Do you think President Trump is a stable and competent leader?


  • Don - 7 years ago

    Donald Trump's presidency already has been one of the most controversial in U.S. history, and its ending could be just as action-packed and unpredictable as his first seven months in office.

    As the 45th president deals with his stalled agenda, his sinking approval ratings and the investigations into his presidential campaign's ties to Russia, White House advisers have reportedly been warning Trump about his potential political doom: the exhaustive impeachment process that could result in his removal from the Oval Office. And he isn’t doing himself many favors with his tweets that appear to come from a crazy person. Lock him up. He's insane. Nuts!

  • Micahael West - 7 years ago

    competent ?no!

    hes not sane enough to BE competent

    Donny suffers for a Narcissistic Personality Disorder!

  • Dan - 7 years ago

    Congressional Republicans should be very worried. Trump could tear them apart — and he’s already starting to do so.

    Drain the TN Swamp Vote em all out. Diane Black, Marsha Blackburn, Beth Harwell, and Miss Minnie Beavers all stand with Trump (the pussy pincher) Jeez. It's such a sad day for our country.

    Come on ya'll. We all deserve better. Let's get'em outta there.

  • Anne V Applegate - 7 years ago

    Senator Corker needs to put a cork in his mouth. Any incumbents running against him will have my vote.

  • Lisa Chappell - 7 years ago

    The RINO'S and liberals are the incompetent ones!! They have been wrong at every turn and it's those asshats that are causing all the trouble, NOT TRUMP, NOT HIS SUPPORTERS!

  • Charles Miller - 7 years ago

    For one thing, a poll of a few thousand Americans does not reflect the opinions of 300 Million Americans. For another thing, virtually all the national polls in 2016 showed Hillary winning the election. So, what have we learned about public opinion polls, class?

  • Dan - 7 years ago

    "President Donald Trump is doing more to divide the country, 62 percent of voters say, while 31 percent say he is doing more to unite the country, his worst score on this question, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today."

    That was only the beginning of the bad news for Trump in this poll. On nearly every question he fared poorly in the view of the American people. His approval rating dipped to a low of thirty-five percent. Fifty-nine percent say that his decisions and behavior have encouraged white supremacist groups. Sixty-five percent say that the level of hatred and prejudice in the U.S. has increased. American voters disapprove 60-32 percent of Trump's response to the events in Charlottesville. And despite Trump's "all sides" are evil rhetoric, sixty-four percent of voters say that it's white supremacist groups that pose a threat to the U.S.

    On questions of presidential morality, Trump takes a serious beating. Sixty-two percent say that Trump does not provide the U.S. with moral leadership. And breaking that down into specifics only makes it worse:

    61-36 percent say that he is not honest;
    61-37 percent say that he does not have good leadership skills;
    57-40 percent say that he does not care about average Americans;
    68-29 percent say that he is not level headed;
    59-38 percent say that he is a strong person;
    55-43 percent say that he is intelligent;
    63-34 percent say that he does not share their values.

    An astonishing sixty-nine percent of voters think Trump should stop tweeting. And although fifty-five percent say they disapprove of the way the news media covers him, sixty-two percent disapprove of the way he talks about the media. More damaging from Trump's perspective is that fifty-four percent of voters trust the media "to tell you the truth about important issues" than trust the President to do so.

    This is a catastrophic survey for a President still only seven months into his term. It paints a dark picture of a nation deeply dissatisfied with their national leader. And Trump has both political and legal hurdles before him that are likely to cause him to stumble. Consequently, numbers like these give license to his own party to step away as he continues to fall into the abyss. It's just a matter of time.

  • Melissa - 7 years ago

    Make no mistake, we support our President! I will be voting against ANY incumbents in the next several elections in my state!! Drain the swamp!! Vote them all out!! I am so sick of the corrupt traitors to the American people!!

  • Judith fletcher - 7 years ago

    My personal opinion is that our Congressmen are not doing their job that we elected them to do .... there are too many numb skull and too many greedy politicians ready to give away our hard working people's money and more scary electing Muslims into our gov't offices! Illegals pushing for their style of life that they ran away from in their country. They need to leave. and go back where they came from. It's unacceptable what the Muslims want to do our country and we need to stand up to bring our God back into the schools and prayer at public events. We need God back in our lives and we need to support our President. God chose Trump to bring our country back to it's religious beginning. We must pull together and unite.....................

