If it comes with a nice house then yes
Lmao, I wouldn't pay $250 for a watch, much less $250k. At the moment the vote is 0-17-0.
I honestly expected a few trolls to get here before me though, so that was a nice surprise.
I've voted now what do I win. Oh and plz don't make it a Pokemon watch I hate them lol
I voted, now where's my complimentary watch?
Do i get a prize for this?
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If it comes with a nice house then yes
Lmao, I wouldn't pay $250 for a watch, much less $250k. At the moment the vote is 0-17-0.
I honestly expected a few trolls to get here before me though, so that was a nice surprise.
I've voted now what do I win. Oh and plz don't make it a Pokemon watch I hate them lol
I voted, now where's my complimentary watch?
Do i get a prize for this?