How would you grade President Donald Trump's first month in office?


  • Jim Carter - 7 years ago

    As far as President Trumps administration being unsteady, shakey or unstable, remember they said the same thing about President Clinton and President Carter at the beginning. I voted for President Trump, and yes I know that he has and still say's a lot of things before he speaks. But he does tell it exactly like it is and how it should be. So far, even with resistance from the liberals, he has set out to do what he said he would do. I very much commend him for standing up to and standing against the Washington establishment! It's about time!

  • Adam - 7 years ago

    Total incompetence on a scale never before seen in this country: Nonstop executive orders that either do nothing (i.e. border wall, which cannot be built via executive order) or blatantly unconstitutional. The only thing he has to show after a month is approving two pipelines. This country has never had such an impotent or mentally unstable president.

  • Buck - 7 years ago

    Despite fierce opposition from the media and the Dems, he is moving America forward. A so far.

  • John cazier - 7 years ago

    After reading comments I must change mine. I have supported must of Donald's conservative ideas and intend to continue to do so. If you have more liberal views continue to support them. Hopefully trump can find a way to accomplish some of goals through compromise that benefits most United States citizens . The liberal view can not be advanced by extreme disrespect of the office of the President of United States.

  • Ardes - 7 years ago

    Just like in the election, the poll illustrates the division in America with 50% disapproving of President Trump and 50% that approve in various degrees. President Trump is our president like it or not and he has every right to be given a chance to govern. Whoever is in that position we should pray for them that God gives them guidance and wisdom to lead instead of cutting them down. If the act of praying for guidance was good enough for the framers of this great nation, then perhaps we the people of the United States ought to consider doing the same.

  • Sandy - 7 years ago

    I don't know why people defend this man as "doing what he said he was going to do". So did Obama. His first act was ending torture. Trump's was to being rolling back health care that will leave Americans dead. The difference is stark. It gets worse. Judging this President should not be done on whether he does what he says - but how those actions lift up or harm the people of the country and world.

  • BJ - 7 years ago

    Several of my conservative friends have said that we should "work together" with the president and the Republican majority because they won the election and Trump is "everyone's president." This is my response:
    •I will not forget how badly he and so many others treated former President Barack Obama for 8 years...
    •I will not "work together" to privatize Medicare, cut Social Security and Medicaid.
    •I will not "work together" to build a wall.
    •I will not "work together" to persecute Muslims.
    •I will not "work together" to shut out refugees from other countries.
    •I will not "work together" to lower taxes on the 1% and increase taxes on the middle class and poor.
    •I will not "work together" to help Trump use the Presidency to line his pockets and those of his family and cronies.
    •I will not "work together" to weaken and demolish environmental protection.
    •I will not "work together" to sell American lands, especially National Parks, to companies which then despoil those lands.
    •I will not "work together" to enable the killing of whole species of animals just because they are predators, or inconvenient for a few, or because some people like killing them.
    •I will not "work together" to remove civil rights from anyone.
    •I will not "work together" to alienate countries that have been our allies for as long as I have been alive.
    •I will not "work together" to slash funding for education.
    •I will not "work together" to take basic assistance from people who are at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder.
    •I will not "work together" to get rid of common sense regulations on guns.
    •I will not "work together" to eliminate the minimum wage.
    •I will not "work together" to support so-called "Right To Work" laws, or undermine, weaken or destroy Unions in any way.
    •I will not "work together" to suppress scientific research, be it on climate change, fracking, or any other issue where a majority of scientists agree that Trump and his supporters are wrong on the facts.
    •I will not "work together" to criminalize abortion or restrict health care for women.
    •I will not "work together" to increase the number of nations that have nuclear weapons.
    •I will not "work together" to put even more "big money" into politics.
    •I will not "work together" to violate the Geneva Convention.
    •I will not "work together" to give the Ku Klux Klan, the Nazi Party and white supremacists a seat at the table, or to normalize their hatred
    And racism.
    •I will not "work together" to deny health care to people who need it.
    •I will not "work together" to deny medical coverage to people on the basis of a "pre-existing condition."
    •I will not "work together" to increase voter suppression.
    •I will not "work together" to normalize tyranny.
    •I will not “work together” to eliminate or reduce ethical oversite at any level of government.
    •I will not "work together" with anyone who is, or admires, tyrants and dictators.
    •I will not "work together" to give less support to government employees.
    •I will not "work together" to find ways for the billionaires to cheat the system.
    •I will not "work together" to implement a hiring freeze at government agencies.
    •I will not "work together" to suppress reporters' right to ask questions the administrations does not like.
    •I will not "work together" to bully any country, big or small.
    •I will not "work together" to craft a message diminishing women and young adults.
    •I will not support anyone that thinks its OK to put a pipeline to transport oil on Sacred Ground for Native Americans. And, it would run under the Missouri River, which provides drinking water for millions of people. An accident waiting to happen...
    This is my line, and I am drawing it.
    •I will stand for honesty, love, and respect for all living beings

