying. I used to start out my day with the CBS Morning News. It started out with Mr. Trump announcing his run for the Presidency. Charlie Rose, Gayle King and Norah would poke fun at him as if him putting his hat in the ring was some type of joke, but never once did they actually listen to his message. The primaries came and Mr.Trump won the Republican Nomination and once again they laughed about him and never listened to his message. Then CBS added Majir Garrett pompous self to follow Mr.Trump through his travels, but I found it odd Major Garrett would give his news about Mr.Trump from the Whitehouse Lawn not Iowa, Florida, Ohio, etc.....and I would set there watching the twisted truth come out of Garrett's pompous mouth and stating untruths to sway the Bernie supporters off the fence towards the Clinton camp. At about the time of the RNC Party in Cleveland, I started watching Fox and Friends and I didn't see the bias and untruths that CBS constantly did and does. I watched both channels up to the election and it was night and day wigh CBS grilling the Trump team and Fox asking tough questions but fair questions. Then the election came CBS gave Mr.Trump a zero chance to win due to their own polls, in which I could never find to place my choice ? Fox at the same time gave Mr.Trump a zero chance according to polls, but at least Fox was still in Mr.Trump's corner. Then the election came and my choice won, President Trump had run a better campaign with the American people, while Clinton thought she had it bought and in the bag.
    After staying up until the election was over and watching President Trump give his victory speach, I went to bed, but made sure that I was up at 7am to watch the beginning of the CBS Morning Show, what smug and mad faces did I witness. Charlie, Gayle and Norah were in denial along with the pompous Major Garrett. I switched it to FOX and they were tired but happy for President Trump. To this day though I still waych a little of The CBS Morning Show and EVERYDAY THEY STILL LIE and Major Garrett gives his pompous look and lies to the American people. The CBS Morning Show along with Scott Pelley and his CBS Evening news try everyday to stir up garbage to discredit President Trump. It is actually sickening to me to watch seasoned reporters such as Charlie Rose, Scott Pelley, and Major Garrett bold face lie to the American people and think that we are dumb enough to fall for their lies. I thoroughly enjoyed watching President Trump put down Major Garrett yesterday, I could see it bother Garrett because Garrett's pompous posture slouched after President Trump cut him down at his knees.
    President Trump does not deserve the treatment he is receiving and like President Trump eluded to yesterday he doesn't appreciate it when the reporters treat him the way they do but will expect it when he does screw up. It's time for the main stream media to support our President and quit trying to keep this countty divided and starting a war. A 3rd grade teacher of mine used to have this saying "
    Enough is Enough and too much is Plenty".
    It makes alot of sense in the amount of lies we are told everyday and we Americans have had Plenty Enough.

  • Mel - 7 years ago

    Loved the comment "very fake news"

  • Linda Stovall - 7 years ago

    Yes. Trump wad great. The media was not Asley Parker of the Washington Post was not! Wrote negative things, SHE usre to work for New York Time! So special! And her partner John. Were not interested In anything they have to. Say.
    Then someone t in the audience yelled out,HAVE YOU TALKED WITH THE BLACK CAUCOUS? . MOST OF US WOULD say what we really think a about the black caucous.. THEY are a pain in the but. They are tied closely to leftist, just like the NAACP
    FOR THE Washington Post. Does THAT make THIS paper a Rag like the NEW. NEW YORK TIMES

  • Rita Deremer - 7 years ago

    God Bless President Trump for standing up to the press not that i will do any good . No matter what he does it will not matter to them they will somehow twist it around to suit them. I only watch and listen to FOX , i have quit watching and listening to any news from anywhere else. Its disgraceful how they have treated the President of this our United States of America. Its true he has to try to straighten out the mess that this country is in but how is he to do that with all the hatred and viciousness that the Press is creating. In all my years I have never seen a President treated with so much disrespect as they are him. and also what they are doing to his family too. It is disgusting. They need to give the man a chance and they need to start printing the truth and let the man do his job. Obama made a lot of promises to get elected and kept none of them at least President Trump is trying to keep the promises he made. He does need to clean that swamp out for sure because it all full of trash. the man cares about this country . this is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. U N I T E D does anyone know what that means? Also those kids that are protesting haven't even had to deal with Life , they need to go to school for which our taxes pay for rather than out on the streets protesting and the adults that are doing it should grow up . we need Unity!! and real love for our Country.. God Bless the United States of America!!

