Should Trump rid of the daily press briefings?


  • Wil Cash - 7 years ago

    I said uncertain because there was no option for what President Trump said which included that he may change it into another form/format in his interview with Judge Jenine.
    I'm open to that but not the Yes/no offering in the poll.

  • Patricia Dean - 7 years ago

    I like what Newt Gingrich said on Hannity. Change the Press Conference to an American People Conference. Don't invite the press. Allow 20 questions to be sent by the American People & let the top 5 best be answered.

  • Cindy - 7 years ago

    The press at these briefings act so hostile, children act better and more respectful, they need at least an extended time out.

  • Cassandra Murphy - 7 years ago

    They have to continue. MSM makes a complete ass out of themselves daily. We need our entertainment.

  • Nancy - 7 years ago

    If all the moderate Democrats and Republicans don't standup for our country to the press, Hollywood, comedians, BLM and Congress, Chamber of Commerce, etc. there is going to be nothing left of the values our country was founded on much less our Constitutional freedoms. Wish I knew what to do... guess we need to start with the large corporations....anyone?

  • Rhonda - 7 years ago

    I think he should get questions from the public. Reporters look out for their own interest. It the general public that needs to send in their questions. Pick 2 -3 most common concerns of the people at the time. Give an update once a week or every other week.

  • Kathy Varone - 7 years ago

    Not daily...maybe once a week.

  • Susan Payne - 7 years ago

    Close the Colosseum let the Flavians find an arcade of their own.....

  • T. Ernst - 7 years ago

    They should do the press briefings but omit the Q & A portion temporarily.

  • Rick - 7 years ago

    People have to keep their TV's off these mainstream media companies channels. If the ratings go down, the income follows. The advertisers won't want to pay for something no one is watching. This is the only way to control these hate, one-sided sources. Make them burn through their own money until they learn their lesson.

  • Michelle - 7 years ago

    I agree with our President -- No more press conferences -- this will disarm the failing, irrelevant, lying mainstream media.

  • Kristen scarpitto - 7 years ago

    I'd like them to continue but I would like to see Sarah more. Changing things up will keep the press off balance. Maybe skip a day here and there randomly just for kicks

  • Sarah - 7 years ago

    Sometimes President Trump doesn't do well with unexpected, on the spot questions and things come out wrong. I think he would do better giving his own briefings where he can think out answers to question ahead of time.

  • Cynthia - 7 years ago

    Ambivalent, I think the shock of not having access would be good for the media but on the other hand, when I'm watching, I'm thinking "Did these people go to college?", that is how stupid, ignorant they sound to me. All kids of adjectives come to mind, disrespectful, unprofessional, but uneducated, stupid, ignorant, classless are all in there. So, should he continue to let them make fools of themselves or give them very concise answers in writing.

  • theresa knerr - 7 years ago

    He should do a Fireside chat. To keep the people informed.

  • Vivian - 7 years ago

    The press and the media have become RABID SUPPORTERS of anyrhing but Trump,. Its very anti POTUS and they are extremely combative at these briefings. They are an embarrassmenr to our Country. They are approaching total irrelevance!

  • Gracie Lundy - 7 years ago

    I said yes because the media don't want to hear what the President is doing they just come to pick apart every word to make the President look bad. The media badger Sean and ask the same questions over and over again. The media like having their faces on camera so they can say look at me I am bring down the President. If he would have press briefings they should read what the President is doing and what he has done and answer NO questions. Oh and could tell the President that we think McCabe should go !

  • Mary Beth Nicholson - 7 years ago

    The media has fallen th such a low regard for the office, I can't watch them anymore. It is all gotcha politics. They don't realize most Americans like what he had to say!

  • Ronda - 7 years ago

    I voted yes! Why because I strongly agree with both DML, Harlan & President Trump that these news reporters are eating alive whoever you send in to answer question whether it's Sean Spicer or Sarah huckabee it not fair to these individuals for the news reporters to treat them so poorly just because they don't like the Presidents Agenda. They are just going in the lion dean to answer question and because they don't like the answer they ask the same question over and over and get the same answer. The way the treat the President I say shut them down! Until they have respect for the secretary of the press whether it Sean Spicer (who I feel is doing an excellent job even tho he messed up a couple times. We all mess up who knows those liberals may have caused him to mess up) or Sarah Huckabee. Respect people if that's even possible but until than do your own version of walk n talk Mr. President. You do it sometimes and Sean or Sarah does it sometime. Be different and CONTROL WHAT HAPPENS!

  • Barb Reiter - 7 years ago

    Yes end briefings. He can tweet what's happening, on social media. Just have televised once a month is plenty.

  • Rita M Winter - 7 years ago

    I voted that President Trump should do away with press briefings; however, in reading some of the comments I found some good suggestions. I would agree to keep the press briefings if reporters were allocated one question, no badgering, nor disrespect. What aggravates me the most is that they are constantly rude and talking over the President's staff. Additionally, they keep questioning and questioning about the same thing. I also agree that the press briefings are probably outdated now because of social media. Both Sean and Sara are doing a great job!

  • Cheri - 7 years ago

    He should use social media to have a weekly briefing. Leave those idiots out of it.

  • Dianne Tatom - 7 years ago

    I don't trust the MSM anymore...NEVER WATCH MSM. I LOVE your app it keeps me current, plus I TRUST what you put out. I am retired and drive Uber part-time, and I have been telling my riders about you and about your app. KEEP UP the good work!

  • Cassandra Murphy - 7 years ago

    No - #1) They'll call him weak that they can't handle it
    #2) It shows all of us the true bias and the MSM Does Not give us (normal middle America) credit. We understand our president a lot better than those who write the stories. The saying goes give them enough rope and they will hang themselves ,
    Between Sean & Sarah they will put Respect back in that press room. The President can limit his interviews . Me personally I like seeing how tough his Communication Team is, it's a constant fight for them but they always end on top. Now if the questions are just too ignorant or someone just has a complete lack of respect for the position just bar them from the pool that goes for the ones trying to push for a false narrative - Like the flippin Russia crap, Our MSM is the laughing stock of the World ! !
    DML you or 1 of your team should be given a press pass to those briefings and others like you.
    Thanks for letting me rant
    # MAGA
    God bless the USA

  • bob - 7 years ago

    all the press is good for is reporting on negative accounts that happen,and it is not even the whole truth it is like you said (if it bleeds it leads) they always look for another story that fits there narrative and bashes President Trump or anybody on his team lets just not give them any fuel.

  • Rox - 7 years ago

    Those reporters are just plain rude. Repeats questions trying to have Sean or Sara say something wrong.. that's not reporting that's harassment! Then they go out and report the story the way they want if it's right or wrong. Poor Sean has SNL every weekend with Melissa McCarthy making him look like a complete azz. Sean and Sara are both great that's one job I would not be looking forward to be doing everyday. So until the reporters can start acting like adults stop with the BS and start reporting the truth I would end this. And if when President decides on giving them another chance anyone in the room can be and should be kicked out..idc if it's Fox or CNN respect and honesty is all they're looking for I believe.

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