Does suicide prevent entry into heaven?


  • Duane - 7 years ago

    GOD knows our troubles and He loves us unconditionally, I have found with EVERY church that I have been with that it is full of hypocrites that will stab you in the back the first chance they get. So are these people any better just because they go to church most Sundays? I think NOT! They are worse because they know better! So if GOD loves us, would he cast us to hell for hurting so bad that our mental state would allow us to harm ourselves in such a way? Are you kidding me? of course HE would not!

  • Sandy Wright - 7 years ago

    I was raised Methodist and the church according to the scriptures I was taught suicide is an unforgiveable sin. I am now at a crossroad in life. I have a friend that is terminal with ALS and wants another friend to assist in the last days to help him leave the world while he still has a choice and is not a vegetable. I also understand that aspect. I do believe each person has their own reasoning on the subject. I would consider removing myself from this world should I no longer have the ability to be self sufficient or a burden physically, mentally, financially and emotionally to my family. God only knows Gloria's situation and what she did before the end of her life. God is love, I would like to believe that God is all understanding of the heart and mind and only allows that which is his will as well. I pray Gloria is at peace with the Lord and her family can accept her decision. I also pray for you and your family DML and all the good work you are doing for all of us. Peace to all....... Sandy Wright

  • Loretta Smith - 7 years ago

    When a person dies they fall into the arms of their Creator: Love.

  • Judy McGrath - 7 years ago

    Our God is a forgiving God. He understood the pain that Gloria had been exposed to. She was broken. He has forgiven her. May she Rest In Peace.

  • Carolyn - 7 years ago

    My belief is that if Gloria accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior (sometime in her life) that she is bound for heaven. Jesus died for her sins. The blood of Jesus washes all sins away as if she NEVER committed the sin. What a wonderful day to meet our Savior face to face.

  • Teresa S - 7 years ago

    “Obviously, we do not know the full circumstances surrounding every suicide. Only the Lord knows all the details, and he it is who will judge our actions here on earth.

    “When he does judge us, I feel he will take all things into consideration: our genetic and chemical makeup, our mental state, our intellectual capacity, the teachings we have received, the traditions of our fathers, our health, and so forth”

    Sadly, despite our best efforts, suicide is not always preventable and it leaves behind deep heartbreak and emotional upheavall. Nevertheless, peace can be found amid such deep pain and anguish through our Savior, who “descended below all things that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.

  • Mary - 7 years ago

    After one is saved by trusting Jesus to die for their sins, they are a Christian. If that person kills himself they're still saved and will still be saved, (go to heaven) but they will lose their reward for the good things they have done on earth.

  • Sue - 7 years ago

    No, even though we are "taught in Church" that only God can take our life. The "man/mortal/Church" teaching contradicts what God's Love is & His instructions are for eternal life with Him. That is: those who accept Christ as their Lord & Savior will never die, but will have ever lasting life with Him in Heaven."
    If suicide prevented admission to Heaven then forgiveness of our sins would be null as well.

  • RobAnthony - 7 years ago

    I lost my dear wife of 26yrs last year by her own hands. She was a devoted Christian, prayed regularly and even seeked help from our church & Christian community dealing with her failing health and depression.
    I believe God looks at our hearts and not just at our final actions coming out of desperation

  • Jeanne Johnson - 7 years ago

    Dear DML: This is the $64,000.00 question or a very slippery slope!! I can only give you what I believe to be true.
    First I want to start off my saying I don't believe my Heavenly Father puts anyone in hell. I believe people put themselves in hell. God has done everything possible so that NO MAN SHOULD PERISH!!
    SUICIDE: I believe that once you become a true believer, you confess you're a sinner, you ask for forgiveness, you ask Jesus to come into your heart to be your Lord and Savior of your that very moment your redeemsion is sealed by the Holy Spirit and your name is written into the Lambs Book of Life. You are sealed forever!! I don't believe our Heavenly Father has abortions in Heaven. According to God's Holy Words the only sin that can not be forgiven is to "Blasphemy",The Holy Spirit!! I believe all other sins regardless how henious or horrendous they are can and will be forgiven , covered by the shedding of Jesus Blood as He hung on that tree..if we ask seek true forgiveness. That doesn't give us a licenses to sin, quite the contrary once you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as your Lord and really don't want to sin. Yes, I believe if Gloria was born again..she is in Heaven now.