  • Audra - 7 years ago

    I think he should have answered all questions professionally as best he could then be done. They have so much ammo now on him. And why is he bringing up Hillary and the electoral college?? The media loves it when he does this bc it gives them so much to bash him about, mock him about. I was cringing the whole time. Keep your cool Trump!!!!! I still am proud you have voted for him, I think he's doing a great job considering what he up against.

  • Mary Riddles - 7 years ago

    I Boycott fake news outlets. I've stopped watching some programs on Fox news; ie: Shepard. I was pleased to hear Mr. Trump put the media in their place. However, no matter what he does or says, the media will twist the truth and will never be friendly. He, accomplishing stuff, might change their mind. Personally, I am more concerned about Obama's undermining our government. I'm glad I found DML. Keep up the good work with honest news.

  • Angela - 7 years ago

    I love our POTUS... but please please please put someone in charge of fact checking everything he says before he has a presser... it's just giving the MSM more ammo against him. Also, I think that the people know the MSM is left of center... and the ones that won't admit it never will so correct a couple of stories that the MSM gets wrong with FACTS to show the country that MSM is still putting out fake news and then move on... I think that this approach would be more effective.

  • Stan Trammell - 7 years ago

    I wish he would stop telling us how great people are and what he thinks of them. I get you surround yourself with people that you like and respect. Stick to facts that can't be disputed. Example: media publishes "Trump wants to ban all Muslims." That is how they report it. Not the Trump wants to ban all Muslims until we can get a handle on the immigration system. The message is totally different by choosing to add a period in his statement where it did not belong and editing out the rest out. This is how most Trump supporters like myself see the MSM..

  • Arizona - 7 years ago

    Start hitting it home and exposing their lies but do it when it matters & be preapred to back it up with facts. Make them work instead of taking short cut and spinning half truths.

  • Susie - 7 years ago

    I also believe that Trump needs to keep the media in their place, the minute he starts letting it slide will be his downfall. Not to mention, the man needs to vent somewhere and why not at those who create the situation in the first place. Go Trump, we are behind you Mr. President.

  • Sylvia - 7 years ago

    I wish he would focus on the job and let the media make a total fool of themselves, they really don't need his help for that. Go President Trump, we love you

  • Steve Paulman - 7 years ago

    The American people already know the MSM press lies. President Trump should stick to making America great. Just let the MSM cry babies have their fit. Sometimes you just need to let the babies cry.

  • Tina - 7 years ago

    If he does not address the lies then the media will have succeeded in making the public viewer believe the lies. This is why the liberals think of Trump the way they do. They were lied to.

  • lberry1028 - 7 years ago

    I am so very much a hard line Trump supporter. I was very active in rallying for him. I Do agree he must put the media in their them out on their LIES..However.... he really needs to NOT get entangled in their malicious web of banter ! Call them out then MOVE ON to Policy and Issues that effect America And Americans.

