How is Obama reacting to Trump's undoing of Cuba deal?


  • charlie chandler - 7 years ago

    trump will never kill obamas legacy, if anything he will make it bigger, but who besides Obama would want to be known as the worst president ever

  • mj chisler - 7 years ago

    I think he may be counting his money and wondering where he can run, since so much came from sources who expected better results. What will they do to him as everything he tried to do for them falls apart before their eyes and they find that all that investment was in vain? Glad I'm not in his shoes.

  • Donna Boso - 7 years ago

    I didn't take the poll because my answer is " I don't really care how he reacts!"

  • Alyce Larson - 7 years ago

    I think that once you sell your soul to the devil, you no longer feel anything.

  • Anna Nagy - 7 years ago

    I think he was put in place to do as much harm as possible to the USA. I think he is a Communist who has no love for the USA. I know that 3 people in Indiana went to jail for Ballot Fraud. Not Voter Fraud, but BALLOT FRAUD. Neither he nor Hillary had enough signatures to even be put on the BALLOT in 2008 and yet they were on it. I wonder how many other states this might have occurred in ? Yes, I think he is happily counting his money but I think he is more pissed about his legacy being stripped away. Luckily, there were enough Reps voted in to stop him from getting a lot of the things he wanted through Congress, so he had to do them by EO. Those are easily undone. Now the Reps need to remember that and pass Legislation that can become laws so it will be harder in the future to undo them.

  • Deborah M Smiddy - 7 years ago

    You got to remember, right now he is worthless and and he has gotten money from some where. He also had a fund and I think a few similar to Hillary's and I bet they are just as crooked. And all his money came from that and the people of the USA that he stole. But as far as a legacy he has none. He wanted one but to me it was a farce. Cause he never really cared about any American no matter the color. Why would you let your own race be slaughter for nothing and be in vane as he was? He was a lie from the start he was never investigated and should of been and should of never won any Presidency.

  • Pat Skopal - 7 years ago

    Should be a third option, "I could care less how Obama feels"!

  • Dorothy Lambert - 7 years ago

    I agree with Katie Carnahan. I would have marked both if I could. Obama is being erased by Trump and it rankles him, but on the other hand, he's getting some pretty big bucks as a consolation prize.

  • Katie Carnahan - 7 years ago

    I believe it is a combination of the two. He loves counting his money but is highly annoyed that all he did is being undone. Maybe he should have involved Congress more. Oops, that pen and phone work for every POTUS.

  • Patricia - 7 years ago

    I could care less how Obama feels.

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