Wyatt and Katie, Are You Liking This Couple? Vote!


  • Jake Dumas - 4 years ago

    and I think that Wyatt and Katie belongs together and raise will and a new baby and get engaged and married and Katie is way happier with Wyatt because Wyatt ain't like his father and always loyal and always there for Katie and bill ain't stable father because he is to focus on his work and bill is lying that bill needs Katie but that ain't happening and hope is to bossy and always never let things go and Florence don't deserve Wyatt because of her get involved in the baby swap and Sally spectra needs a man like Thomas that is loyal and decent for her and doesn't go after women and never obsessed with anybody and Thomas ain't like Wyatt and bill and Katie and Sally spectra and hope needs their happiness back

  • vickie - 8 years ago

    Let them both find a little happiness for a while. Brook has been with every man on the show including daughter's boy friends and husbands, her father in law, and all of her brother in laws, to name a few. Ridge has been with every woman including sister in laws, step moms, ect. So who are any of them to judge?

  • Fran - 8 years ago

    Keep them happy and together for awhile......
    Katie needs a solid good guy

  • Jennifer L Prindle - 8 years ago

    Yes, its refreshing two characters who aren't caught up in some love triangle cheating on other people! Go for it and let them stay together for a while, stop all of this insanity with the constant partner swapping. There aren't enough characters to justify it!

  • Janet Sparrow - 8 years ago

    Let the writers take the show where they want it to go. If we don't like it we can protest and boycott.

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