Are you pro-choice?


  • Larissa Smith - 7 years ago

    Actually it's less than 3% of abortions are due to rape and medical issues. Again just like the gay agenda it's the minority ruling the world. Wake up church!!! The great commission says to go!! But you're too busy looking like the world and just doing your ritual Sunday church hour then diving back into the world.

  • Alisha Smith - 7 years ago

    There are plenty of other options out there to prevent unwanted pregnancy BEFORE it happens.... And before everyone starts bashing me and talking about "rape babies" and medical anomalies, let me remind you of something: according to the Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI), 90% of abortions performed are done so by the mother for "elective" reasons each year. That means that less than 10% of abortions performed are for medical, rape, incest, etc. cases per year. Simply put, being Pro-Choice is an extremely accurate description. For most who have abortions, it is not out of necessity, but rather stems from a desire to no longer be pregnant (for whatever personal reasons​ the woman may have).

    As for the debate as to whether a fetus is "alive" or not, I would encourage you to read . It is an excellent look from a non-partisan, scientific standpoint at how scientists everywhere determine what is and isn't alive in the world around us. (It simply doesn't make sense to hold humans to a different definition of life than that which we define everything around us.)

    This debate would be almost non-existent if the only time a woman had an abortion was out of necessity or rape or incest. The far left insist that these situations are far more common than they actually are and their reasoning demands that all abortions should be rubber stamped as OK because of this skewed logic. The numbers don't lie and they MOST CERTAINLY DO NOT justify the reasonings we are being force-fed by the media, certain advocacy groups and our politicians.

    Life, all life, is precious. To end a life because it is not convenient at the time is unacceptable. Can you imagine what the world would be like if we gave the same options to mothers to choose to end their 2 year olds life because they "just couldn't handle" the terrible twos? Or if we made murder of anybody, any time for any reason legal? Because that is what is happening here.

    The only difference between the two groups is the fact that the unborn child cannot express their desire to live or defend themselves against these "doctors". They are helpless against their attackers; powerless to stop the torture and eventual death; and heartbreakingly taciturn to emote their desire for life.

    We cannot allow one person's desires to nullify the sanctity of another's life simply because the second person cannot express themselves. We are in America for crying out loud! One of the principles our country was founded on was the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. An aborted baby gets none of these.


  • Angela - 7 years ago

    Tomi allowed herself to be eaten alive on The View. She was used for ratings for the failing show. That was obvious. I watched the video..she appeared to get caught up in the audience's response each time she voiced reservations about our President. She sat like an intimidated deer in headlights as Joy Behar rambled on with her conspiracy theories. Ugh. And, of course, we have the elephant in the room..the revelation that she's a supporter of abortion. I feel mislead by Ms. Lahren..regret tolerating her screeching commentaries, and time wasted viewing her videos. Needless to say - she's now unfollowed by this Conservative.

  • Anna Nagy - 7 years ago

    If you murder a pregnant woman and her baby also dies, you will be charged with a double homicide. Yet it is legal for the mother to go and have her unborn baby murdered by an abortionist. So I guess the reasoning is that if a woman wants her unborn baby, then it's a human being , but if she doesn't , then it isn't. This kind of reasoning is insane.

  • Jayson - 7 years ago

    Two (of the 4) Gospels begin with an unexpected pregnancy - and until Jesus returns, the (true) conflict will always be the God who wrote the Bible sovereign? ...or me.

  • Ernie Botelho - 7 years ago

    I just do not understand the rationale of saying it's ok to murder an I innocent human being for the sake of protecting the safety or health of the person taking the life. I'm certain that some women will attempt DIY abortions if the practice becomes illegal, and that is unmistakably tragic, but should we really be more concerned about the perpetrators of this heinous act than the innocent victims? This is a holocaust! There is no question that an unborn child is alive. There is a heartbeat 18 days from conception. Unique DNA right from the beginning. This isn't a religious or moral issue, this is scientific fact. We have more people concerned about the eggs of sea turtles than the lives of unborn children. You can pay a hefty fine for intruding on the sanctuary habitats of endangered species, yet the federal government should pay for you to take the life of your child? This is madness. And these same people think you are a monster for being against amnesty claiming that it hurts children. Any culture that doesn't have a problem killing babies is capable of any and all atrocities against humanity. If we don't have a right to our own lives, what rights do we really have at all?

