Who Is Drew - Steve Burton's Patient 6 or Billy Miller's Jason?


  • betty dodds - 7 years ago

    stop being crazy steve burton is Jason
    and no one can play
    that role but steve burton ,
    if you make miller jason
    I will not watch general hospital
    ever again trust me.

  • Steven Toscanini - 7 years ago

    What everyone is forgetting is Steve can be drew but he was the character that was stone cold Helena manipulated both after the crap wreck Steve is the Jason we know but Billy is actually Jason but he is not the Jason that sonny Carly or Michael love. It makes sense

  • Steven Toscanini - 7 years ago

    What everyone is forgetting is Steve can be drew but he was the character that was stone cold Helena manipulated both after the crap wreck Steve is the Jason we know but Billy is actually Jason but he is not the Jason that sonny Carly or Michael love. It makes sense

  • Tracy Villegas - 7 years ago

    Steve Burton is the only stone cold

  • Laurie - 7 years ago

    I want the real Jason back with Sam ... can not wait until Jason makes his appearance... I just love Genteral Hospital ... love Jason Morgan also ... Bring my man home

  • Lanie - 7 years ago

    It's obvious that Steve is Jason, in addition to all of the clues mentioned, they also said that patient 6 was shot and fell into open water (ring any bells?). And drew having Jason's memories is easy to explain when Helena Cassadine was involved. Remember how she brainwashed Lucky Spencer?

  • jackie - 7 years ago

    But how can they explain the memories of the past that Billy Miller's "Jason" has had? While I would love to see Steve as the 'real Jason', GH will have some serious explaining to do about Billy's "Jason"'s memories.

  • Brenda - 7 years ago

    That's how it should be there can only be one Stone Cold / Jason .. it will be Steve I hope ..

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