  • Darsky - 7 years ago

    For the amount of people who think this sciopathic, patheic liar in chief is stable and competent leads me to wonder how many voted multiple times and how many were "bots". Can't wait for Meuller Time!!!!!!!

  • Jay John Sturges-nagy - 7 years ago

    Jay John Sturges-nagy "NO"
    Like · Reply · 2 hrs
    Ida Cook
    Ida Cook Please explain why. Most of us think he is doing great.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs
    Jay John Sturges-nagy
    Jay John Sturges-nagy "Inability to uphold the Law - Private Law Act of Congress is Active - Along with Stolen Valore Act"
    Like · Reply · 2 hrs
    Ida Cook
    Ida Cook Trump never stole any valore so what are you talking about?
    Like · Reply · 1 hr
    Jay John Sturges-nagy
    Jay John Sturges-nagy "Oh Yes He did - Title 10 is Active"
    Like · Reply · 1 hr
    Mark Carlsen
    Mark Carlsen John Jay Jay John Sturges-nagy educate me on title 10
    Like · Reply · 1 hr
    Jay John Sturges-nagy
    Jay John Sturges-nagy
    Title 10 of the United States Code - Wikipedia
    Title 10 of the United States Code outlines the role of armed forces in the United States Code.[1] It provides the legal basis for the roles, missions and organization of each of the services as well as the United States Department of Defense. Each of the five subtitles deals with a separate aspect…

  • Don - 7 years ago

    Last night's Trump Rally, I mean white supremacy Trump rally in Phoenix, Arizona.

    What do you say to that? I’m just going to speak from the heart here. What we have witnessed was a total eclipse of the facts.

    Someone who came out onto the stage and lied to the American people. And left things out that he said, in an attempt to rewrite history. Especially when it comes to Charlottesville. He’s unhinged. It’s embarrassing—and I don’t mean for us in the media because he went after us—but for the country. This is who we elected for the President of the United States. A man who is so petty he has to go after anyone he deems to be his enemy, like an imaginary friend of a six-year-old. His speech was without thought. It was without reason. It was devoid of facts. It was devoid of wisdom. There was no gravitas. There was no sanity there. He was like a child blaming a sibling on something else. He did it, I didn’t do it. He certainly opened up the race wound from Charlottesville. A man who is clearly wounded by the rational people leaving him in droves, meaning those business people and the people in Washington who are now questioning his fitness for office and whether he is stable. A man backed into a corner by circumstances beyond his control, and beyond his understanding. That’s the truth. If you watch that speech as an American, you had to be thinking what in the world is going on? This is the person we elected as the President of the United States? This petty? This small? The person who is supposed to pull the country together? It certainly didn’t happen there.

    Sad, pathetic, and lame.

  • M Davenport - 7 years ago

    This "unfit" nonsense won't work any better than the groping, Russia, or the popular vote nonsense has worked against Trump. Trump is the President and will be until January 20, 2025. Hopefully when another Trump Republican takes his place. Pence would be great.

  • Kimberly Onofry - 7 years ago

    Look at all the liberal fucktards voting no. Those no's arent coming from true Trumpers!! #TRUMP #2TERMS #ILOVEMYPRESIDENT #45

  • Maggie - 7 years ago

    I would take this poll seriously if I wasn't able to vote 4 times already. Just further proof that all these polls are fixed.

  • Maxwell Gibbons - 7 years ago

    Still better than OBAMA or KILLARY.
    At least he has the balls to do something even tho not doing something at this moment.
    OBAMA didn't shit for us. Obama care was a job to just give the government more or our hard earned income. Work our asses off just for it to be handed on a silver platter for people that don't work.
    There wasn't any growth with Obama. It separated everyone into there own groups.
    AMERICAN LIVES MATTER basically you car born in this country you are not African American or anything like than, YOU ARE AMERICAN. Your ancestor where a race and the race only race I see is AMERICAN.
    If they wanna get rid of George Washington history than they wave the right to have rights because the the documents that was credited doesn't exist to them. So they can't protest period and say a thing because they waved that right

  • Dorene - 7 years ago

    On another site, President Trump had a 98% FAVORABLE decision. Shows what the liberal media does to poll results or where they take them. President Trump is 100% more "sane" than the left that is trying to topple him.

