Has social media affected social interactions in real life?


  • That guy is wrong - 7 years ago

    The media normalizes bad behavior. When a 'reputable' source sympathizes with people who create problems, it is seen as acceptable behavior. The biggest example i have is the black lives matter activists. Sure, the idea behind the group is respectable but when they do things that disrupt the normal flow of daily activities, they are applauded. That is enabling those people to keep doing those disruptive things, AND they push the envelope...

    When kids see adults displaying bad behavior they adopt those behaviors because the 'adults' showed them that its ok. Not only do they adopt those behaviors, kids build on what they observe. They see thugs toting guns around? That makes kids feel its ok for them to, and they'll use it. Kids see an adult get in a fight, they want to fight to, but they build on that and do things like use weapons. I could go on but if you dont get it already your probably one of the people im talking about...

    America is fucked and I blame media figureheads...

  • not a liberal - 7 years ago

    This whole article is ridiculous. The Trump CNN thing was not real. It was fake wrestling and a metaphor for how he wants to take down CNN's credibility for its biased and fake news. Only a moron would compare that joke video to real violence. And the problem for people who follow the Cardasians is that those people already have no values, otherwise, they wouldn't be following such people. This isn't bad behavior spilling over from social media. This is the further decay of American morality, which is caused by liberal social policies. Who tells us that single motherhood is okay, and promiscuity is okay, and kids don't need a mom and a dad, and that recreational drug use is okay, etc, etc? Uh huh...

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