Daily Poll: Where do you think legalized marijuana should be sold?


  • stopmarijuanalegalization - 7 years ago

    another petition to sign out of Quebec - this one is sponsored by an MP and is a House of Commons
    document - sign it and share widely - thanks

    follow us on facebook no more marijuana canada - we post everyday

  • stopmarijuanalegalization - 7 years ago

    another petition to sign out of Quebec - this one is sponsored by an MP and is a House of Commons
    document - sign it and share widely - thanks

    follow us on facebook no more marijuana canada - we post everyday

  • Richard Bergman - 7 years ago

    Legalization will do two very major things.

    It will increase incidents of impaired and fatal impaired driving with lower rates of charges and convictions given the different biochemistry of THC and the lack of any scientific way of measuring impairment based on given amounts of THC in the body.

    Secondly, usage rates among youth, the very group at greatest mental health risk will rise and the black market will thrive in the background not retreat.

    All of this will flow from legalization as witnessed in CO and WA in order to allow less than 8% of the adult Canadian population (based on 2016 census data) 26 years and older to buy their drugs more conveniently. If we care about others, such as the next generation of children, rather than ourselves (who wish to have more convenient access to pot) we would not pursue this policy.

  • David chau - 7 years ago

    Pot has been found as bad as cigarette and we knew how many people died from it, I see no reason we should legalize it, only reason May be more tax revenue for our government but it will not enough to cover health problems created by it, cigarette was a good sample.

  • Stop the DRUGS! - 7 years ago

    Canada must learn from our neighbor.  Colorado after the 2010 regulation of medical marijuana dispensaries and the 2012 vote to legalize recreational marijuana, school resource officers, counselors, nurses, staff and officials with Colorado school safety and disciplinary programs are anecdotally reporting an increase in marijuana-related incidents in middle and high schools.
    “We have seen a sharp rise in drug-related disciplinary actions which, anecdotally, from credible sources, is being attributed to the changing social norms surrounding marijuana,” said Janelle Krueger. Krueger is the program manager for Expelled and At-Risk Student Services for the Colorado Department of Education and also a long time adviser to the Colorado Association of School Resource Officers.  Krueger said school officials believe the jump is linked to the message that legalization (even though it is still prohibited for anyone under 21) is sending to kids: that marijuana is a medicine and a safe and accepted recreational activity. It is also believed to be more available.  Marijuana that parents or other adults might have kept hidden in the past may now be left in the open, where it is easier for kids to dip into it to sell, use or, in some cases, simply to show off, said school officials and law enforcement.
    Do we want to waste the lives of our next generations?

  • Lance Shaver - 7 years ago

    To everyone who answered "None of the above. I don't agree with legalization," it's a little too late. Legalization is happening, and it's important that we decide where it is best sold.

    Pharmacies are the best option. This is because there are a lot of people who are on medications that may also be using cannabis for other purposes. There is a potential for dangerous interactions, and having a health care professional (Pharmacists) available to answer any questions and review someone's prescription history will be able to advise on whether it is safe or not.

    The worst idea is Dispensaries, especially as they are operated now. The problem with this is that the people selling cannabis are not trained professionals, and they will have a financial interest in marketing cannabis in ways that may not be in the best interest of consumers, many of whom will be purchasing cannabis for medical purposes. These salespeople are not medical professionals, nor do they have the ability to evaluate current evidence to determine what are the beneficial uses of cannabis.

    We are not ready for legalization, but it is coming none-the-less. We have to take it as safe as possible.

  • keep pot illegal - 7 years ago

    legalizing marijuana is reckless and is all about profit at the expense of the health and well being of citizens. People need to find voice to speak out against it. In the US, people who voted for it are now sorry that they did as they see the impact it has made on their lives. What is this government doing thinking to legalize such a harmful substance. There is no proof it cures cancer, and even if it did, what does that have to do with recreational use? The commentator who said they have small kids too, if you want to be a good dad don't support legalization. Do you really think you will be able to impact what they do if usage is normalized? They are exposed to enough challenges already without adding this to the mix. And people, what about the impact on the environment and accidental ingestion by pets. Where are the activists standing in support of this?

  • ForKidsNoDrug - 7 years ago

    What is the purpose to legalize it? What are the benefits it will bring to the population? Can the government do less demage to our society, our kids and our future!

  • James - 7 years ago

    What's with all you social conservatives stacking the votes? You may need it for cancer one day, so quit being so puritanical. I have young children too.

  • Pamela McColl - 7 years ago



  • SAM Canada - 7 years ago

    we strongly oppose legalization and ask everyone to phone their MP and MLA and say do not vote yes on this. Marijuana is contraindicated for men who want to have children ( healthy) children says Health Canada - how can a government legalize a drug with this risk factor ?

  • Ling Chu - 7 years ago

    Legalization of marijuana only benefit the revenue of government. I will forsee more addictive Canadian citizens hooked on this drug because of easy accessible source. Will government be willing to spend great deal of the income from above to rehabilitate drug addictive people who cannot be maintained a normal life?

  • Anny - 7 years ago

    I don't agree to legalize marijuana or drugs.. I think government should put more money to educate the next generations the harmful of drugs and Marijuana and to prevent more young adults to have drugs addition..

  • Herbert - 7 years ago

    As a Canadian, what good does it make to legalize drugs?! Who is going to pay for all the medical expenses, when young adults run into drugs problems as oppose to contribute to the society. The only thing that make sense to me is when you elected a drama teacher as PM, you will get drama.

  • Susan Chui - 7 years ago

    We are moving backwards when currently we tell people to stop smoking cause is bad for our health, also our opioid is a big problem, drug overdose at the highest rate and yet our gov't is trying to legalize dope doesn't make sense!! Really bad way to go for our next generation that thinks it's part of our food chain without addition.....!! I don't like a society so laced because they don't have a better way of dealing with these drug problem, to legalize them is the only way. I see harm more so than helping them. More education program in schools regarding drugs should be warned not to touch .

  • Bob - 7 years ago

    If its legal it should be sold like tobacco

  • Drug Store - 7 years ago

    American pharma pays cash for legal immunity for synthetic opioids crisis.
    See: USA, senator, Tom Marino and
    see: senator, Claire McCaskill, she describes how fentanyl is made by big pharma, USA.
    Is big Canadian media and big Canadian police getting paid off the same way Congress is?

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