Would you like Massachusetts to be designated as a "sanctuary state?"


  • Dar - 7 years ago

    As far as illegal immigrants are concerned, they are committing a crime and should be treated as such. We should send them back were they came from and take care of our own homeless, veterans and senior citizens. President Trump is completely correct when it comes to the illegal immigrants. He has been shot down on everything he promised in his campaign. Build the wall and if anyone wants to live in the US do it legally or stay out! If Northampton and Amherst wants to have them in there town don't complain about rising taxes and rents. Someone has to pay for everything they are getting free.

  • Robin - 7 years ago

    If they did not come into the country legally, they are criminals. They are NOT legal immigrants and have No rights under our constitution. Stop trying to show families that will be torn apart and fearful parents. We will solve that problem by sending your whole family back, including those born here until they are 21 years old and can support themselves. I say that you should have thought about the illegality of your CRIME before you came here, not after.

  • Peter - 7 years ago

    The existing immigration laws are designed to protect the American citizens. When someone breaks those laws and enters the country without being processed, that person has broke the law and is an ILLEGAL Alien
    When my wife immigrated to the country, I had to prove that I earned over a certain amount of money and provide a sworn affidavit, stating that i would be financially responsible for her, if she could not work. As a LEGAL immigrant, she would not be eligible for any unemployment or welfare benefits. I would need to support her (which is no problem).
    I have never signed any such paperwork for any of these other immigrant, so why should I be forced to pay for any ILLEGAL alien?
    If the libs feel so strongly about letting just anyone in, they should support the ILLEGALS with their own damn money

  • Mary - 7 years ago

    We are already in this state paying 518 million dollars of state taxes for public assistance (according to WWLP data). How much more can working people afford for more immigrants especially when they are here illegally. Most (legal or illegal) will never work because of language barriers, lack of education, health issues, no jobs available, etc., of course we the tax payers will end up paying for them for the rest of their lives. This state has many things needing fixed, and certainly giving away more of our tax money will guarantee never improving any of them. Our politicians had no problem giving themselves good raises this year so that is why they can afford to spend our money trying to look good. I think it would have been nice if they had refused their raises and insisted it go to helping those illegal aliens they want to let stay so badly. Yes, forego their huge raises every year to support those poor illegal aliens every year - now let's hear them rally for that!

  • David Johnson - 7 years ago

    Mass, needs to stop being part of the problem. Mass has no right to challenge a President that is for the people and not against as News reports. Tired of the attacks against the President who is only upholding Federal Law. States that support are in violation of Federal law and need to loose all funding period. Mass is going to make this Veteran move out of the State because of people like Warren. (D) continue to interfere with policies, and or laws that were put in place to protect the people of this Country. Our former President has weakened Gov in such a way that our current President can't get the job done as he said he would. I stand behind President Trump. I also believe any Senator, Judge, etc: be removed for treason against the people. We are not responsible for these people and have problems here at home that need to be resolved first.

  • PMP - 7 years ago

    I fully support legal immigration to our country. The immigration laws were created to protect both the residents of our country and the immigrants seeking to enter. Humans may not be "illegal" but they are criminals if they do not enter the country via the means specified in our laws. They and their families should be returned to their countries of origins and not be granted the benefits of our support systems that are intended for our own people (native born and legal immigrants). Do not give me that BS about constitutional rights, they are not citizens and our constitution does NOT apply to them until they are here legally.

  • Alice - 7 years ago

    We are a country of immigrants - a quilt of people from various cultures - coming together to make a better life for ourselves and our families. A human being is not illegal. The need for the American dream should not be denied to others by those who have forgotten the struggles found in their own history.

  • Herb Belin - 7 years ago

    We have people sleeping under bridges And the lucky ones in homeless shelters. Most without proper food every day. Let's take care of them first before we start feeding illegal immigrants

  • Herb Belin - 7 years ago

    We have people sleeping under bridges And the lucky ones in homeless shelters. Most without proper food every day. Let's take care of them first before we start feeding illegal immigrants

  • Herb Belin - 7 years ago

    We have people sleeping under bridges And the lucky ones in homeless shelters. Most without proper food every day. Let's take care of them first before we start feeding illegal immigrants

  • Kathy - 7 years ago

    If the reporters on NBC and other networks are so supportive of illegal immigrant would they be willing to put their money where your mouths are and take them into their homes house, feed, pay their medical costs. They are ILLEGAL, they are a burden on taxpayers, impact schools which puts a burden on home owners . All president Trump is attempting to do is uphold the law of the USA. Reporters and many politicians need to read the immigration Law of the United States.

  • Tony - 7 years ago

    Sorry but Illegal is illegal no matter how you want to put it. The immigration laws are put in place for a reason and should be upheld the same way every other law is...

  • Laurie - 7 years ago

    There is a difference between being an immigrant (legal immigrant ) versus an illegal alien (somebody entering this country illegally). All in support of those entering this country legally

  • Steve ala - 7 years ago

    Your reporter called the subjects of your report immigrants...they are in fact criminals because they are here illegally...they are illegal immigrants and federal law signed by former president clinton dictates their deportation.trump is only attempting to enforce the law.you at nbc need to stop reporting fake slanted news and smearing our president and get your facts straight before you report a story...and who cares what those nuts in the northampton and amhearst areas think anyways?

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