  • Korey - 7 years ago

    Funny you put this same poll up on a different site, a more right leaning site, and our wonderful President would get at least 90% that would say he is a competent stable leader. None of the poles mean jack. When someone does a poll of 250-2,000 people in EVERY COUNTY IN THE US then you might have a more accurate idea of what the country truly feels. Even then I'm sure you would skew the percentages of Dems and libs and republicans, they always do. So tired of the fake news bs and the brainwashingof tnose to stupid tomactually think for themselves or do their own reading and research and make up their own mind. The sooner y'all get over your Trump Derangement Syndrome and get behind our President the better off you'll be. You don't have to agree with everything he says or does but for crap sake quit being idiotic left wing nut jobs and give him a chance to get his agenda thru. We have a little over 3 years to go, hopefully a little over 7 truth be told, and us regular folks who support our President are already beyond tired of your lies and belly aching about any and everything he does or says or doesn't do or say, I mean who could forget that he gets 2 SCOOPS of ice cream!!! Goodness he is obviously a monster ???? The more you push your bs and call Antifa douche canoes as "heros" the longer Trump will be in office. Y'all are pushing him to another win in 2020. Have y'all not figured out thatbtose of us who don't live in the over populated far left lunatic shit holes don't give a rats behind about what you and you minions in your bubbles think?? We support our pressure 1000000000% and y'all aren't going to change that. Period. Get over it, suck it up and ride out the next few years. If you really want him gone then find someone that can possibly give him a run in 2020, but we all know Dems have no leader, no message and nothing to stand on. All you can do is hate on PRESIDENT TRUMP. Not going to work. And Dems are definitely not "a better deal" lol Y'all really need a better slogan person

  • Dan - 7 years ago

    Trump is not there to heal the nation or to uplift it. He is there for personal exoneration and redemption. He isn't there to plead the case that America could rise on the wings of its better angels. He is there to defend the demons. The demons of racism and White Supremacy and Nazism. And of whatever is in lieu of a soul or moral compass inside the current occupant of the Oval Office.

    After a brief mention of Trump’s totally inappropriate and inaccurate reaction to the events in Boston this past Saturday, Blow closes with two brief paragraphs. The first of these is

    This man doesn’t wait for facts. This man doesn’t care about facts, or much else for that matter. He only cares about himself, his image and his positioning.
    Facts be damned. Truth be damned. And damnation and the tweet-fueled ire of Trump directed at anyone who dare gainsay what he offers, who deigns to try to call him to account.

    Which leads Blow to these final words:

    America is functioning, barely, without a functioning president. Trump is failing every test of the office. How frightening is that?
    Perhaps the only thing more frightening would be if Trump were effective enough to enact whatever it is that passes for his “agenda.” As it is, he is doing horrible damage to this nation — its economy, its polity, its standing in the world.

  • MagiemcC - 7 years ago

    Corker, of course,is trying to impeach Trump vi the 25th amendment. Amusing in that. Foremost psychiatristhasalreadcsaid "We have a genius in the presidency. Not easy yo understand but genius. Corker and Alexander are regular Rinos and all those up in 2018 will be primaried by new candidates swearing to support Trump.

  • Maggie - 7 years ago

    Obviously. a leftist site. I would like to point out for those who didn't see the African-American doctor speaking of seeing the chartered buses drawn up to let out the paid thug "protesters" at Charlottesville, that this was another false flag event, tiresome as they have come to be. Out of the buses poured 1000's of ppl, most in BLM and KKK T-shirts. Has anyone EVER before seen a KKK T- shirt? They didn't exist before this escapade. The police set up barriers to channel the white whatever..supremacists, ppl who wanted to keep Th Lee Statue, some perhaps fancying themselves neo-Nazis (I remember the real ones; these don't qualify.) into the midst of The antifa & BLM crowd who were armed with baseball bats and other clubs. The mayor and governor having instructed Th police, by their own words, to then stand down,t he mêlée continued. The poor woman was run over in an alley where the driver ran up to other parked cars the antifa were using for supplies. He stepped on the brake just as a man behind hit his car with a bat, all on video, whereupon he stepped on the gas for a crucial moment and then reversed out of Th alley. A tragic loss but not a murder. You can see some men in the KKK shirt in. Another video,, on stretcher. A special counsel is to b called to investigate this. It was too obvious a setup. The videos make it obvious the violence was not only on on side, as Trump said. We can't let this go on in America or there will surly be a racial or civil war, barring martial law...we don't want that...the law as obama fixed. It does NOT allow for habeas corpus, a bedrock of our judicial system. Never have we had.a Coup in America and we won't have one now, engineering by Clapper and the Muslim. Convert, CIA Bre . The FBI directors, mueller.has a. History you must read for yourself in handling 9/11 AFtermath and thé Anthrax poisoning where mueller and Comey got them .man whom taxpayers had to pa y $5 million for having them ruining hi s réputation. Mueller is also the man who personally delivered to Russia uranium. Of ours. Clinton sold to Russia,keeping $1.5 million for her foundation. All this is documented so please form your own judgment. .

