What Should Starlight's Future Role in the Series Be?


  • Sailor Sedna - 6 years ago

    @Jimmy Hook
    People can hate her if they want to, but that's just giving him attention.

  • Jimmy Hook - 6 years ago

    @Romuska Palo Ur Laputa

    What? I had to say Shut Up to Crank just so he can stop ranting on Starlight Glimmer all the time. :/

  • Romuska Palo Ur Laputa - 6 years ago

    @Jimmy Hook

    Don't feed him.

  • Jimmy Hook - 6 years ago


    I have two words for you Crank: SHUT UP!!! >:(

  • Black Hoof - 6 years ago


    He won't stop if you feed him.

  • Crank - 6 years ago

    Aww look, another delusional, triggered Glimmerbot is coming to the aid of Shitlight. This is beyond pathetic of how you defend such a horrible character. "Starlight has a great place in the show" LMAO, no she doesn't! Only retards like you would say that. The show would be better without her. People like you are the reason why half the fan base doesn't like Starlight. Brainwashed fans for such a horrible character. Please, rethink your life and pick a better character to like. Have a nice day.

  • Hakirayleigh - 6 years ago

    Some people like Crank shows the show isn't giving the main message yet. About respect by other fans and call shit about a character role. For @Crank get out with your stupid insults and your trigger cause Starlight has a great place in the show, so STOP!!

  • Jimmy Hook - 7 years ago

    @Black Hoof

    Yeah I guess your right. :/

    Although I always wonder if the online world never had Haters and Trolls in the first place. Imagine how life online that would be like. O_O

  • Black Hoof - 7 years ago

    @Jimmy Hook

    Haters and trolls... They want you to reply to them. Ignore them : Better not to feed them.

  • Jimmy Hook - 7 years ago


    Sheesh Crank. You're going a little bit too far with your hate of Starlight Glimmer.

    And for the record, yes it's your opinion only, but you don't have to act so abrasive by going too far >:(

  • Crank - 7 years ago

    @Reaper Look at you, being a triggered little Starlight fan. Sunset appearing in the fandom, and Starlight becoming an alicorn? Are you honestly that unoriginal and lame, just like Starlight herself? I love it how people don't depend the other characters, because they actually accept the insults their favorite characters can take. But, when it comes to Starlight fans, they get mad so easily, it's actually hilarious and pathetic to see them defend such a bland character. She has no character at all, why the fuck do you like her? Well, I know a reason why. Because Glimmerbots have no character and are boring also. Please, don't get so triggered, like all Starlight fans do, it's actually really pathetic to see.

  • Jimmy Hook - 7 years ago

    *comment redo*


    -happy sigh- thank you. someone does an honest reply to me =3

    I have been trying to get a reply back that isn't at least a negative comment on Starlight Glimmer :(

  • Jimmy Hook - 7 years ago

    -happy sigh- thank you. someone does an honest reply to me =3

    I have been trying to get a reply back that isn't at least a negative comment on Starlight Glimmer :(

  • Reaper - 7 years ago

    People like Crank are why I hope Sunset appears in the show, and why Glimmer needs to become an alicorn. To drive pieces of crap like him out of the fandom.

  • J47fly - 7 years ago

    @ Jimmy Hook, I love Starlight Glimmer. Although she was better before she was reformed, I see her as more of a villan type. Hearing "Say Goodbye To The Holiday" gave me a melt on my body, excitement, never heard such a voice out of her like that before. SG is my one of a kind pony waifu. I fuckin' love Kelly Sheridan, lol.

  • anon - 7 years ago

    @peter Yeah, the show's just always been afraid to go there in terms of death and tragedy. The show's supposed to be uplifting more than anything. They gotta touch on some harsh subjects sooner or later though.

  • Romuska Palo Ur Laputa - 7 years ago

    I have to agree with Whitewolfstormrunner, I'd just want her to be removed. I don't hate her as much as I used to (I more dislike Tempest and Twilight) but I just don't see what it is that people like about her or find interesting in her, and I don't understand why she's so overpowered at magic, plus a lot of the time she doesn't think before she acts (I know it's something we all do sometimes but it does get annoying after a while) and she hasn't improved at all in my eyes.

    I'm not sure myself where she should go. I don't know what a seventh element of harmony would be, she wouldn't work as a Princess nor a teacher, I can't see her as an archmage, though her being evil all along, would be a dumb, yet interesting twist if done correctly.