  • Diane Yocum - 7 years ago

    I am a suicide survivor, and I definitely don't think death by suicide prevents one from getting into heaven. I am Catholic, and I had a priest tell me that God is compassionate with people who are suffering and He understands. I think Gloria is in heaven and is also walking with you on your walk and talks.
    I cried when you were telling us about her, partly because you were crying. But mostly because I was sad that she passed. I know the despair and hopelessness she must have felt. It's horrible. I'm glad I survived. I've been praying for Gloria. I want to say Dennis that I love your walk and talks. I look forward to them everyday. I love your new studio and I hope it is very successful. I feel like you are family.
    And I agree with you - I think our president has his head up his buttocks!
    Diane Yocum

  • Pat Stephen - 7 years ago

    I marked not certain there are a few ways of how I look at it. One is GOD loves everyone and I feel that if someone commits suicide that God wouldn't let it happen if it's not the time for that person. I also have fear because I have tried suicide and thought about it a lot at times but afraid I won't see the loved ones that have passed before me. So I always hang on. I have a brother, mom and a dad that I would love to see again and that is what keeps me hanging on. I really feel that God does have a plan for all of us. I have been told that someone that commits suicide always has to come back to do it right and I sure as hell don't want to have to do that. So I take one day and sometimes 1 minute at a time and keep waiting. I sure hope Gloria is at a better place and at peace now and she deserves it. Dennis maybe the bells didn't go off because they didn't change the time. Sometime drive by there and see if they go off at 1 instead of 12. Let's hope it is that. We all need to pray that Gloria is at peace. It's not an easy task to take your own life and you have to be very desperate so lets all home that she is at peace.

  • Larry McCray - 7 years ago

    If someone trusts Jesus Christ as their savior and are trusting Him to get them to Heaven and "then" commits suicide they will not be prevented from entering Heaven. We are saved (given access to heaven) by faith through the grace of God. Jesus paid God's penalty for our sin for us and there is NOTHING we can do to deserve access to Heaven except trust Christ and His sacrifice for us.

  • Susan - 7 years ago

    This is the official Catholic position on suicide from The Catechism of the Catholic Church:
    (And my belief)


    2280 Everyone is responsible for his life before God who has given it to him. It is God who remains the sovereign Master of life. We are obliged to accept life gratefully and preserve it for his honor and the salvation of our souls. We are stewards, not owners, of the life God has entrusted to us. It is not ours to dispose of.

    2281 Suicide contradicts the natural inclination of the human being to preserve and perpetuate his life. It is gravely contrary to the just love of self. It likewise offends love of neighbor because it unjustly breaks the ties of solidarity with family, nation, and other human societies to which we continue to have obligations. Suicide is contrary to love for the living God.

    2282 If suicide is committed with the intention of setting an example, especially to the young, it also takes on the gravity of scandal. Voluntary co-operation in suicide is contrary to the moral law.

    Grave psychological disturbances, anguish, or grave fear of hardship, suffering, or torture can diminish the responsibility of the one committing suicide.

    2283 We should not despair of the eternal salvation of persons who have taken their own lives. By ways known to him alone, God can provide the opportunity for salutary repentance. The Church prays for persons who have taken their own lives.

    Eternal rest grant unto Gloria, Oh Lord,
    And may perpetual light shine upon her.
    May God have mercy on her soul, and may she rest in peace.

    In the future, you may want to be careful of calling upon spirits. I suggest St. Michael the Archangel for protection or your Guardian Angel. Evil is real and when you are fighting against it, you will be attacked.

  • Donna - 7 years ago

    No one dies one second before they are supposed to, If someone tries to commit suicide and its not their time to go, they will survive it,,,most likely in an awful state, So dont try it!