  • Billy Durm - 7 years ago

    President Trump is doing a wonderful Job,, It's leaders like Bob dumb ass Corker that has the Problem, He's another one of those Politician that can't stand Trump a non Politician that won the election , Straighten up your act Corker or loose your job,Yes you can be voted out of office.

  • G spa - 7 years ago

    I think this poll is full of shit.......Trump is doing a great job so stop your fake news and fake polling

  • Alfonso - 7 years ago

    Because he says what needs to be said? That sure doesn't make incompetent. He's a true leader and doesn't sugar coat his words. He was never labeled a racist UNTIL he ran as a Republican. Trump Pence until 2024!

  • Steve - 7 years ago

    Establishment = corruption. This President plays to a different beat, that's for sure! But "competency" is a relative term when it comes to politics. Just look at the last 8 years of corruption, petty politics, disgusting, even criminal behavior from cabinet heads. MAGA!

  • Don - 7 years ago

    We are leaderless. America doesn’t have a president. America has a man in the White House holding the spot, and wreaking havoc as he waits for the day when a real president arrives to replace him. Donald Trump is many things — most of them despicable — but the leader of a nation he is not. He is not a great man. Hell, he isn’t even a good man. Donald Trump is a man of flawed character and a moral cavity. He cannot offer moral guidance because he has no moral compass. He is too small to see over his inflated ego.

  • Linda B - 7 years ago

    Best president we have had since Regan! Amazing leader (when he's not being pestered by the LEFT with the nonsense every single day) but I would love for him to have a chance to actually fix the Disaster that was left behind by the last 8 years of Garbage. I applaud our President every day on his amazing tolerance of the SHIT that the Libtards are throwing at him. What a shame you people don't have the sense to shut off your televisions and go speak to people directly and find out that We want this man to fix our country, bring back jobs and manufacturing to our great nation to rebuild our economy and give the American people a chance to work for themselves, afford their own healthcare, homes, cars, food and in turn support the economy, building and buying American. Shame on all of you out there who just follow along like Blind, Mindless Sheep. It's pitiful and your parents should be EMBARRASSED!

  • JORDAN - 7 years ago

    This poll is for the democrats. Main stream media is shameful. We actually are having group mental illness with the democrats. They have really gone off the deep end. The democrats need treatment to deal with reality. President Trump will go down in history as one of our best Presidents. People, main stream media is NOT telling the truth. Most of the main stream media need to have a DISCLAIMER; ALL OF THE NEWS IS OUR OPINON BASED ON WHAT WE WANT THE NEWS TO BE. The heart land of America want President Trump as our President.

  • ME - 7 years ago


  • Don - 7 years ago

    Trump has just pardoned the DJ who groped Taylor Swift. According to Trump, Pussy's get groped, they just do."

  • KOS - 7 years ago

    Trump brought us to the brink of Civil War? Boy most of you are retarded. Strike that, it's offensive to retards. The only thing Trump has done wrong was NOT Have Obama Soros and his leftist son arrested, suicided, or disappeared to a Black Site Prison tanker in the middle of the sea. I say add Hillary but let's be real, she's his Cousin. Things are all going according to the Globalist Plan and Trump is their Man. Don't even think for a Second, Hillary or Johnson would be doing any better.
    All Presidents are Puppets. If you disagree then you slept through Lincoln and Kennedy.
    44/45 POTUS are related to the King John of England. If you believe that's all a coincidence you must be a "Coincidence Theorist!" As always free sample Red Pill. Next one I'll charge.