  • Nanci - 7 years ago

    Conservative = conserve life

    It is hard for me to wrap my mind around people conserving their rights but not conserving the life of a child. It is never better to kill a child than have it raised in a bad situation. I was raised in a bad situation involving different kinds of abuse and the foster system.

    I am thankful my birth mother did not decide her circumstances dictated me being killed.

  • Kalyn - 7 years ago

    Why does everything need a label? Defining by group instead of individuality.

  • NR - 7 years ago

    I am conservative but I am not against abortion. I just do not feel the government should be involved.

    I see far too many children being raised (I use that term lightly) in horrible environments by parents that are alcoholic and drug addicted, mentally ill, or totally irresponsible. Being raised in a life of hell because a mother was having sex in a drug induced stupor, raped, or not using birth control is an unfair sentence to a child. If the mother can live with herself after aborting a child that is hers to own. Unless and until I am willing to take that child and raise it myself, I do not feel I should have any say in whether or not she has an abortion. At the same time, as a taxpayer I do not want my tax dollars used to fund abortion performing businesses.

    I would agree to a program where the taxpayers pay $10K to any male or female between the ages of 18 and 32 that wish to be sterilized. That should attract the drug addicts that are creating children they cannot support and stop the creation of their offspring before conception. This would be strictly by choice and the money could be used for anything they want and the sterilization would be free of charge. Ultimately, they would never be needing government handouts for 18 years to feed children they did not want in the first place. If later in life they decide they want children they would have the option to adopt but only if they could support and take full responsibility for the child.

    There will always be exceptions, but we need to focus on stopping this irresponsible reproduction of human life.

  • Carol Mitchell - 7 years ago

    I am pro-life, but it's not a simple answer. Right now you can go on youtube and a girl can learn how to induce or perform an abortion. That is terrifying. The hearts of the people have to change and then their choices will follow.

  • jeannej56 - 7 years ago

    DML, I don't really think abortion is a "Political" decision, however we have made it that way. Abortion is a Christian decision. Maybe a moral decision would be a better way to put it. describe it. To me now this is just my opinion there is absolutely no justification for murder. Abortion is the murdering of innocent babies.It doesn't matter if the woman has been raped or is still murdering an innocent baby. You don't treat a trauma with a trauma. Somewhere in that woman's life the knowledge that she murdered her own innocent baby will haunt her and she will have to deal with that. There are so many forms of birth control/contraceptives out there to use, but abortion is not one of them..this is how it is being used...that concept is so wrong on so many levels!! Women say it is their body, their it is not. The woman made her choice when she decided to engage in unprotected sex. If it truly was her body..then she would be the one dying. Planned Parenthood is a mass murdering business of innocent babies. They harvest the organs and sell them..evil wretched women. Again no justification for murder and you can not defend the indefensible.

  • LA - 7 years ago

    Poll doesn't take it far enough; I am a conservative undoubtedly, HOWEVER, I do believe that a woman has a right to make a choice UP TO 8 weeks; anything over 8 weeks for medical necessity only. I do not believe in late term abortions just because some dumbass doesn't want to take responsibility, but there are many documented cases of a fetus having no brain stem, or some other non-survivable genetic disorder. Can you imagine the devastation that woman/family feels? I support that woman/family's right to use this medical procedure (IN A HOSPITAL SETTING) to end this pregnancy in the least emotionally traumatic way they deem appropriate for themselves.

  • Jim - 7 years ago

    I am neither but the service should be available after all other avenues have been visited

  • Jackie - 7 years ago

    I'm not certain about making abortion illegal. But, the argument that it would be dangerous to women because of back alley abortions is crazy to me. What about the safety of their unborn baby? Are we supposed to start worrying about the safety of murderers or rapists? No, it's not the exact same premise. But, you get what I'm saying.

  • Kimberly walker - 7 years ago

    Luckily I've never been in a situation to have to make this horrible decision , but, if it becomes illegal I worry for the safety of woman/ girls who do attempt to perform this on their own in desperation. A practicing MD should perform these services but, not on tax payers dimes.

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