  • Jen - 7 years ago

    I believe as with many situations God will judge on an individual basis as only He knows the heart. Really good article

  • Connie Fikes - 7 years ago

    I used to believe it did, thou shall not kill, etc. Then I came to believe that a person who kills themself are mentally ill at that moment and do not know what they are doing and are living in the Grace of God.

  • Sue - 7 years ago

    My vote is NO because true suicidal people are really in too much pain and Not in the right state of mind. God will forgive anyone that is sorry and wants forgiveness. God knows them and knows the truth. I believe Suicide bombers like the terrorist or any Islam jihadist will not go to heaven. Their beliefs and God are all false. We know this when an ideology wants to kill all infidels, non believers of Islam, non believers of the Koran and when their history shows violence and this ideology for over a thousand years. They themselves have proved their evil when they kill others who don't agree with them or persecute others that don't agree with them. Any common sense can help to see the truth of this evil. I think they can change if they want too and get rid of the Koran. Maybe, they need to do what the Lutherans did with the Catholic Church. The Lutherans broke away from Catholic religion and re-did their Bible. Took things out! Rewrite the Koran and BREAK AWAY from this EVIL if you don't want to reject it entirely and convert to Christianity. Do something other than follow the Koran and Sharia Law Ideology but pretend it is OK. It is NOT OK to persecute other humans violently that don't agree with you. I have not seen any other religion CURRENTLY that kills people, attacks people, and persecutes people that don't agree with their bible or laws of Ideology in American or Europe or Asia, or anywhere.

  • Janet McCurry - 7 years ago

    Ditto what Ellen said
    Very clear and well said Ellen!

  • Sue - 7 years ago

    I have been suicidal. I know the pain that cannot be touched and I know the mindset that I hope others never need to experience. I believe in God. I believe that we choose our path on earth and sometimes, we choose to 'check-out'. I believe that God embraces the ones in pain who were unable to cope. I believe we all learn lessons but God's love does not stop. Humans judge. God does not. If we truly know God, then we too will embrace the ones in pain.

  • Cheryl - 7 years ago

    I believe my son is in heaven with my various family members who passed before him...because through a medium 18 years ago.she related his presence with described family members that she would not have known. Through her , my son ,let me know that he was so sorry for his actions and he had a list of things he had to work on. He let me know he would be there for his brother and sister. After an hour of recording the positive experience of his thoughts expressed, she said he is ruffling my hair from behind as a goodbye.This act of love is what I always did to him. I miss him greatly,but know he is in the arms of God and we will meet again. I hope this adds to the many thoughts on how each of us is affected by suicide.

  • Janie Lingle - 7 years ago

    No, suiside is not the unforgivable sin, denying the Holy Spirit is. However, death is permanent, so the spiritual condition of person is set... If she confessed Jesus as Her Lord and Savior then He will confess her as His own before the Father in Heaven. ♡

  • Janie Faulkner - 7 years ago

    If she asked Jesus to be her Lord and savior and repented her sins, she is saved and went to heaven. Jesus took our place at the cross for our sins. Being that she was catholic, I would think she was saved

  • Elizabeth Rhyne - 7 years ago

    The only unforgivable sin is blasphemy according to the scriptures... denying the Lord.

  • Pam Ashcraft - 7 years ago

    If she accepted that Jesus was her Savior and the son of God then she is in heaven. My 14 year old baby sister committed suicide. We were raised in church and my dad struggled so much with her salvation. My dad prayed and prayed for answers to where Peggy was. A year after she passed away he felt strongly that he had received his answer. My mom and dad's house burned completely to the ground. Not was room was spared except for Peggy's room. Not even and smut stain in that room. For my dad that was God telling him that he had Peggy in his arms and that she was safe! Only God knows our heart and it's not for anyone other than him to judge. God is so wonderful and merciful and I believe the only sin he won't forgive is rejection of his son Jesus. The first time my husband went back to work after my sister's death my son was only a year old at that time and I was so scared to be alone. I had every light in the house on and I just sat at my kitchen table crying and I starting praying. And suddenly I felt someone's arms from behind me wrap around me. It was as real as anything I had ever felt and there was no one in that house but myself and my son asleep in his baby bed. And I wasn't scared at all anymore, I felt such a sense of peace come over me and loved like I have never felt loved before. God is truly a loving and a merciful God. I hope and pray people can understand that about him and not think of him as so judging and ready to strike you down when you do something wrong. Of course, he wants us to strive everyday to not sin and be as much like Jesus as we can be. But he loves us so much and he wants us to have a real relationship with him. Talking to him, loving him and trusting him!

