Do you believe Christy Clark's throne speech?


  • Cecil - 7 years ago

    Christy Clark, April 2017: “Leadership I think demands that we be clear about where we stand, that we be principled and stick with what we believe in, and that we be consistent in fighting for that. I just have never believed that politicians or that societies are better when politicians hide what they believe or try to be all thing to all people. If you stand for something, you should have the guts to say it."

    If all the parties support the same ideas, then it comes down to which leader has the principles? Clearly, Clark does not measure up to her own yardstick.

    Since all the parties agree these are good ideas, then Clark will have to support them in Opposition. Toothless, if Clark strays away from supporting these items, her credibility, if she even has any left, will be completely gone with electors.

    None of the new policies from Clark's Throne Speech have been worked through for consensus from the party but rather arbitrarily decided overnight by party leadership, high-jacking the platform that was built by the party though convention and consensus.

    Liberals need a new leader to recover. Clark couldn't win her own seat 2 elections ago and, despite a significantly larger amount of financing, lost her majority this time around. The next election will be a further disaster for the Liberals if Clark is still putting herself before her party.

  • April Goodman - 7 years ago

    I don't think Christy Clark's speech - hijacking NDP policy - was done in order to stay in power. I think it was done so that several years down the line, when the voters have lost our collective memory, she can say that she and her party presented a publicly responsive platform which was rejected by the NDP and Green members totally. The rejection of her proposals shouldn't be seen as a rejection of the CONTENT of the proposals, rather a rejection of her lack of trustworthiness in managing provincial matters with honesty and decency.

  • cherylb - 7 years ago

    Ha, ha..that's hilarious David King. You dare to talk about principles and Christy in the same breath. When the Duchess of Dunbar gives up all HER principles to institute things that she's been actively fighting against for the past 16 years you don't call THAT hypocrisy. It's a blatant, pathetic attempt to STAY in power. She should be ashamed of herself. I'm sure most of her "Liberal" read Conservative supporters are.......

  • ron wilton - 7 years ago

    Christy knows how to talk the talk but she never walks the walk.

  • David King - 7 years ago

    When the NDP/Green alliance votes down Christy's budget they are voting down their own policies. Hypocrisy? Is taking power more important than principles? When the new government alliance takes over, but can't deliver on all its promises, Christy can say they are inept and incompetent, and that a Liberal government could have provided them. Voters might just buy that argument as the new alliance-government falls and we're into another election. The speech from the throne, although cynical, might be the blueprint for the Liberal's next election campaign.

  • Allan Winks - 7 years ago

    This is the minister who bargained in bad faith and who has amply demonstrated her character since. I would trust nothing that she promises or says.

  • Ruthy M Boehm - 7 years ago

    It's all for site C and Kinder Morgan major DISTRACTION = No turning back

  • Marie - 7 years ago

    She has really lost any respect she had from the opposition, the media, and many of her own caucus and voters,  with this ridiculous speech.

    Most see it as a sad and laughable departure from office. I'll bet the knives are out within her party for her position. 

    A wolf in sheep's clothing and nobody is buying the "Get Up" all can see through this charade. 

    #BeatitC ‎

  • Tony Silva - 7 years ago

    I am 71 years old always voted liberal except for the last 2 elections but liberals under Christy Clark has
    Been nothing but a disaster I am surprised she even got that many seats on the last election just look
    What she has done under her leadership look at house prices look at wait times To see a doctor or emergency look at schools look at environment look at ICBC look at transit look how the young people debt
    For this province that we keep borrowing what the use having balance budgets when we keep borrowing
    Under the liberals look at minimum wages 15 or 25 cents a year under her the house last year set for 56
    Days is that democracy so people wake up just remember the pensions they get and salaries

  • Roderick Louis - 7 years ago


    The BC NDP/Green parties' members' criticisms of the BC Libs' for, in effect, adopting several of BC NDP/Greens (May 09-2017) election campaign commitments- indicates that the NDP/Greens' public statements that:

    1) they want more collegiality and less adversarial tactics by MLAs in the BC Legislature;


    2) they want improved and increased collaboration between all parties in the drafting and passing of legislation...

    ... are nothing other than disingenuous public-posturing... Not really intended to be implemented or even attempted=r by the BC NDP/Green parties...

    Electoral reform in BC- if implemented by the BC NDP/Green parties- would have one main objective: ensuring that these two parties can monopolize govt decision making- for parties' members and friends' benefit, not the BC public's!!

  • Lynn - 7 years ago

    This seems like a desperate bid for Christy Clark to hang on to power. Unfortunately, it's too little, too late. Clark has showed her disdain of the "ordinary" citizens of BC too often to be believable now.

  • Jeff - 7 years ago

    "Say anything Christy!"

  • Roderick Louis - 7 years ago

    Plainly, the BC Libs are conducting themselves honorably & responsibly...

    ... attempting to make things work in the BC Legislature by showing that they will compromise with other parties over major policy differences, when in the best interests of the BC public....

    This, rather than remaining unwilling to compromise, & consequently indirectly leading to the province being plunged into another general election over the summer months....

    If BC NDP/Green parties' MLAs refuse to endorse & vote for the BC Libs proposed policies & spending plans* just because these policies/plans were put forward by a party other than than their own ... this is blatant evidence that the revamped- IE: proportional representation- BC legislature that they want would end up a mire of grievous dysfunction!!

    * policies/plans that are entirely consistent with NDP/Greens' proposed policies/plans

  • Glen Robinson - 7 years ago

    Christy Clark and Minister Wilkinson (on CBC radio June 23rd) both said these new promises were as a result of listening to BC voters during the election. Yet during the election period (April 29th) she walked away from a voter by the name of Linda, denying her an opportnity to voice her opinion to Clark. Anybody believe that this is the throne speech they would have seen if the Liberals had won a majority? Would they be saying that they listened to the electorate. This is the kind of thing that makes people think politicians are deceitful and untrustworthy.

  • Alan Morgan - 7 years ago

    Yeah, I also believe in Saskwaches, tooth fairies, Santa Claus and barrels of cash at the end of rainbows. That doesn't give Christy Clark any more credibility than she had for the past 15 years of Superficial British Columbia. What a freakin disgrace she is. Unbelievable to say the least.

  • Kevin Wells - 7 years ago

    Watching the throne speech was like watching a spoof on throne speeches , what a farce in my opinion. No consistency in policies when comparing policies and promises offered before the election date May 9.

  • Erin - 7 years ago

    She's lied through her teeth before, she's obviously doing it again. She's the most untrustworthy person I can think of.... Besides Trump. But she definitely has a solid silver medal in the Greed & Lies Olympics.

  • Rick Ketcheson - 7 years ago

    I have no respect or trust in Christy Clark and her government to serve anyone but their wealthy donors and corporate sponsors. Based on the policies, behaviour and economic mayhem she leaves behind I find this small minded bit of political chicanery to be extremely disrespectful to those who she and her government have ignored and distained during her political office. Duplicity hardly covers it.

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