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Do you want Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen to start a relationship on Game of Thrones? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 1,432

  • Judy M - 7 years ago

    I would love to see Dany and Jon get together and they would make a great team. However, Danaerys being Jon's bio aunt, it just ... ew.

  • osondu daniel - 7 years ago

    I would definitely want Jon and dany to be together 100% positive

  • Jon D - 7 years ago

    Jon and Dany are definitely getting together and I can't wait to see it. For the person who claim they don't share the same values is absolutely wrong. Both Jon and Dany are kind hearted people. Both Jon and Dany protect people that can't protect themselves. Both Jon and Dany genuinely wants to do what's right. They will definitely get along very well. Also someone said that Jon never wanted to be Lord Commander of the Nights Watch or KITN. That is hundred percent false. LC Mormont ask Jon, "Do want to led one day?" And Jon nodded yes. Jon didn't expect to be KITN, but he definitely wanted it.

  • Amanda A. - 7 years ago

    You guys are forgetting a HUGE problem/hurdle! Bran is the only one that knows that Jon is the true heir! Which means until Bran tells Jon anything- the only way that either of the two would find out that they are related would be that Jon doesn't burn up in some kind of fire in front of Daenerys! Which would cause one of two main reactions. Want him or try and kill him. But the likely if the two would be to want him. She once spoke of false prophecies...maybe Jon is part of the prophecies! Personally I think they will end up together. She thinks she's the last of her people- to know she's not wouldn't threaten her- she's the Mother of Dragons...she doesn't fear anything- except the pain and suffering of others! Which also describes Jon- who stood up to those who bullied Sam! They don't have different personalities- they have the exact same one. Help those who can't help themselves, protect those who need protecting, do the unthinkable for the people, love someone your not suppose to love...etc. They're cut from the same cloth-obviously!!! The main reason for their relationship would be a continuation of the Targaerin line. With Stark blood in them- it's possible that the new line would be more prosperous- and the most loved if you think about it. Side note- IT WAS AWESOME THAT JON MET HIS GREAT GREAT UNCLE AEMOS!!!

  • nitaskita - 7 years ago

    I've read the books and watched the series, and what I know is that George Martin never gives us what we want or expect. HOWEVER, we're not really dealing with Martin here; we're dealing with Weiss and Benioff who, while working from an outline of the final two books of the series, are not strictly bound to that outline. And in fact, they may deliberately meander from the path Martin would take in his books because, once the series is ended, people might ask themselves "why should I buy the last two books (assuming Martin ever really finishes them - and I'm not sure he hasn't already...more on that later) when I already know how it ends?

    So assume for a moment that the reason Martin has not "finished" his saga and/or published it is because he and the producers of the series WANT the series to finish with one end, preserving a different, Martin's ending, for his faithful readers. I truly believe this is what is happening, although I leave open the possibility that I am completely wrong. But think about it: wouldn't many (though certainly not all) people say "never mind" to the books unless they could be promised a completely different ending?

    So you may get your romance between Jon and Dany in the series, but not in the books. Or vice versa. But I absolutely predict that the ending we see in the series is NOT the ending we will get in the books.

    Opinions welcome.

  • JBuff - 7 years ago

    Yes because it would be HOT!

  • Natasha P - 7 years ago

    A point that is missing in this discussion-- The dragon has three heads. Daenerys has three dragons over which she has only the most tenuous control. She needs a warg. Jon needs dragons to fight the menace north of the Wall. And imagine the legitimacy in Westeros that Dany will gain if she comes from the Wall, having defeated that menace. Dany's path to ruling Westeros lies north at the Wall, not at King's Landing. Whether she falls in love with Jon or not, they MUST come together and be bound in some way. It is absolutely necessary to the story.

  • Jane W - 7 years ago

    John and Arya all the way...

  • Susan A - 7 years ago

    She's his AUNT! That would be incest!

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