  • David Zavala - 7 years ago

    Here is a great link concerning suicide.

  • Delia - 7 years ago

    Suicide is taking control of your life back from God/Jesus if you even have it to Him in the first place. If Gloria did not have a personal salvation experience with Jesus then she can't go to Heaven. Those who do have a salvation experience are actually rejecting it when they take their life - it's pride saying I know better than God what is best for me. I don't know for sure that He still doesn't try to reach those while they are dying if it's not instant and have them repent at the end - it could be a very individual thing. I had a Catholic friend commit suicude because she was paranoid/schizophrenic and I doubt she was saved so she would not be in heaven.

  • Cathy - 7 years ago

    People so desperate to commit suicide are struggling with a mental illness. We have a loving, forgiving and merciful Father. God wants us to be with Him in heaven - that is why He sent His Son. I truly believe He knows what is the hearts of all of us and will judge us accordingly.

    How about if we take some time during your next "Walk & Talk" to pray for Gloria? and to ask God to have mercy on her.

    And all fellow Catholics, please say the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, for Gloria and all those struggling with suicidal thoughts.

    Dennis, I hope this helps & God Bless

  • Charlotte Yarbrough - 7 years ago

    The only way not to enter heaven is to reject Jesus as Lord. He is the only way to the Father.
    John 14:6

    It's the thief (Devil) that comes to steal, kill, and destroy. John 10:10. Sometimes we believe the thief who lies, we lose hope and the we see no way out of the pain and end our lives instead of relying on Jesus, the source of all hope.

    You can be sure of this one thing, God is Good always and He loves people. You must put your trust in Him in this situation. He is faithful and trustworthy.

  • Linda - 7 years ago

    Nothing prevents anyone from going to heaven. God is all loving and forgiving. We atone for what we call sins here on earth. That is why it is considered "earth school"

  • Wendy Wesley - 7 years ago your weary heart, Gloria is in heaven. Jesus died for all of our sons. She was in turmoil but it was obvious she had a good heart and soul. That gift proved that.

    Suicide is generally related to mental illness and/or complete hopelessness and pain. God would never punish someone for those issues. I don't believe God is vengeful or merciless. I am a Christian and my faith is that God is loving and forgiving. I think too often some people use scripture too literally. The Bible and Christian teachings are guides. Our faith is individual, a personal relationship with God. He knows our truths as well as our indiscretions. He accepts us as we are, when we accept him into our lives. Are there sins that warrant going to Hell, absolutely. But suicide is not one of them.
    You are going to get answers of varying extremes to this question. Ultimately, what you believe in your soul is all that really matters. I think I have gotten to know you well enough to say that your heart knows she is at peace in Heaven with our Lord. Take comfort in that. Whatever pain she was experiencing, has finally ended. She has been forgiven and she is free. God bless

  • Nanci - 7 years ago

    There is only one way to get to heaven and one way to not go to heaven. It is belief in Jesus Christ or not believing in Jesus Christ.. Here is proof

    John 3:14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: 3:15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

  • Laura Shackleford - 7 years ago

    NO.... I believe there is a better place than here on earth, where there is no more pain, and no more hate. I don't believe that God punishes people. I lost my baby brother (MY BEST FRIEND) to suicide 6 years ago and lost my father to suicide when I was only 11 years old. I have been through and seen a lot in my 50 years of life that I believe there is a HEAVEN but that HELL is right here on earth. I will see my family again someday. I truly believe that.