  • Tj - 7 years ago


  • Dani Payne - 7 years ago

    Well, Elsbeth KNuth. That works both ways, just like the claim that millions of voter voted illegally. Lol

  • Elsbeth KNuth - 7 years ago

    Not a scientific can vote more than once, I assume all the haters have figured it out and voting many times more than

  • Jim - 7 years ago

    I will be the first to acknowledge the fact that Mr. Trump can be somewhat of a loose cannon at times. The man is just doing what he promised during his campaign. Maybe the "nay Sayers" are just not too accustomed to this political ethic. Not perfect, but I believe he is doing a good job, despite many trying to find the negative in every move that the man takes. Look at it like this, which would you rather have guarding your well being,, a poodle,, or a Rottweiler.

  • Linda cyran - 7 years ago

    I didn't vote for Trump, but now that he is president I want him to do well. He needs to act " presidential " as he said he could do. Stop fighting with everyone and insulting anyone who disagrees with him. He is too thin skinned to be president! Just get to work and let there be just 1 day that we don't have to. E afraid of what he might do!!!

  • Grumpy - 7 years ago

    Karin. I need your help since I can't think for myself. Do I take a shower or bath? Whole wheat or white.? Red or white wine?
    What a foolish statement that people who have a different opinion than yours can't think for themselves. Well here's a thought from myself. Your comment is just stupid.

  • Karen - 7 years ago

    Those opposing Trump lack the ability to think for themselves. Don't believe the hype from those who call themselves journalists, on either side. Look deeper. He's not polished but he's not foolish either. So much needs to be done. I had high hopes for the last eight years and cannot express the concern I feel for the direction we were headed.

  • Steve - 7 years ago

    Give President Trump a "B" and the poll rings up am "F" very disappointed.

  • Steve - 7 years ago

    Give President Trump a "B" and the poll rings up am "F" very disappointed.

  • Grace - 7 years ago

    In just one month... Trump supporters double-crossed at an amazing pace...

    1. He called Hillary Clinton a crook.
    You bought it.
    Then he paid $25 million to settle a fraud lawsuit.

    2. He said he'd release his tax returns, eventually.
    You bought it.
    He hasn't, and says he never will.

    3. He said he'd divest himself from his financial empire, to avoid any conflicts of interest.
    You bought it.
    He is still heavily involved in his businesses, manipulates the stock market on a daily basis, and has more conflicts of interest than can even be counted.

    4. He said Clinton was in the pockets of Goldman Sachs, and would do whatever they said.
    You bought it.
    He then proceeded to put half a dozen Goldman Sachs executives in positions of power in his administration.

    5. He said he'd surround himself with all the best and smartest people.
    You bought it.
    He nominated theocratic loon Mike Pence for Vice President. A white supremacist named Steve Bannon is his most trusted confidant. Dr. Ben Carson, the world's greatest idiot savant brain surgeon, is in charge of HUD. Russian quisling Rex Tillerson is Secretary of State.

    6. He said he'd be his own man, beholden to no one.
    You bought it.
    He then appointed Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education, whose only "qualifications" were the massive amounts of cash she donated to his campaign.

    7. He said he would "drain the swamp" of Washington insiders.
    You bought it.
    He then admitted that was just a corny slogan he said to fire up the rubes during the rallies, and that he didn't mean it.

