Would you want to be president, if given the chance?


  • Susan Lazier - 7 years ago

    I would probably get arrested for either assault or murder JK but that is a very tough job

  • SHELLEY ROBINSON - 7 years ago

    if i were president,
    i would change things with a tougher stance then Mr. Trump has. i would start with the ponzi scheme of auto insurance like extremely high rates just "in case" you get into an accident, and if you don't the insurance co keeps all the money you paid, never to be seen again. my daughter paid her brand new car in full and her insurance rates still cost more annually than what her car payments were on an annual basis (major issues to be fixed) and then turn to dmv to end this crap of people who can't speak or read our language, and not even citizens, they then get licenses and drive brand new $50-$80 thousand dollar vehicles, living in ny but vehicles registered in ct? (what's up with that???) and still can put their kids in low income programs like aster children services, getting food stamps, medicaid and live in expensive houses. then i would turn to the discrimination of homeowners running into financial distress and needed temporary government help to get back on their feet, just to find out the government put a lien on their home until they pay back all the assistance help they received. non homeowners do not have to pay back anything..then next....onto social security....the big raise of cola this year (HAHAHA). our checks went down instead of up because the cost of medicare rose up again, and took my entire cola raise, plus a little more. with raises like that, who needs to eat or use electricity, or God forbid, buy soft toilet paper. .....this is just the TIP of my ice burg....oh. if only i were president.....IF ONLY....Hey Mr. Trump, if you need an extra employee that will work for cheap pay and still be loyal to you........... i have lots of great ideas

  • Arla Kartel - 7 years ago

    Hell No!!!!!!!!!

  • Elizabeth Ledman - 7 years ago

    Not just no, but hell no! I don't have the temperament or the thick skin needed to hold that position.

  • Cynthia - 7 years ago

    The wrongs I see being committed on the President, is almost intolerable, while watching from the safety of my home. I get upset and angry watching Pelosi, Shumer, Obama with their lies spewing out of their mouths everyday, not to mention the Republicans who turn traitorous at the drop of a hat. The honor of people is virtually nonexistent. It requires a strong level headed person to stand in the middle of the sludge.

  • Linda Berry - 7 years ago

    HELL NO!

  • Francine - 7 years ago

    If I could go to the mountains and throw the tablets down onto to all the evilness in this world maybe I would consider it!

  • Mary Simpson - 7 years ago

    Any man willing to take on the presidency in this day and age who is intent upon carrying out his duty with honesty and integrity would need to know for certain that he has been chosen for the task by Someone bigger than himself because the cost is too high. There are many who will do whatever it takes to destroy this Republic and all that it stands for. A man may lose not only his life but the lives of his wife and children are open to attack as well.

  • John - 7 years ago

    No way! It would be a privilege to be are part of the president's security detail.

  • Ronda Briggs - 7 years ago

    No, way! It does take the right person someone like you DML who doesn't care what the Democrats say or do but stands your ground. I don't think the job of a President is from Eva women and I'll tell you why. Being President is a full time job b you have to be willing to be walked all over on, you have to be able to be walked on especially when people or the walk other side doesn't like what you are doing and you have to be able to stick to your promises and stand up for all Americans not just the democrats or republicans and it would take someone whom is very strong and does care. But Trump is the very first President that I know of that has fulfilled his promises. Right now he starting to fuldill his promises. I know once Hillary would get in office if she would have won none of her promises would have been fulfilled. Like I said it takes a special person to fill the Office of President. I look forward to the day we see President Dennis Lynch in office. I know for a fact you have no problems getting rid of the illegal immigrants Dennis.

  • shirley ulerick - 7 years ago

    Takes a special person to want to help billions of ppl

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