Do you think Putin lied to Trump?


  • Joanne Stevenson - 7 years ago

    I'm not sure what is meant by "meddling", but iff it is a fact that no votes were altered, what difference does it make?

  • Amy - 7 years ago

    I believe they ran disinformation campaign, silly stuff like articles about Hillary having a body double or a brain tumor.
    But the release of DNC and Podesta's emails was an inside job, possibly Seth Rich but definitely a disgruntled supporter of Bernie.

  • Arizona - 7 years ago

    While they didn't directly interfere they did it indirectly like any bad person in power to test their limits...Putin's got bigger problems to worry about like managing his attack dog in Syria...that could place an embargo on his country from the UN or deflating his ego if his people start freezing & starving again.

  • Frank Jurcik - 7 years ago

    I dont believe its possible to say who did the hacking attempt. Ive read the reports and they dont say anything and knowing a little about networking I dont think its possible to tell where the perpetraters came fromif there even were any.

  • rsp - 7 years ago

    Of course they attempted-- they are the bad guys-- this is what they do. They were however successful in hacking the idiot Podestas pc and still refuses to give it up to our intel. No votes were changed, multiple players hacked but only Dems got hit. Are we sure our Intel did not hack and place a Russian signature???
    I smell a dirty trick by Obama here who really is no better than Putin when you look at the entire scope of his treason against the US. Go Trump!

  • Petitt Tammy - 7 years ago

    I believe John Bolton very well could have lied.

  • DRhonda Wallace - 7 years ago

    Yes they meddled in our election but they always do. Nothing new here. We meddled in other countries as well. But, they did not change anything.

  • Jeffrey Rohner - 7 years ago

    The media and the Democrats rigged the election, and they're mad it didn't work.

  • Scott Brierly - 7 years ago

    The only ones who rigged the election was the Democratic party to which they couldn't even get that right!!!!!

  • Bonnie - 7 years ago

    Yup pretty sick of certain types of people that Russia made my vote for me.
    Russia Along with how many others checking campaign rhetoric who as to who they might deal with is waste of tine. If they fear of them hacking voting machines they can change that easily.
    We also have to think and ask why our own government was hacking.
    I don't care if Putin lies hes doing for his country like a leader should and no just because most people see that it doesn't make us stupid that he wouldn't go after us given the chance. Just a case keeping an enemy close

  • Tony oliveira - 7 years ago

    Putin called me up and convinced me to vote for Trump. Yes sir, I needed Putin to tell me that Hillary and Obama have been trying to destroy America. Putin also told me that Hillary and Bill have been the most evil couple in America. Thank god Putin was there to tell me that Hillary hates every single middle class American, and especially the ones in uniform. Like I needed Putin to help me think? Fortunately for me, I've been able to think for myself way before he was born.

  • Aden - 7 years ago

    I agree with everything you said Ken!

  • Louise.B - 7 years ago

    The MSM and Demo's have truly lost their minds Yes, I know we already know this. But seriously ??!!! The (Demo's) will not Stop!! These libtards are destroying America, and right in our faces. We do nothing...I'm so embarrassed I was reg. Dem. Their EVIL!!

  • Ken - 7 years ago

    I think Putin respects strength. I also think he is against the NWO. It wasn't in his interest to meddle for Hillary. If she had won we would probably be at war right now trying to force the NWO on Russia. That's not to say they didn't do the standard spook business ALL countries do to each other. But they did not tip the election either way. I voted for President Trump and have never spoken to Putin...

  • Lucretia Wrolstad - 7 years ago

    I don't know if I believe they did or not, I've always thought they did for Hillary and it backfired. What do you think.

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