  • Ellen Andrews - 7 years ago

    I'm a born again Christian which means I believe that God sent his son Jesus for our sins I asked Jesus to come into my heart and forgive me of my sins according to the bible I asked and believed the bible says call on the name of Jesus repent and believe my life changed from that day my life style changed me for the better looking forward to eternity with him therefore satan is a live on this earth and steals kills and lies to each of us the bible is the answer not what we think but what it tells us so it is not real clear about suicide but if Gloria new and believed in Jesus she wasn't perfect but God forgave her and nothing will take away her relationship with Jesus or eternity with him also the bible holds the truth on all things search it like it is gold there you will find a pot of gold real treasure for life and death trust him for your answer and peace hope this put a little light on your question on suicide you be blessed for your love of others and hard work bringing the true news thank you ...
    Ellen Andrrws

  • Nancy Carr - 7 years ago

    I was raised Catholic. I couldn't accept that A loving God punishes his own creation. I quit going to church in my early adult years. At age 50 I finally realized what my life is about. I went back to school and became a non-denominational minister. God/Universe/Creator is love. How could whatever created us punish us? It doesn't make sense to be punished by the same loving entity that created us. We all have a purpose. Gloria was not aware that her passing would be a tremendous blessing that has drawn so many of us closer.

  • Shelli - 7 years ago

    ALL sin keeps us out of heaven. That is why Jesus died to save us. It is a free gift from God to all who BELIEVE & ACCEPT him. We are saved by Grace. Otherwise even a lie would keep you out.

  • Shelli - 7 years ago

    ALL sin keeps us out of heaven. That is why Jesus died to save us. It is a free gift from God to all who BELIEVE & ACCEPT him. We are saved by Grace. Otherwise even a lie would keep you out.

  • Karole Gosser - 7 years ago

    I voted yes that suicide prevents one from going to heaven. But I also believe that each case is different,.

  • Karen C - 7 years ago

    I truly do not believe God is limited by a denomination (i.e.: Catholicism). God knows our hearts, our struggles, our everything! Only God knows the true answer, but I believe Gloria is with him now.

    As for the bells... I also agree with some others that have commented, it is something bigger. At the risk of being labeled a religious zealot, I very strongly believe that we are living in the last hours of the last days. Jesus will be coming for His church very soon (Rapture) and God's judgement will begin pouring out onto this world (Tribulation).

    Praying for your peace. I think through you, Gloria has been able to have a positive impact on many.

  • Lisa - 7 years ago

    DML, I am 44 and JUST got a tattoo of a cross and a semicolon on my wrist. Please google the semicolon movement. Long story short--I have struggled with Major Depressive Disorder my entire adult life, and yes--there have been times when I've considered suicide. It's only by God's grace & healing that I am still here, and my prayer is that if someone else who is ill sees my tattoo and asks me about it, perhaps we can start a dialogue and I can steer someone toward treatment. Depression is a disease, just like diabetes or heart disease, and if you are a Believer, I don't think God will punish you eternally for succumbing to your disease. Having said that... we must use the resources at hand and fight it with all we've got! Use medicines, see therapists (I see a Christian therapist and he has helped me tremendously), and go to your church for support!!! Most importantly, know that when you feel alone and helpless--SOMEONE loves you! I LOVE YOU, whoever you are, because Jesus told us to love one another. And most importantly, HE LOVES YOU!

    Sorry to have written a sermon; can you tell I'm a bit passionate about this issue? Rick Warren, who lost a son to depression, has written a lot on the subject as well. God bless!

  • Nancy kay - 7 years ago

    For you guys, who say how can someone repent before they kill them self.. it's simple, if someone took an over dose of drugs, they still have time to ask for forgiveness, if someone hangs them self they may be asking God to forgive them. All I know Dennis, Is you brought Gloria so much Joy, she felt peace from your W&T. Your hour plus was her happy place...

