Are kids today more spoiled than when you were a kid?


  • Arizona - 7 years ago

    I for one have a 19, 10, & 5 yr old since moving to LA and my distrust for people didnt allow my children to run rampant...believe me Im guilty of overindulgence at times...I tried to instll morals & the value of hard work & a $1, Im a firm believer in "If I fish for you you eat for a day. If I teach you to fish you eat for a lifetime."

  • Arizona - 7 years ago

    Its the fault of overindulgent parents who dont lead by example...who are misinformed & self absorbed. They could care less where thier children are at 9p or who they're online with...except when they are try to impress others socially.

  • Lucretia Wrolstad - 7 years ago

    I believe they are more coddled, lacking disrespect for others, no consequences for the poor choices they are making.

  • Sheri mcintyre - 7 years ago

    I have one child a 17 year old daughter, yes I spoiled her because I didn't want her to want for anything or hurt. That all changed on New Year's Day of 2016 when suddenly out of the blue I had an annurisum rupture (AVM) BOOM, our lives all changed.
    Everything changed. Especially the way she is parented she is not a brat that's where the word spoiled brat comes in.
    Yes I do agree that it's parenting sit down dinners have gone. sports and dance are more important everyone is trying to outdo each other (everyone gets a trophy). But for us it has changed in the blink of an eye, I didn't want her to hurt...... and the one BIG regret I have is not taking her to church...( she didn't have a faith) I was brought up in church.
    Parents don't want to parent ( I THINK it's to hard) and that's why children turn to drugs! Don't get me started!!!!!!! I could go on and on! ❤????????????????????

  • Wil Cash - 7 years ago

    The kids of today are not spoiled any more than the kids of other generations. What I see actually breaks my heart. Our children today are without direction and have no real knowledge or wisdom being provided to them. Yes there's information but no depth given for the information they hear.
    Schools aren't and cannot be the place where children are made into human beings. It truly must be up to the family to give them the grounding they need. In the family or church or social community children had those who gave them the abilities to be able to become productive contributors to our society. Now it seems that unless it can be provided in a 30 second sound bite the kids don't have time to learn anything of substance.
    Just my opinion and again it breaks my heart. Where can we as a country hope to go if our leaders of tomorrow are no more than vegetables to be ground up by the realities of the real world we live in.

    Point I'd like to have details on the reality of it all is that according to Act For America the Muslims have a destroy America strategic and tactical plan by infiltrating our daily lives. This includes getting into where they write, publish, produce, work on school curriculum and book Evaluation and acceptance that promote the acceptance of Islam and Allah as the one true god.
    I know, I know it sounds like I'm a citizen who's lost my touch with reality, but I also heard that the DNC has or is electing a radical Muslim to head the Democratic Party. This man moved to from an Arab country, attends one of the known radical groups out of Chicago, has changed his name at least four time before settling on an Anglo name just in the past couple of years.

    He's now moving along with his Islam friends into one of the most powerful positions in the country.

    Would you research and get at the truth for us?

    Thanks for all you're doing. I for one appreciate all you're doing!
    Wil Cash
    Rockmart, Georgia

  • Dianne Witham - 7 years ago

    I don't necessarily believe they are spoiled. I believe it started with the Baby Boomers who handed it down to Generation X and then to the snowflakes. It is a way of thinking of raising your children or the lack thereof. As well as unemployment Financial concerns and the lack of time to parent

  • Patricia - 7 years ago

    I have to wonder if kids these days know what is expected of them! What have they been taught the first 5 years of their life and by whom? Why should they respect their elders? Sometimes I think children are being raised out of sense of guilt ie; to tired, not enough time. Parents forget that even in being to tired or not having enough time they are teaching their children. Something seems to always take priority over them. it any wonder why they don't respect their elders or don't do well in school, because they are thinking; Who cares! It starts at home and there is no government on this planet that can change or help with that. On this poll I said yes I think they are spoiled because I think they are given a lot of stuff in a lot of cases, which leads them to believe they are entitled. My question is; Has that helped them or hindered them, we are seeing the results of that now.
    Thats the way I see it

  • Hector Aponte III - 7 years ago

    Yes, I believe a lot of them are spoiled. I also believe they do not respect authority. They think stomping their feet and having temper tantrums is an effective way to get what they want. And, this is coming from someone who is 26 years old. The "snooty" restaurant guy in Ferris Bueller's Day Off said it perfectly: "I weep for the future".