  • Jose Gallardo - 7 years ago

    I think he did this to stop the media dropkick focusing on the Flynn thing. He did a good job

  • Ronda Briggs - 7 years ago

    I am very supportive to President Trump. It ok to get after the media for not sharing the truth. But, the President needs to get his point out and go on. It like they are his kids your not going to keep yelling at them over and over for not telling the truth your going to say you need to write the truth and check all your information before you print it. Then you go on! I rather he finds out who is leaking the information and put them in jail that is a felony sharing classify information. I rather me stop tweeting all the stupid stuff and only tweet policies and information we need to here STOP tweeting FAKE NEWS we the people are tire of hear fake news and about his old tv program that's dead anyway. Share with the people what your working on and go on. 1. Get after the media and go on. 2. Share info we need to know and stop about fake news on twitter. 3. Keep us informed and do more surveys yourself if you need the people's opinion it does work! Thanks DML for starting this honest movement of honest WNT & the Greatest App full of truthful News. I feel you are like a brother Thanks!

  • Michelle Smith - 7 years ago

    He accomplished what was necessary. He set the record straight. Was strong. Pointed to the problem and I, for one, feel much better. He showed the press who has the upper hand. It was necessary! It's the press that isn't doing their job and it is unfair to the people!

  • Gigi - 7 years ago

    When the press lies about President Trump or the people surrounding him, he has every right AND should firmly confront the media to publicly set the record straight. HOWEVER, I do agree that many times he belabors a point and that can be frustrating to watch. I hope as he gains more experience dealing with the media he will learn to make his point and then move on. Don't forget, one of the things we have loved about then Candidate Trump now President Trump, is that he's NOT a polished politician. He has only been on the job less than 30 days and this is something he needs to get better at. I love our new President and so far he is doing a fantastic job! Thank you President Trump for your strength, courage and leadership through these very challenging times. We are 100% behind you! MAGA!

  • Gigi - 7 years ago

    When the press lies about President Trump or the people surrounding him, he has every right AND should firmly confront the media to publicly set the record straight. HOWEVER, I do agree that many times he belabors a point and that can be frustrating to watch. I hope as he gains more experience dealing with the media he will learn to make his point and then move on. Don't forget, one of the things we have loved about then Candidate Trump now President Trump, is that he's NOT a polished politician. He has only been on the job less than 30 days and this is something he needs to get better at. I love our new President and so far he is doing a fantastic job! Thank you President Trump for your strength, courage and leadership through these very challenging times. We are 100% behind you! MAGA!

  • Alice Severson - 7 years ago

    We are behind you, Mr. President, so stop w/the #'s game, let it go. Keep on the press, we all know they are fake by now, but, don't give in to them. Keep up the good work.

  • angelo zafarino - 7 years ago

    being a Trump supporter all the way, i truly appreciated the way he controlled the msm, i feel no matter what he says, or what he does, he has already been condemned by them and that's a fact... a fox guy (Sheppard) when on a meltdown about all the alleged lies our president was telling, how he treated the media and tried to stop their first amendment rights, of course his rights are irrelevant, and throwing in about the Russia involvement in the dnc during elections as if it were fact when i don't believe anything has really been substantiated and proven...but journalism today is putting out a mixture of lies, a dash of truth, and a heaping portion of opinion and calling it the The Real Story... on a slightly negative note...President Trump please refrain from making statements such as electoral numbers that these idiots can jump on like it's a freshly made roast beef sandwich, we are very happy you won the election, most of us don't really care how many electoral votes you won by just as long as you won...God Bless our President, and God Bless America

  • Karen Gardner - 7 years ago

    I watched all of President Trumps press conference yesterday. I now sit here watching Morning Joe for kicks and giggles,it is beyond the pale how these people twist the truth and rip apart what was actually said!!!

  • Philip Petre - 7 years ago

    I loved what he did and it is needed. I wish he would move on though and stop belaboring the point. That's where he begins to sound like a whinny kid.

    He fairly professionally gave the press a spanking, now he needs to focus on finding and prosecuting the leaks and making America great.

    The other thing he needs to do is stop rubbing it in their faces that he won so big. Let's keep doing what he is doing and knocking down the punch list fast as he has been doing.

  • Deborah Riley - 7 years ago

    I just love our president. I never watch MSM! I laughed and laughed some more. This is the man I voted for. !! And I'm proud of him. ????

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