Do you believe that trans individuals should not be allowed to serve?


  • James - 7 years ago

    It amazes me how people that have never served or those that have served has NO RESPECT for the enlisted soldiers that are forced to serve along side with these man made transgenders. Maybe the military should just have all sex latrine. What happens in the latrine, stays in the latrine. Same with the barracks.

  • Janet Butler - 7 years ago

    President Trump is doing what is best for our military and after talking to the commanders and soldiers, he has made his decision and I support it.

  • Connie - 7 years ago

    Anyone who wants to serve our country should do so. Even if our POTUS is crazy. Thank God people still want to protect us!

  • Kyle Numann - 7 years ago

    I agree this poll is worded in a way that will encourage false results. Regardless, the answer would be a clear one in the 'land of the free'. Also, if the cost of transition treatment is the issue, don't have the military pay for it.

  • Sylvia Wasiolek - 7 years ago

    Why is this worded in the negative? This will cause issues with the outcome. All who choose to serve in our military should be able todo so. No broad brush against any group.

  • Susan Branigan - 7 years ago

    Poorly worded poll. Simple: Should trans individuals be allowed to serve in the military? Simple, if you want accurate results.

    If, as I understand the issue, it's an issue of medical cost based on the personal preferences of the individual. The public should not have to pay for any part of that. Simple to resolve. If you want to serve, serve. No transgender medical drugs or services will be placed on the backs of the taxpayers. These should be out-of-pocket expenses to the individual. Problem solved.

  • Justin - 7 years ago

    Tax payers should not have to pay for someone to "transition"
    Eventually there will be thousands of people joining the reserves just so they can get their penis cut off

  • TM Illingworth - 7 years ago

    This is worded in a manner that makes it easy to vote in a manner other than what one intends!

  • C Braden - 7 years ago

    Our President is a lunatic. Know who else said that? Attentive Germans in the 20th century.

  • Gina Lackore - 7 years ago

    The wording of this is going to screw up the results.

  • Lauren - 7 years ago

    This poll is worded VERY badly.

  • Randy Stevens - 7 years ago

    Debra Rowlands, you're an idiot. Do your research.

  • My President Trump - 7 years ago

    It's a trick question they way they worded it. The question should say, Do you believe transgender people should serve in the military?

  • Joe - 7 years ago

    It's not a question of ability to pull a trigger. Under the right circumstances virtually anyone can do that. The question is whether or not you want our taxes to pay for the sex change operation. Is it right, when our nation is nearly 20 trillion dollars in debt, to spend money we have to borrow to pay for sex change operations. I think not.

  • Nicholas - 7 years ago

    As a veteran, I can say that the gender of the person doesn't matter. What matters is that the person can do their job. The cost of providing medical care to transgender service members is nothing compared to what we're spending on this president's golfing trips.

  • Joe - 7 years ago

    Please fix the wording on this poll or delete, and ask the question more clearly.

  • My President Trump - 7 years ago

    Our US military can't afford another transgender traitor like Chelsea Manning, stealing hundreds of files of classified information and giving it to the enemy. Alot of US soldiers died because of Chelsea Manning, and crooked obama let (her/him, actually she is a he, but obama kept pushing the idea to believe something your not!) out of prison after He served only a few months of his 30 year sentence. President Trump is smart for not allowing transgender people serve in our military! They can't be trusted!!

  • Kimberly Slye - 7 years ago

    Correction: IF your sensitive about your gender, getting shot at is really going to throw their sensitivity level through the roof and cause even more mental damage.

  • Kristian - 7 years ago

    What I'm not understanding is how can you say it's wrong & illegal to discriminate in any other career field but when it comes to the military people want to say it's okay. Transgender people have been giving themselves for this country but now people want to single them out & say "because you're different you don't have the right to protect me." Like what?! That's insane. The whole "problem" paying for their medical expenses is a load of BS. I don't care if you're black, white, orange, dog, cat, or if you're a llama mixed with a cheetah if you are willing to take on a role & give yourself for something a lot of people aren't, you have my respect.

  • PWK - 7 years ago

    Kinda backward way to ask a question, don't ya think?

    It would be less confusing to ask, do you think transgender people should be allowed to serve in the military.

  • Maghen - 7 years ago

    Who cares what gender a person is! It shouldn't matter, the only thing that we should be looking at here is the fact that they want to serve their country. I do not care if you have a penis or a vagina and want the other, the only thing I see is a brave HUMAN wanting to do their part in serving OUR great country! My heart and biggest thanks goes out to all who join and are currently serving.

  • Betty - 7 years ago

    No, they shouldn't be allowed. Why should we taxpayers and our government pay for their unnecessary medical expenses? You want to change your gender...then pay for it out of your own pocket.

  • Katsy Kline - 7 years ago

    "If your not comfortable with what you are, then how could you be comfortable serving the Country?" That's like saying,"if you don't like lemons, how are you going to sweep the floor?"

  • Katsy Kline - 7 years ago

    Transgender people serve at twice the rate cisgendered people serve in the military. Studies show that 20% of trans people have served in the military, while 10% of the rest of the population serve.

  • Debra Rowlands - 7 years ago

    We have a lunatic at the helm that is a draft dodger. UNFIT at every level.

  • Kassy - 7 years ago

    That's a weird way to ask the question. Of course transgender people should be allowed to serve. They're people! Their personal matters do not interfere with their ability to serve. Any disqualifications are discovered in MEPS and as many transgender people have made it through MEPS you cannot categorize being transgender as a disqualification.

  • Kimberly Slye - 7 years ago

    If your not comfortable with what you are, then how could you be comfortable serving the Country?

  • David King - 7 years ago

    The President is unhinged

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