  • Andy - 7 years ago

    The only election I've voted on that I completely regret the way I voted. Should have thrown my vote to Gary Johnson instead of Trump. The only people who continue to support him are only doing so for 3 reasons. 1: they blindly vote GOP and whoever they vote for can do no wrong. 2: he hasn't completely reversed whatever campaign promise the still supporting clinged on to. 3: the remainder are race supremists and think he's going to hand them the power to rule over minorities (I believe only a small percentage).

    Had I caught on to the repeated lies he's told from the get go, I never would have voted for him. I honestly think the only reason people supported him, they were as I was, tired of the typical lying politicians we've continued to elect. What we ended up with, a 10 fold worse outcome.

  • Dan - 7 years ago

    Speaking truth to power is never easy, Mr. President. You have attacked numerous people and groups. You released a budget which eliminates arts and culture agencies. You have threatened nuclear war while gutting diplomacy funding. The Administration pulled out of the Paris agreement, filed an amicus brief undermining the Civil Rights Act, and attacked our brave trans service members. You have subverted equal protections, and are committed to banning Muslims and refugee women & children from our great country. This does not unify the nation we all love. We know the importance of open and free dialogue through our work in the cultural diplomacy realm, most recently with the first-ever US Government arts and culture delegation to Cuba, a country without the same First Amendment protections we enjoy here. Your words and actions push us all further away from the freedoms we are guaranteed.

    Ignoring your hateful rhetoric would have made us complicit in your words and actions. We took a patriotic oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

    Supremacy, discrimination, and vitriol are not American values. Your values are not American values. We must be better than this. We are better than this. If this is not clear to you, then we call on you to resign your office, too.

  • Marcus Elliott - 7 years ago

    Trump has accomplished nothing but getting the country on the brink of civil war and/or starting a nuclear war.
    He is a pathological liar who can't even be honest about whether or not it is raining.
    He seeks every opportunity to further divide and anger the country with empty ignorant rhetoric.
    And he showed his true colors by giving support to Nazis and white supremacists.

    I mean the Tiki Torch company was quicker to deliver the correct message denouncing racism and bigotry.

    He should resign or be impeached.
    He has only shown us how truly incompetent he really is.

  • Janet - 7 years ago

    Seven months in, and not a single legislative to show for it. Zero. Zip. Nada.

  • Sis - 7 years ago

    The blame for the ladies death in Charlottesville should have been put on the people who voted to take the statues down. This is all none sense. History is history and there is no changing it. They are trying to rewrite history. Nobody has ever even mentioned that the civil war actually started because some states wanted to secede from the union.
    I didn't hear anyone raising alot of problems over the policeman who have been killed by these thugs, just because they were policemen. No one actually quit any committees or withdrew from anything when that was happening. One life means as much as another. Black or white or any other color.

  • Jeanne - 7 years ago

    Bob Corker has to go! What a traitor! If you want to see insanity and instability, just look at the left. Their true colors have been exposed and revealed in their unhinged behavior since Trump was elected. It's disgusting, and we're sick of it. I've never seen such hatred, intolerance, immaturity, pettiness, dishonesty, hypocrisy, double standards, and wickedness as I have seen from the left. And the Republicans who have been obstructing Trump's agenda and siding with the opposition are shameful. The main reason I voted for Trump is so he would drain the swamp. The bullies had taken over the playground, and they don't fight fair. Trump is the kind of man that can stand up to the bullies on behalf of the American people. They are desperate to defend their cushy status quo, and hold on to their power. They are behaving like spoiled brats.

  • Patrick - 7 years ago

    What a ridiculous poll question to ask NEWS2. But then you are part of the community that wanted Hillary elected and you, along with your kind, abandoned any journalistic integrity you had many, many years ago.
    These 'polls' and 'news' stories constantly attacking President Trump are nothing more than organized Clinton voters that are still unable to accept the reality their candidate lost, continuing to throw their temper tantrum. The fabricated Russia claim failed so now they are trying this.

  • Mike H - 7 years ago

    President Trump is doing a great job and could do even better if the alt-left would stop creating all these lies and trying to twist everything he says, attacking him every day! We are fed up with this madness from the sore losers on the left. I'm glad this has hair lipped every one of you!