  • Jimmy Hook - 7 years ago

    ARRRGH!!! will someone at least reply to me that they agree with me being a nice Brony that is a Sunset Shimmer fan boy that also shows some loving support and respect for Starlight Glimmer?!! >:(

    A nice reply would be needed >:T

  • kit - 7 years ago

    I vote archmage but not replace starswirl who is in celestia/luna's court but rather be the start of twilight's own court

  • Black Hoof - 7 years ago


    Sadly, this is internet. In this fandom and outside, not much difference. Haters don't care about the show or anyone else. They just keep hammering their narrow view over and over, acting as if their word is holy truth and screeching at all who disagree.

  • Black Hoof - 7 years ago

    Haters continue screaming. And now they start resorting to personal jabs.

  • Jimmy Hook - 7 years ago


    Hey Wanton, am I still a nice Brony with me being a Sunset Shimmer fan boy that also shows some loving support and respect for Starlight Glimmer?

  • Wanton12 - 7 years ago

    Guys please, let’s keep it civil. A real fan of the show wouldn’t start attacking one another based on their preference of a cartoon character. It’s dumb and pointless, and it goes against the message of the show

  • sarah - 7 years ago

    I still think she will become a princess

  • Jimmy Hook - 7 years ago

    can anyone at least admit what I'm saying?!! :(

  • Crank - 7 years ago

    Lol, just like every Starlight fan and even Starlight herself, are very uncreative, stealing my post and replacing words. No wonder why half of this fan base doesn't like her, too uncreative, and bland.

  • Holy Shit - 7 years ago

    @Crank Twilight is honestly a bad character, breaks most of her character traits most of the time. Oh wait, does she have any character traits? Probably not because the writers are doing terrible writing her. Bandwagon Twilight fans always defend her about being a character but always have no reason why. The only thing she’s good at is being cute. I bet the writers are only using her for looks, not personality. Dear bandwagoning Twilight Sparkle fans, please, pick another character to be a fan of please, nobody likes you because you’re a fan of a shitty and dull character. Last time I checked, Twilight fans get more triggered than a fat girl at a feminist rally when Twilight is getting made fun of.

  • Peter - 7 years ago


    I actually like this idea since I love tragedy stories. But they probably won’t do that because it might get too dark. But if they do go that route I want to them to make an episode or two showing how the characters are coping with the loss of Starlight after a sacrifice she made to I guess save the infinite multiverse (it’s real by the way the infinite MLP Multiverse).

  • Crank - 7 years ago

    Lol @ Twig Fig, you're funny man. The things that people say to defend Shitlight, lmao. Twilight is a good character, like literally, are you brainwashed by some shitty character to think that they are better than a good, well written character that has been in the show since the start? Starlight fans aren't real fans of MLP, honestly

  • anon - 7 years ago

    Kill her off, but do it in a way that's emotionally engaging and feels right. Like she's killed by Chrysalis which sends the mane 6 on the war path for revenge.

  • Twig Fig - 7 years ago

    It's really funny how a lot of people's reasoning for why Glimmer is a bad character can also be applied to Twilight.

  • Crank - 7 years ago

    Haha, well, your delusional ass put stupid reasons. Like another character please. I bet you cry whenever Starlight gets shat on, that's why you didn't wanna argue with me. Shitlight fans are a bunch of pussies too since they don't have any reasons on why she's a good written character

  • Peter - 7 years ago


    Dude I don’t even care about what you say, I’m not even replying to you. I just decided to post my comment here on topic on why I think this should happen to Starlight. Not to join this stupid Starlight flame war that starts every once in a while.

  • Crank - 7 years ago

    Lol Peter, she's still a bad written character, get a life you homo. Quit being a delusional Starlight fan. Such a bad written character, I always wonder what the writers were thinking in the last five minutes of the season five finale. Hey guys, question, how would you feel if a guy came into your house and killed your family, then the police bring him in then a day later they tell you he's apart of the police force because the police had a meeting about him. Exactly, even I wrote that terribly. Delusional Starlight fans, smh

  • Peter - 7 years ago

    I’d prefer Starlight as an archmage. She pretty much fits the description.
    Top tier magic user Check.
    Knows a lot of spells Check.
    Created new spells Check.
    Taught a princess something which is probably magic Check.

  • Jimmy Hook - 7 years ago

    Sheesh, does no one get what I'm saying? :(

  • Crank - 7 years ago

    Lol to those autistic people that want her as princess. You must be so retarded if you want her as an alicorn. Shitlight Glimmer doesn't even deserve to be in the show, but here we are with he and her delusional, retarded fans. And also, yes you can make my comment into a copypasta, don't listen to Swashbucklist since they're mad because I made fun of their "waifu" and can't name seven reasons why Shitlight should be in the show, without saying "because she's cute" at least once. Pick a new character to like, lmao

  • WhitewolfStormrunner - 7 years ago

    I just want to see her gone from the show permanently.

