Do you think the president should attend the correspondents' dinner?


  • mikiecoatta - 7 years ago

    F the msm fake news they r a bunch of leftist Marxist Anti American liars they r the enemy of the people

  • Judy Reagan - 7 years ago

    I support DJT's decision not to go to the Correspondents' Gala. It is simply an opportunity to perform comic relief and to "honor" journalists. Frankly, I don't see that they deserve any honors after their behavior! Why on earth would he go so that they could slap him around and basically force him to laugh at their jokes? I'd compare this to someone who is abused, and continues to allow the abuser to attack. They will make fun of him and take jabs whether he's there or not. Allowing them to have their fun in his absence, makes him the bigger person.

  • Michele Vigoda - 7 years ago

    President Trump has more important things to do. As far as the media is concerned it is just a back patting event to tell each other how great they are. But, as a Trumpian, I think the media is a bunch of spoiled babies who wouldn't know right from wrong if it smacked them in the face. They are reprehensible and the President doesn't have time for such frivolities.

  • Dotti - 7 years ago

    I am conflicted on this one. I can understand why he chose to not go; however, this is only going to fuel the feud. Reagan didn't go to the conference, but that is because of the attempted assassination. He did speak over the telephone.

  • Penny - 7 years ago

    He's in good company, Ronald Reagan didn't go. President Trump has already taken a serious beating why choose to go to this event and take more? I don't know many who could have held up under all that he has held up under, the job doesn't pay that well!! (I know, he isn't accepting a salary)

  • Anna Nagy - 7 years ago

    I said yes, not because I think he needs to mend his relationship with the press, but because he needs to show that he can take it, not just dish it out. Also a chance to rebut their remarks using humor.

  • Jill Melody - 7 years ago

    President Trump Is a LEADER NOT a Follower! He does not have to go to that dinner just because the prior Regime did!

  • Karen Distefano - 7 years ago

    You stay away from toxic people and things that are unhealthy. Ask any counselir. DML you know your stuff, but I also am expert when it comes to staying healthy. A recovering drunk shouldn't go to a bar. Counselors tell you to stay away from that. So he isn't cutting 9ff all media, only the ones that are toxic. He has a right to his health and state of mind to not meet or have press conferences with those particular media outlets. Again, I am very experienced in boundaries and keeping healthy. The good press will get the news out. So don't need the others. He is NOT making a mistake nor will it hurt him. I know for a fact! Boundaries!!

  • Patti Puckett - 7 years ago

    I'm glad he cancelled. Why anyone would subject themselves to the vitriol that will be thrown their way from a bunch of Clinton loving rabid news media is beyond me! Great job, Mr. President!

  • Maria mccorry - 7 years ago

    The mainstream media is dirty and corrupr to the core !!! They are not representatve of the people but to the globalists who have bought them out. I refuse to watch or support them. Screw them !!!

  • Richard Holland - 7 years ago

    Would like him to invite one press person and have dinner with 300 or more vets and spouses ,just a big party

  • Kris - 7 years ago

    The reason I voted no is. If I was him I wouldn't want to sit there and be slammed the whole time.. knowing that some of these people were his friends that he gave up, which I don't really think he thought about that. because of the things he is doing for us the American people...just maybe they might get a clue he's not going to put up with this.. but that's a really really big maybe.. I want him to unite the country but this could be a pass. I wouldn't want to sit through that fire storm.

  • Arizona - 7 years ago

    Only if he truly has something else to do...but he should through thier "fake news" back in their face but shutting it down with one foul New York blunt attack that makes the news cringe & the people look at them as uncredible, their stocks go down & the news source become obsolete. Just like election night when they fell all over their words when they said Trump has no path to 270, talk about egg on their face.

  • Pat Thomson - 7 years ago

    He needs to put his head down and move forward with his agenda and forget about what the press has to say. It will drive them more crazy if he gives them nothing to write about.

  • Cindy Chambers - 7 years ago

    Trump has been the source of ridicule, bad commentary, and reporting that is not only bias in many cases but also false. He has every right to protect himself as well as his family from the continued jabs and punches offered through the media. Why would anyone want to subject themselves to comical jokes that come at a personal and public expense? He is for sure doing the right thing. This is not about proper ethics, etiquette or social graces. I am sure the news media will have a field day with this decision and report all this conjecture and garbage at Trump's expense. It actually takes a stronger person to say "No", then "Yes" in most cases and this is exactly what he is doing. Protecting ones character which may not be the reason he declined, is important. What happens to him is also happening to his wife and children. I believe he is making a strong statement by not going. That statement being, "I am not going to the puppet of the media and subject myself and my family to a platform of comic relief at the expense of my personal life and public life as the President of the US." This is the same media that has shown no support in him or his administration since day 1. Trust barriers have been violated over and over again with the media. Trump should have a nice quiet night home with his family. He should for sure keep the TV off and keep his fingers off of all social media outlets....especially Twitter. His tweets can and does lead to many of his problems regarding the news. This stuff just needs to stop on Trump's end and I think he will find because he is not adding fuel to the fire, his life will simplify just a bit. Enjoy your night President Trump.

  • Susan Gillespie - 7 years ago

    Frankly I am tired of hearing about the news media. They are using bad news as a tool to take Trumps mind off of doing his job, and only worrying about fake news. Nothing will get done if he keeps worrying about the news.

  • Georgeanna Hoover - 7 years ago

    After P. Trump called media biased & fake it's hypocritical for him to honor the very Political Journalists that were attacking him with twisted lies.This event would be used to further attack, demean, & ridicule our President in a vicious way using humor as a front. He should be too busy doing something headline grabbing instead. This event would be a propaganda circus.

  • Cynthia L Reagan - 7 years ago

    He is the President of the American people NOT a puppet for the press. I support him in his decision !~!

  • Ronda Briggs - 7 years ago

    If this dinner about making fun of the President I think it's very wise of President Trump note to go at all because he will just feel the need to pay them all back. It would not be pretty period. No President likes to be made fun of nor should they be made fun of. That's tearing the person down how about having a dinner building one another up. The President build the Media up and in return the Media build and encourage the President. I know it's not in most people to uplift each other but just think how much better we all would me if the White House and Media got along as reported the news like DMLs staff does? That's my thought of the day!

  • Bonnie Resetar - 7 years ago

    I think the President made a good call not to go. He doesn't need to kiss anyones rear especially the press. He stands for the American people not the press. They are a bunch of snowflakes anyway.
    Good job Mr. President we stand behind you!

  • Steve Gagne - 7 years ago

    If there is anyone that needs to "kiss and make up" it is the press corps. That pack of jackals has been tearing at Trump's flesh from day one. And now they want him to perform for them, at their beck and call? Fat chance.

    Good call, Mr. President!

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