    All the folks protesting the removal of the statues this past weekend had a permit to peacefully protest this stupid decision. The alt-left racists show up and the legal protesters tried to avoid them but the violent left would not let them. Trump is 100% correct that there was violence on both sides!!! All were not white supremacist. The fkn media and the idiots in California have twisted this to make the right look bad but everyone knows they will lie, cheat and do whatever to destroy Trump. Those that voted for Trump will not let that happen!!! We have your back Mr. President! MAGA!! The Republicans that are against the President's agenda need to go and should be voted out ASAP!!! Starting with McCain, MCConnell, Rubio, Graham and Ryan. These guys are retards! Go Trump!!!

  • lonnie - 7 years ago

    If anybody wants to run against Clucker I mean Corker in the primary they will have my vote.

  • Rondell North - 7 years ago

    Wow. After about 2,300 votes, this poll is a lot closer than I thought it would be. I thought Trump would have a 70% YES vote. Christian Republicans, we know the Deplorables are always going to side with Trump. But you Christians have a chance to be on the right side of history. And more important, on the right side of God.

    Be careful who you support. You can and will be fooled.

    Matthew 24:24

  • Jordan - 7 years ago

    ⬇ or... Must have been the alt-speller app on my phone

  • Jordan - 7 years ago

    I'd like to know the list of things, from a trump supporter, that they'd like to see happen under President trump. Top 5 ir 10

  • Jordan - 7 years ago

    Diplomas not that ⬇

  • Jordan - 7 years ago

    And yours?...

  • Andrea - 7 years ago

    When all the steady work and $$ start flowing next year, then they will be singing his praises. 2 faces pussy.

  • Brian Rooney - 7 years ago

    For all of you who voted NO , I'd like to see your diplomas.

    Buncha butt hurt little snowflakes.

  • Britt flea - 7 years ago

    Any individual who shows continued support of the current POTUS has deeply flawed morals and somehow believe unwavered loyalty will reward them in some way... This is just not the case. Holding out for hate will always end in pain... Refusing to think and truly ask yourself, why do I continue to support this man given the circumstances, is something most people will not do. He is who they voted for, and they retain a mentality that if they never admit he's wrong, he isn't... Extremely authoritarian. Don't question Jesus or daddy mid set... Unfortunately this doesn't create healthy thinkers or problem solvers. Morality requires a small level of selflessness, and empathy is easier given when shown. Most need religion to bring this on, others caring for someone else more than themselves... And still a portion never experience either, and find it unrelatable. Humans coming together and accepting that we truly aren't so different, not allowing media and corporations to sway us or divide us, that will end this. That feeling everyone has, that something isn't right... Should no longer be ignored. Causing the suffering of children and innocent individuals for the sake of power and greed is unexcusable. That the slightest chance of personal gain causes us to kill our fellow man... That we watch so many suffer and are later able to buy ourselves something and forget it.. is evil. Because you turn a blind eye in the name of a party affiliation does not excuse you. Selfishness and greed cannot rule. This country was founded by immigration and the idea of something better. A little thought, before you treat someone like they are less... What if that was you... How would you like to be treated... The Golden rule couldn't ring more true... Never forget. Never forget these people who continue to chase hate for personal gain.

  • Debra Heughan - 7 years ago

  • Jordan - 7 years ago

    Figured there would be a lot more comments, but i'm guessing since the comments aren't automatically refreshed that many trumpsters just gave up looking at their sweet little rant.

  • Don - 7 years ago

    Trump wakes up hating African Americans, Latinos, Jews and Muslims, and goes to bed hating African-Americans, Latinos, Jews and Muslims. When he goes to the bathroom or eats his Froot-Loops he’s thinking--and more than that, he's talking—about how much he hates African- Americans, Latinos, Jews and Muslims.

    He’s spouting so much bigotry at his aides in private that they're embarrassed it’s all now being spilled out in public. They thought it could be contained in their own little private sanctum. And that's actually been their main, Herculean task these past six months. Keeping this ratfucking bastard under control so he doesn’t give away the farm on what a horrible scumbag he is in real life.

    So now we know it’s no wonder he alludes to Black Lives Matter protesters as being the equivalent of neo-Nazis. It’s not because of Wormtongue Bannon, or mini-Goebbels Miller. It’s because he believes African-Americans are all criminals by nature, dammit. Of course he thinks all immigrants are murders and rapists. It's what he believes. And of course he’s a hero to white supremacists.

    It’s what he likes to talk about. We can only imagine his dinner conversation, his table talk, starting out with the N-word and going downhill from there. On the dubious assumption that Melania ever sleeps with him (yuck!), I’m sure this is what he whispers into her ear before he nods off to dreamland on his overstuffed golden pillow.