    Like Crank and Blob have both said, she is a bland, boring character who has long overstayed her welcome, and has proved (to ME, at least) that with some of the stuff that she's pulled in the last couple of seasons that she hasn't changed for the better.

    In ANY level.


    As to becoming either the seventh Element of Harmony OR an alicorn princess?


    For ONE thing, SUNSET SHIMMER is worthy of being both more so than Dimbulb Glummer. and the show has THREE alicorns TOO many (Twilight, Cadance and Flurry Heart) already.

    Me, I would love to see the writers get back to writing GOOD involving the Mane 6 going on bigger and better adventures of their own again than having to worry about Hasbro's official Mary Sue (and you guys CAN'T tell me that she's NOT one after what she did in the Season 5 finale against Princess Twilight "the buckin' Element of Magic" Sparkle!) just how the latest crop of writers are gonna screw things up even more next season.

    Sorry, but that's just the way I feel about Glimmer.

  • Jimmy Hook - 7 years ago

    For the record everyone, while I am a HUGE Sunset Shimmer fan boy, and I always will be, I also show some loving support and respect for Starlight Glimmer.

    To put it simply, I'm a Sunset Shimmer fan boy that also loves Starlight Glimmer as well.

    I make it my mission as a Brony to just ignore the rabid Starlight Glimmer Haters and just find Bronies and Pegasisters that show love and support for Starlight Glimmer. :)

  • Black Hoof - 7 years ago

    On the maturity of haters.

  • Franzyd - 7 years ago

    Hol' up
    We all know EQG is now canon (dont argue with me pls)
    So Starlight would become the eight element of harmony

  • Swashbucklist - 7 years ago

    No, and trans-Equestria adventure arc with Trixie (comic relief), Sunburst (lots of potential, but with many challenges to overcome), Star-Swirl (the leader who asks them to join his quest), and Spike (the Hobbit-y support).

  • Holy Shit - 7 years ago

    Can we turn Crank’s comment into a copypasta?

  • Crank - 7 years ago

    Starlight is honestly a bad character, breaks most of her character traits most of the time. Oh wait, does she have any character traits? Probably not because the writers are doing terrible writing her. Bandwagon Starlight fans always defend her about being a character but always have no reason why. The only thing she's good at is being cute. I bet the writers are only using her for looks, not personality. Dear bandwagoning Shitlight Glimmer fans, please, pick another character to be a fan of please, nobody likes you because you're a fan of a shitty and dull character. Last time I checked, Starlight fans get more triggered than a fat girl at a feminist rally when Shitlight is getting made fun of.

  • Hakirayleigh - 7 years ago

    If some people continue complain and are bitchier about Starlight, more polls about her will be post. So calm your tits.

  • Blob - 7 years ago

    Glimmerbots are delusional. She's boring, has had terrible development, and doesn't hold anywhere near the importance of any of the Mane Six. Yet we keep having her forced upon us by both insane fans and terrible writers. She just needs to go away. It sure would be nice to see more development of characters we known and cared about since the beginning. But we get this crap instead.

  • J47fly - 7 years ago

    ARE YOU KIDDING ME. Fuck you guys and your fandom.

  • anon - 7 years ago

    while adventure and archmage option is cool, becoming a friendship student sounds most sastisfying for her. she can protect and teach misguided foals just like her.

  • Frith - 7 years ago

    Other: teaching advanced levitation and time manipulation at Twilight's Friendship University in Ponyville.

  • Jimmy Hook - 7 years ago


    OR become the Seventh Element of Harmony =3

  • Memebyerin - 7 years ago

    Season 7 started with Starlight saying she wasn't ready to leave Twilight just yet.
    Season 7 ended with Starlight proving that she honestly is ready.

    Season 8 should keep up the progression.
    The next part of the show should be Starlight continuing to grow, because that's where the momentum of the show is right now.

    So i suppose either adventure with friends, or graduate from being Twilight's student.

  • Black Hoof - 7 years ago

    Starlight archmage!
    And please no removing many people's favourite characters from the show.

  • Lara - 7 years ago

    *Remane five

  • Lara - 7 years ago

    Removed from the series, maybe bring Twilight with her so the remane six can be special for once.

  • Sam - 7 years ago

    9 people already think she should be a princess. how cliche and uncreative would that be?!

  • Jimmy Hook - 7 years ago

    Starlight Glimmer's role for Seventh Element of Harmony would be sweet =3

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