Will Sonny Lose Avery and His Assets To Carly's Revenge?


  • Jenny p - 8 years ago

    Carly goes to far now she blaming sonny for everything she's not innocent neither she make a lot of mistake as well her revenge goes to far she want sonny lose everything. acting innocent like she's never made any mistakes she's not my favorite anymore because of what she did to sonny leave my sonny alone but now she really gets on my nerve with her revenge on sonny I'm a huge, huge fan of sonny Carly better leave him alone he just upset because of what Carly did to him with jax it seems like she still in love with jax she go to fast on jax she still married with sonny she couldn't wait she's already screw jax I can't wait until she finds out Ava is the one who switched Morgan pills then we will see who gets hurts she get me upset gosh! she better stop with her revenge on sunny she couldn't wait for the truth that sunny didn't sleep with Neil she was to busy still in love with jack screwing him i thought a wife suppose to know her husband so well that she knows what he can do or can't not do she believes Neill lie that she sleep with sunny she should of know better sonny was grieving his son die Neill take advantage on sonny that's her revenge to make carly pay for what happen Carly should know better anyway. she's planning to hurt my sonny hmmm

  • Lin - 8 years ago

    Hope Carly goes to Australia with Jax and never come back

  • Deleesa Carr - 8 years ago

    I am saying this again don't hate on Carly this is what the writers and producers want you to do . They want to make thing s so bad between Carson that people will start hating both of them so as we will take a liking to this new fling coming in for Sonny which I will not there watch. I seen this happen before on The Bold and The Beautiful with Ridge played by Ronn Moss and Taylor played Hunter Tylo, Bradley Bell pitted them against one another so that viewers and fans alike hated them so much but, we Tayridge fans kept fighting for our favorites as we Tayridge fans wouldn't give or cave in until Ron and Hunter both left the show and I feel this the same path they are going down with Carson. Frank Valentini, Jean and Shelly have bitten of their nose to spite their faceas the rating are drastically down. I do believe they are going to turn this thing around or GH is going to be off air a least I think ABC Network thinks this. This such a huge setup for the Carson fans that going to back fire big time.

  • Anna Pritchett - 8 years ago

    Carly just a tramp I don't see what Sonny sees in her.Sonny didn't cheat on her she wanted. .to sleep with Jax .Jax lied and she forgave.Miss Carly your day is coming with Ava.She killed your son.who you going to run to then.The one man who really loves you. You hurtCatly get a life

  • Anna Pritchett - 8 years ago

    Carly just a tramp I don't see what Sonny sees in her.Sonny didn't cheat on her she wanted. .to sleep with Jax .Jax lied and she forgave.Miss Carly your day is coming with Ava.She killed your son.who you going to run to then.The one man who really loves you. You hurtCatly get a life

  • Anna Pritchetti i agree i want Miss Carly to find. - 8 years ago

    Miss Carly wrong move against Sonny.Sideing up with Ava cant wait until she finds out Ava is the one that switched pills.Then we eill see who gets hurt.Leave my Sonny alone.

  • Kerri - 8 years ago

    I hate what the writers are doing to Sonny & Carly. Seems Carly was just in the marriage for what she could get out of Sonny. Love doesn't go away that easy. She seems to be still in love with Jax. I don't like Carly anymore she is a low down tramp and wish she would leave with Jax and take Joss with them.

  • Kim Jackson - 8 years ago

    Carly could have forgiven both Jax and Sonny because they both lied. All though Sonny in up not sleeping with Nelly

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