  • Dianne - 7 years ago

    Yes. Media keeps interpreting Pres. Trump through their bias views instead of reporting facts. Ex: I heard him say there was violence on both sides. Media interprets that as he "said" the two groups are morally equivalent... Give me a break. I'm so tired of it. BTW, looked like there was violence on both sides to me. Mr. Trump doesn't worry me at all -- what worries me most is that this hysteria is spreading.

  • Jordan - 7 years ago

    Hate breeds hate, whether it comes from your neighbor, your pastor, or your president. You can't pick and choose what you "think" is right over basic rights ALL humans possess. You are not better than any other race, religion, or sex and shouldn't interfere with other people's lives.

  • Don - 7 years ago

    Trump is senile. He has committed "suicide" for the Republicans. His staff quits, his press can't cover his lies any longer. It is sad. It is sad for our country and it is sad for the world. He continues to be rude, disrespectful, and belligerent, especially of women. I am so thankful I can look my grown daughters in the eyes and they know that as their dad I have never supported any part of Trump and his cronies.

    Let's NEVER FORGET that here in Tennessee Diane Black, Beth Harwell, and Marsha Blackburn stand with Trump. There are numerous clips in all the media where they are recorded as Standing with Trump. Let's vote them all out. Out with the Trump supporters and his "basket of deplorable" followers.

  • Dixie Stovall - 7 years ago

    The Bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities (see Eph. 6:12). Those who are spiritually discerning realize that much of the chaos happening in our country, and many of the attacks against our president, are spiritual in nature.....CNN political commentator Ana Navarro said President Trump is "unfit to be human" because of his response to what happened in Charlottesville.
    If that isn't demonic. Can you imagine anyone saying that about former president Obama? She should be fired.
    How low can you go, Ana? Honestly. It's one thing to call him out for what he says or his policies, but saying he's not human?
    We're talking about the president of the United States of America, but then again, Navarro is employed by CNN.
    The same CNN that was forced to fire Kathy Griffin after her beheading-Trump stunt.
    Not a good track record for respecting human life, CNN.
    So, why did Navarro make such a vile, evil attack on the president? Because of Trump's response to Charlottesville.
    "In my book, his lack of empathy, his lack of leadership, his lack of courage—he's unfit to be human," Navarro said.
    "Well ... OK," CNN host John Berman responded awkwardly. "Let's talk about him as the president of the United States for a second right now, Ana."
    Here is the video of her remarks.
    I guess Navarro didn't actually listen to his entire address.
    I encourage you to watch his entire remarks, because I think she (and the vast majority of the mainstream media) might've only listened to 11 seconds of it:
    Trump condemned racism, violence and bigotry in the strongest degree. He called for us to unite as Americans.
    On the "Todd Starnes Show" Tuesday, Todd said, "I don't know if she's a bigot in real life, or if she just plays one on television." Starnes added, "It really reminded me of the things being said in the '30s."
    Starnes asked guest Dinesh D'Souza, the author of The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left about Navarro's quote, and this is what he had to say on the show:
    Well, not only is that chilling by itself, but not only is the left in the name of anti-fascism, getting away with all kinds of violence ... what's really scary about all this is that ever since the election, all these people—Van Jones, Ana Navarro, Rachel Maddow, Christopher Matthews, Bill Maher—they've been bloviating about fascism, yet they're scared to have a real debate ... these are people who are fraud. They perpetrate the big lie, but the moment the big lie is called, they won't have you on their show to expose them.
    I have to agree with Starnes and D'Souza. Navarro's comments are more closely aligned with the communist/Nazi ideology of demonizing people—but she takes it a step further to trying to take away Trump's very human dignity and rights. That goes beyond the evil thinking of communism or Nazism, straight to Satan.
    Not today.
    She is speaking out of two sides of her mouth, and her foolish Trump-hatred is blinding her from how low she's gone.
    Unfit to be human? I would never judge anyone unfit to be human—because of forgiveness, redemption and so forth, but I do think CNN should judge Ana Navarro unfit to be a contributor.
    What do you think? Let me know on Facebook and Twitter!
    Caleb Parke is a conservative millennial columnist. You can follow him on Facebook and Twitter. For the original article, visit