    8. He said he knew more about strategy and terrorism than the Generals did.
    You bought it.
    He promptly gave the green light to a disastrous raid in Yemen- even though all his Generals said it would be a terrible idea. This raid resulted in the deaths of a Navy SEAL, an 8-year old American girl, and numerous civilians. The actual target of the raid escaped, and no useful intel was gained.

    9. He said Hillary Clinton couldn't be counted on in times of crisis.
    You bought it.
    He didn't even bother overseeing that raid in Yemen; and instead spent the time hate-tweeting the New York Times, and sleeping.

    10. He called CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times "fake news" and said they were his enemy.
    You bought it.
    He now gets all his information from Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, and InfoWars.

    11. He called Barack Obama "the vacationer-in-Chief" and accused him of playing more rounds of golf than Tiger Woods. He promised to never be the kind of president who took cushy vacations on the taxpayer's dime, not when there was so much important work to be done.
    You bought it.
    He took his first vacation after 11 days in office.
    On the taxpayer's dime.
    And went golfing.

    And that's just the first month.

  • Carole DiPrisco - 7 years ago

    It is unfortunate that negative comments like the above are even posted. The President of the United States "is" Donald Trump. He was voted into office as every other president has been. The President isn't responsible for division in this country, we the people are. "We" choose to participate in marches like the upcoming "He Is Not My President" march. Do you think this type of activity is designed to heal any division that has occurred in our country. I would say no. Those who support him and those who don't live in the USA, he is our president, lets get beyond this bickering about the past...he said...she said and look to the future. For those Americans who truly hate the president, perhaps it is time to leave this country.

  • Alan Geiger - 7 years ago

    With 50% of the population voting for him, I can't believe these low approval ratings. He's doing exactly what he promised. That what he was elected to do, what's to complain about.

  • SandyG - 7 years ago

    It is a shame that a grown and egotistical so called president does such childish things like worrying about his next tweet and putting Nordstrom on blast because of possible loss of his daughter's income instead of getting down to the basics and duties of running this country and putting the people of this great nation at ease. The world is watching and I myself have gotten emails from friends abroad that have great concern over the direction this county is taking.

  • Roger - 7 years ago

    Glad he is doing what he said he would do. I feel for him and the challenges he has encountered and will encounter from Liberals.
    He is a tough man, doesn't back down and I'm glad we have a Commander in Chief with BALLS!
    EXCITED to see what transpires through this year.
    Make America Great Again!

  • Christine Hoover - 7 years ago

    He hasn't been in office long enough to make a fair judgement. Not to mention that grading a president like grading children or schools is a ridiculous way to survey such an important job.

  • Cindy - 7 years ago

    I gave him A you Democrats you gave him an F you been in office way too long it's time for you to sit down shut your mouth were tired of you at the man do his job

  • Ed Ferguson - 7 years ago


  • dtj428 - 7 years ago

    Dina President Trump is the best president ever already.

  • Deb c - 7 years ago


  • Ur Muthur - 7 years ago

    Never liked Trump but I voted for him because Hillary was sure to make the wrong decision 95% of the time. I am sure Trump will get things right at least 5% of the time. He is batting more than 50% right now. If the democrats weren't so emotionally driven, they would think rationally and realize that Trump is not a Republican. Trump is for gay rights. Trump is anti-free trade. Trump is for massive infrastructure spending. Trump is for paid family leave. Trump was against the Iraq war early on and said Bush lied to get us into it. Trump is against more wars. I can't understand why democrats aren't happy. He agrees with them a lot of time, a lot more than any of the other 16 republican contenders would have. Trump was a very big contributor to Hillary and Chuck. Schumer before he decided to pretend to be a Republican. If the democrats would cozy up to him, they could get a lot of what they want and water down the republican agenda by getting on Trump's good side. But no, they can't settle down a realize the chance they have been given. It is sad when a whole political ideology, well 95% of them, are totally led by their emotions.