  • Pat Stephen - 7 years ago

    I feel a lot of it is parents are somewhat restricted. I know if I did something wrong I had fear in my dad. Where now all they have to do is make a phone call and tell them they are being abused. Parents aren't able to disciple like that did when I was a kid. I also believe that they do have so much more today. We would go and make forts outside and have to entertain our selves. Now they have poor tv programing, computers and all that nonsense. TV to me needs to go back to Leave it to Beaver, Father Knows Best and others like that that shows good family values. Instead they have these violent tv shows and on the computer and cell phones all the time. I'd like to get rid of TV, computers and computer games and all that and go back to having kids outside running and playing and making their own entertainment.

  • Rachel Berryman Laniel - 7 years ago

    they are not so much spoiled as neglected. they are not taught manners or basic respect for others - or for themselves. They do not feel loved in the sense that parents aren't there to them. They are left to themselves way too much. Given expensive gifts but not enough interaction. I think that's partly why we see kids having sex so young. They are looking for an emotional connection, trying to feel close to someone. They are very lonely. Sad in this day and age where we have so many ways of communicating - we have lost touch with each other in the true sense.

  • Betsy J. Casper - 7 years ago


  • Brenda - 7 years ago

    I think they are spoiled. Heck, when you have to show them how to enjoy the outdoors without their cellphones, to me that's an problem. But now after we showed them that going with your grandparents can be fun they now can't wait to go fishing again. Oh don't get me started on them not even know what or how to make a mud pie when they were younger. We are here for our grandchildren to teach them to get out of the house away from phones and video games and run and enjoy life.

  • Jasmin Wilkiins - 7 years ago

    Years ago it was said people feared the "timeout" generation becoming adults.

    It's here.

    No one is responsible for their own actions. Everything makes them upset. Stomp and cry and throw a fit and you will get your way.

  • Barbara ODay - 7 years ago

    Not all of them!! I do know many of them that are still being raised in the same fashion as they were.... BUT I also know a number of them that are totally out of control!! I do know one parent that tried to put more controls on her boys with a minor spanking.... they told their teacher and she was turned into the CFS!! So when they got in trouble again, she called the cops.... they said spank... CFS said no way!!! So what is she to do?? I told her that my daughter took her children on the pretense of taking Christmas presents to a home where their local CFS puts the children they take from families..... they got to see just how bad it was there in comparison and now they would NEVER let anyone know if they were spanked.... although, now they are older and great teenagers!!

  • Joan Marsh - 7 years ago

    It doesn't surprise me the way kids behave these days. God already told us in His word.
    Read 2 Timothy 3: 2-3

  • Shirley Blanchard - 7 years ago

    Respect is lacking...that's important to me.

  • lberry1028 - 7 years ago

    ENTITLEMENT and NO RESPECT are rampant with the youth of today. I worked in High School where kids had cell phones and $200 Jordan's even though Mom was on Foodstamps. Throwing 'F' Bombs was just a part of their daily narrative.

  • Jen Meyers - 7 years ago

    Maybe the word isn't spoiled. To me spoiled means room be given an excess. To be thought more of. Which is not the case. In many cases they given THINGS rather than time or attention. It takes time and effort to teach a child to work for things, care for others, build social skills. This time and caring builds self-esteem and value. Many many children are brought up getting their way, having technology, and obtaining their values from peers because it is easier for the parents. I don't think this is spoiling, I think it is neglect. And it creates angry young adults who have no self esteem, no boundaries, no work ethic, no sense of "other" just self. They have learned that if they tantrum hard enough and yell loud enough, they will get what they want. So maybe the answer is no, not spoiled, neglected and entitled.

  • Catherine - 7 years ago

    I have a 20 yr. Old who is spoiled I take full responsibility, but I also tried to punish her, and it wasn't abuse, I never laid my hands on her, and someone called child Services when she was young. The Schools also give the Children the power.

  • Norma Gilbert - 7 years ago


  • Scott Brierly - 7 years ago

    The 2.7 % that said no must be the kids of today answering

  • Terry Gupton - 7 years ago

    Not only spoiled but thinks the world owes them and because of Google they think they know EVERYTHING!

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