  • Angela - 7 years ago

    Christ perished for our sins..ALL sin. Our good and gracious Lord forgives all but blasphemy. I have no doubt Gloria is in the arms of God. What happened is a sign of something deeper DML..keep searching my friend. God bless.

  • Brenda - 7 years ago

    I really don't know and to be truthful I have tried to take my life 2 times. But, I did feel at peace at the time BUT when I woke up with my family looking at me and seeing the fear in their eyes I know what I did was selfish. So when I get that depressed I call my pastor who is there for me.

  • Amanda - 7 years ago

    I am a cradle Catholic. The idea that God would abandon one of his children in their most hopeless and desperate hour does not fit with my understanding of God. I do believe that by taking one's own life, a person may be choosing a separation from God closing themselves off to his love and forgiveness. If that is the case, a rejection and therefore absence of God's presence would be the result and until that soul can open up and turn back to God, they will remain outside of Heaven.

  • Nancy - 7 years ago

    I honestly believe when a person commits such an act ,as suicide, they aren't in their right state of mind. They are beyond despair, they don't want to be a burden to their family or friends. You left quit an impact on her, you were what she was thinking of. A person enters Heaven from excepting Jesus Christ as their Savior. Jesus knows the very intent of our heart. It's a relationship with Jesus Christ and not so much religion.. I know she was having a conversation with Jesus before she past.. Fly High Gloria.

  • Andrea Lutz - 7 years ago

    In the Bible Samson committed murder/suicide by crashing the temple down on himself and everyone in the temple. Samson actually prayed for strength to do this, and it was granted. Then in the book of Hebrews Samson is praised as a man of great faith. Who can comprehend the mind of God. He is merciful beyond our comprehension.

  • Lisa Bohrer - 7 years ago

    Dennis I love you. But I was raised catholic and their belief is that if you take what God gave you, ( your life ), then you are not permitted in the gates of heaven.
    I too had thought about suicide, I have tried over dosing 2 times and each time the doctors said I should never had came back.
    My attempts was do to my abusive and sexual upbringing, I think at the time God allowed me to live because he knew that even though my life was not great, that he had good things coming for me.
    My first husband even tried to kill me and it was a long process, but I am alive.
    I am not sure about heart goes out to the family. I hope and pray that she goes to heaven, but I believe she will not.
    I know this is a hard subject for you, but I suggest you pray, talk to the Catholic Church. I know even the worst of people can repent their sins before passing, but this is a different situation.
    I pray God will comfort you at this time.

    Suggestion.... in order to honor Gloria, why not plant 2 trees....1 outside your home and 1 at the estate. You will have her memory at both places.

    Also, if you have anyone needing to talk about things or needs some one to reach out to....please ...tell them to contact me at 804-386-3633. I can listen and hopefully help.
    Again, I love you and your family and what you do for all of us followers.

    God bless you Dennis... Lisa Bohrer ( pronounced Boar).

  • Rho - 7 years ago

    Doesn't matter God understands where we are mentally and physically at the time it happens ..

  • Robin - 7 years ago

    How does a person repent from murder of self? Judas, the son of perdition, the betrayer of Jesus Christ, committed suicide... where do you suppose he is? Read Hebrews 6:4-6

  • Sandra Searle Claypool - 7 years ago

    DML, It sounds like Gloria is touching your heart to look deeper into spiritual things. If this journey leads you to finding your way into becoming a member of God's family, her presence in your life will have been meaningful indeed. The tiny book of I John in the Bible has great truth. I John 4:10 holds the key to Heaven, and I John 5:11-13 shows how much God wants us to have assurance about where you stand with Him. And of course in the gospel of John there is John 3:16. It's that simple. But life changing. Once you express your need of Him, He will transform your life forever. I will pray that you take that step. God bless you and your family DML!

  • Brenda Mullins - 7 years ago

    Unpardonable/unforgivable sin is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit Mark 3:22-30 all other is forgiven ...

  • Jason Depasquale - 7 years ago

    If you are a Catholic, you are taught it's a mortal sin. No forgiveness.
    But since none of us have died yet to really get a good answer.....uhmmm....

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