  • Mindy Belcher - 7 years ago

    PresidentTrump has been an excellent President. He has done what he said he was going to do. No President has achieved as much as he has in such a short time. He doesn't let people or other countries intimidate him.
    He is absolutely right about the Charlottesville situation.
    These people are tearing up important historical monuments. What would they do if we took down Martin Luther King statue, or any of the stuff they think is important. It is all our history. None of it was glamorous. It was all tragic. It doesn't go away or change what has happened in our countries past. We should all be proud that we overcame it. We were better people because of it. But now, all these hate groups have done is cause shame and distruction. These people need to grow up! I don't like stuff that goes on but I'm sure not going to destroy anything or throw a tempertantrum over it.
    People need to respect others and respect our history. If they don't like it they can go somewhere else! Our country doesn't need this crap.

  • Louise - 7 years ago

    Donald Trump has the maturity of a 4 year old. I am very afraid that he holds the keys to nuclear weapons.

  • Tommy - 7 years ago

    Trust Trump more than news media, congress and senate. This country is doomed with so many working to destroy. Coker is the disgrace .

  • Susan - 7 years ago

    Trump is amazing to withstand the blatant bias in all the stories in the news. Media thinks the public is stupid and don't see what they are doing

  • Sd wilkins - 7 years ago

    Think he is a crack pot and should be impeached and isoon

  • Kate - 7 years ago

    We moved here from insane liberal California to get away from crazy out of control welfare, and illegal immigration. The liberal media is driving this with the help of Soros money, and the elite community! Don't let this happen in Tennessee or you will be sorry. Get rid of Corker ASAP! He is not supporting his own party. This is sickening!!! In California Gov. Brown has put illegals, leagals, and refugees above citizens and it will happen here if you don't keep on top of this!!!!

  • John - 7 years ago

    Congress is the problem. Look at their history of incompetence. Everything they control is out of control. ie..
    medicare, social security, schools, VA hospitals. Sen. Corker, Graham, McConnell and McCain are useless and
    need to move on, instead of stealing from the tax payers of America!!!!

  • Terry - 7 years ago

    President Trump is accomplishing things in spite of the "DO NOTHING" Republican Party. A number of us voters are watching what the House and Senate are doing and NOT doing. There are more elections coming and it appears that we need to make more changes to get things back on track. WE NEED TO DRAIN THE SWAMP!!!!

  • Terrie - 7 years ago

    I feel he is doing the best he can while being criticized by the public and media. Show him the respect he deserves. Let him do his job. I believe he can bring our country back together.

  • Carla - 7 years ago

    He I a great Presidant! He's doing the hard work that none of the wussy's in the Congress and Senate will do!! He was left a big mess that's not going to be popular to straighten out!!!

  • Jeff - 7 years ago

    Senator Corker is unhinged he is part of the swamp

  • Jordan - 7 years ago

    If you think trump is fit, then you are morally and mentally incompetent.

  • Steve - 7 years ago

    Edit: more competent than congress and senate,

  • Colleen Sturgis - 7 years ago

    I love this president. He is absolutely amazing. Let him do what he does. He will lead like no other politician ever has. Sit back and watch .... he is just getting going . Stop. Ring so easily offended and you might see the good being done.

  • Carla - 7 years ago

    Bob Corker needs to resign. Tn. Is embarrassed by him!!!

  • mike stewart - 7 years ago

    It's the media that's unstable.

  • Steve - 7 years ago

    Trump is more competent the congress and senate.

  • Dicky Reynolds - 7 years ago

    He's doing a fine job! Mr Ray said it well!

  • Daniel - 7 years ago

    Well said Anthony! They want you to hate Trump

  • Linda Faye - 7 years ago

    President Trump told the truth! BOTH SIDES WERE VIOLENT!

  • Debo - 7 years ago

    Cohen is nothing more than a grandstanding politician trying to capitalize on the current situation like the pure politician he truly is. He would sell his own soul for votes!

  • Carol - 7 years ago

    Republic Gov. Representatives aren't representing the ppl. I am sick & tired of the lack of backing Trump & throwing road blocks. McCain no longer has my respect. Republican Party stinks, bunch of babies. Trump has gotten things done and would be able to do so much more if he had honest hard working republicans, but he doesn't. Not his fault it's the fault of all the losers not backing him!!!

  • Anthony Ray - 7 years ago

    Why is all of your polls have something to do with President Trump. News 2 is just like every other News source except Fox News. You are fake News too.

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