  • Dawn - 7 years ago

    How can anyone fix the hate in this country? First thing that this country needs is to agree to disagree. Grow up and be adults stop the name calling. I personally voted for President Trump, I went to where my heart was. I am not stupid, I am a professional. There many things that I don't like that OUR President is doing, but man how can he get things right, when he does not have backing and liberals are fighting him. There is so much fake news, so be careful what you listen to.

  • UNKNOWN - 7 years ago


  • Lauren - 7 years ago

    The special needs comment was totally unnecessary.
    As someone who works with the special needs, and who's brother in law is special needs it was highly inappropriate and offensive to people who have special needs for you to make that comment.

    I personally did not vote for Trump, however after coming to terms with the election result, I hoped for the best.
    However I am not seeing the best. He is totally does not understand how the process of politics works. He also seems out of tune with what is really going on the world.
    Claiming "Terrorist attacks in Sweden" when there was no proof to make this claim.
    I feel he is not in the right state of mind to run this country.

  • Matt - 7 years ago

    What is going on with you people?! How is Fort Wayne "a swamp of refugees and illegals"? What evidence do you have to support this claim? And what makes WANE fake news?! I don't understand human beings anymore...

  • Al - 7 years ago

    Trump is good for America. Liberals are bad. There is a reason why Fort Wayne is essentially a run-down, welfare driven, melting pot of gangs and Letino crime - because we are governed by a lib.

  • Pamela - 7 years ago

    WANE is only posting negative comments on President Trump. WANE is fake news. And WANE is a major reason why Fort Wayne is now a swamp of refugees and illegals. Don't support WANE. Don't support liberals. President Trump is great.

  • Josh - 7 years ago

    We're so divided anymore. Look at the results of the poll, almost entirely As or Fs. No in between. No middle grades, no middle class, no centrist politics today. We need a president that can unite the country. We don't have one. Unless we all unite against him? Maybe?

  • Matt - 7 years ago

    Many of you are correct in saying that it's only been a short period of time, we can't expect him to fix everything in one month. But we have to bring up the fact that there are some concerning issues that have been raised in this period of time. Like the fact that he obviously has no clue how the different branches of government work, his combative nature towards the press, and the false facts that are easily discredited. Along with his questionable taste in, friends (Putin), cabinet appointees (Rex), and the fact that he wants to stop funding PBS and other important publicly funded works is very, very troubling.

  • Dudley - 7 years ago

    Looks like we have elected the special needs kid to drive the bus because he wasn't Hillary.

  • Carol Rice - 7 years ago

    He has only been OUR PRESIDENT for 1 month and yet he is expected to have all our country's problems solved by now...I am not unintelligent as some might want to believe.....I just believe we are all God's children and we all make choices in life that everyone will not agree with....BUT, not giving someone a chance at undertaking a job that he was TOTALLY voted into is just promoting hate, racism and teaching our children total disrespect for OUR PRESIDENT, OUR FLAG and most of all OUR COUNTRY and ALL legal AMERCICANS living here......why don't we all try to help instead of causing riots and hate toward our fellow man.....grow up people.....the election is over, the Republicans won and you all have 4 years to turn it around as does our PRESIDENT.....we are all given the same chance. Just want to tell Drew he is no saint and if he has a mirror, he might want to go stare into it for awhile....NO ONE is perfect and NO ONE should believe all that is being said without checking facts!!

  • Rod - 7 years ago

    This country has been on a downward spiral for years. Now we get to sit back and watch republicans take away freedom in the name of national security, and the only thing Trump talks about is grabbing women where he shouldn't. Way to go for the dumba**** that voted for this idiot.

  • Drew - 7 years ago

    Trump supporters are some of the least intelligent people on this planet. It's simply sad that people would elect someone who spent his life making millions by breaking the average man, and woman, then having those same fools elect him to lead their country. In quoting Trump, it's simply "sad"!

  • Kathy Baker - 7 years ago

    He was elected but most of our Americans who wanted Hilliary were STUPID over a woman who was dishonest and wanted the limelight and now will not try to give our president a chance because he is not a rich lawyer.

  • Rob - 7 years ago

    He is every bit a assclown

  • Beth - 7 years ago

    His latest approval rating is 38%. Enough said!

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