Is a $700 fine and an impound enough of a punishment for this speeder?


  • Sam - 7 years ago

    Mr. P - you are the one coming across as a whiner. People have offered intelligent thoughts unlike yours.

    I expect virtually all of the commenters are both home and luxury car owners, but these aren't the marks of an impressive person. Being a law abiding, respectful citizen that contributes to the betterment of society are signs.

    On photo radar - the tax grab argument is an infantile, tiresome remark made by unsophisticated individuals who aren't accountable for their actions rationalizing away unethical behaviour.

  • Mr Pink - 7 years ago

    I am tired of people who will never own decent car let alone a super car cast their dispersions on those of us who do. Not all speeding is dangerous driving. In a lot of cases speed traps are nothing more than tax grabs. Governments should not have right to confiscate personal property unless it can be proven that the property was obtained through illegal activities.

    Vancouver is changing, the City is now a destination for capital from all over the world. You might not ever be able to afford to own a home here. Time to move to a less expensive city or Mission. Sorry, but you are not entitled to live here.

    Stop whining about the housing prices, stop complaining about Ferraris, stop trying to tax then wealthy. Instead figure out how you are going to become one of us. Have a great day.

  • Rod - 7 years ago

    Once you hit 50 over, crush the car and a month in jail, only a fool wouldn't learn from that.

  • Dave - 7 years ago

    I love how we continually hear about people execesivally speeding and everyone instantly freaks out like this is the biggest problem around. If speeding alone were a problem then places like Germany wouldn't have less fatalities than we do. I'm assuming most people's arguement will be the faster you go the longer it takes for you to react and stop. Yet semi trucks which take three times as long to stop have the same speed limit as a brand new top of the line car that can stop on a dime! Also the fact that speed limit on our freeways haven't changed in decades, and they were set for gigantic boat cars with drum brakes that weighed twice as much as they do now!

  • Sam - 7 years ago

    Scaling fines to percentage of income is done in many countries - good idea. However, as speed becomes outrageously excessive another penalty category should apply - e.g. endangering the lives of others.or immediate loss of car and license both priveleges not entitlements.

    We must implement photo radar. If you speed assume responsibility of fines that go with it.

  • Steve - 7 years ago

    Charging $700 plus impounding fees to a 22 year old who has enough family money to buy a Ferrari isn't very effective. It almost encourages those with money to speed. Make the fines proportionate to their net worth. If a rich person had to pay $70000 instead of $700, they would think twice about driving like complete idiots.

  • Fine revenue - 7 years ago

    Take the fine/storage/towing/icbc/motor vehicle office _ charges_ and buy this guy a psychologist with that money instead.
    Much more effective for public safety?

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