Why would Phyllis pay for Adam kidnap.. Ha where would that leave Victor.. You guys allowing Victor to get away with every thing and everyone else pay...!! Bull
Patty Beck - 8 years ago
I would like to see Phyllis pay for some crime. While I felt bad about the "Jack switch" she never has had to pay for anything bad she has done!
Bb2017 - 8 years ago
Lol Billy and Phillis deserve each other, and if you wanna condemn Phillis for sleeping with Jack's little brother then you should probably direct your disgust at a far more nefarious character Sharon. Sharon has slept with all of the Newman boys, Nick, Adam, their half brother Dylan AND Victor! She is the real "DOG" of the show. I say let Billy and Phillis have each other, they are both schemers and passionate people I see a real spark and after what she went through with Marko she deserves some happiness. Bring someone new onto the show for Victoria, or bring back Travis either way end this highschool drama.
jeanne marie - 8 years ago
victoria has become disgusting!!!! she is SO fickle when it comes to billy!!!! it is NOT fair and she doesn't deserve anything!!!!!! she is victor's daughter and is WAY too much like him. phyllis and billy are MUCH better together!!! let vic get back with boat boy!!!!!!
Laos Young - 8 years ago
Victor and Adam were two separate people so punish Victor and YES convict Phyliss. I'm so sick of her and Billy. It should never be swept under the rug that Phyliss slept with her husbands brother; she's trash. Let her and Victoria fight this out as long as Victoria comes out on top. Billy should be with his family not that DOG Phyllis!
Why would Phyllis pay for Adam kidnap.. Ha where would that leave Victor.. You guys allowing Victor to get away with every thing and everyone else pay...!! Bull
I would like to see Phyllis pay for some crime. While I felt bad about the "Jack switch" she never has had to pay for anything bad she has done!
Lol Billy and Phillis deserve each other, and if you wanna condemn Phillis for sleeping with Jack's little brother then you should probably direct your disgust at a far more nefarious character Sharon. Sharon has slept with all of the Newman boys, Nick, Adam, their half brother Dylan AND Victor! She is the real "DOG" of the show. I say let Billy and Phillis have each other, they are both schemers and passionate people I see a real spark and after what she went through with Marko she deserves some happiness. Bring someone new onto the show for Victoria, or bring back Travis either way end this highschool drama.
victoria has become disgusting!!!! she is SO fickle when it comes to billy!!!! it is NOT fair and she doesn't deserve anything!!!!!! she is victor's daughter and is WAY too much like him. phyllis and billy are MUCH better together!!! let vic get back with boat boy!!!!!!
Victor and Adam were two separate people so punish Victor and YES convict Phyliss. I'm so sick of her and Billy. It should never be swept under the rug that Phyliss slept with her husbands brother; she's trash. Let her and Victoria fight this out as long as Victoria comes out on top. Billy should be with his family not that DOG Phyllis!
She did it hurt anyone.
After everything Victor did to jack and her? No way? Adam was unharmed!