Daily Poll: Do you agree with Alberta's boycott of B.C. wine or should the dispute go through the courts?


  • kenneth boisjoli - 6 years ago

    I'm not the type of person to write comments ever online but this Bc NDP governments attempt to derail another provinces energy sector is too much for a working tradesman living in Alberta. Far left crazy governments are impeeding this countries growth and it needs to stop right now. All you are doing is alienating a good neighbor in Alberta. This is causing tension and feelings of animosity here where we feel the next option is to leave confederation if we can't get any help to get ahead for our families. You and Quebec can go pound sand. Shut off the taps and make a deal with the USA to transport our oil to sea there if nobody wants to help us in our Country

  • Brad - 6 years ago

    With free trade up in the air don't you think Canadians should learn to work together not boycott each other's industries I've spent half my live in each province and loyal to both to show my disgust with the Ndp I'm going uptown to buy a case of bc wine

  • Wally - 6 years ago

    Get your facts straight Jeff. Alberta has contributed hundreds of millions of dollars over the years in equalization payments. Quebec didn’t like it when Alberta asked for some of their money back when Quebec didn’t want Energy East to happen. Horgan kicked a hornets nest by announcing another study on Bitumen. Alberta has every right to retaliate. Lucky Kenney is premier or the taps would be shut off. Trudeau has jurisdiction over this & it’s time for him to pull the trigger. Or perhaps he wants this squabbling to continue so Kinder Morgan gets fed up & pulls out. Isn’t it wonderful having a coalition govt with 3 lousy seats in the legislature driving the bus. Horgan is just a yes man with Weaver behind the wheel.

  • Simon - 6 years ago

    Fair game when Federal Government so weak it will not assert it's jurisdiction ....relating to this major segment of the national economy. Trudeau is a lightweight.

  • Unemployed - 6 years ago

    Yes, the Kalamazoo river spill of 2010.
    After people read about it. They will say refine in Alberta and put Canadians to work.
    I don't like working on spills.

  • Jeff - 6 years ago

    I will preface this by categorically stating that I'm NOT an anti-pipeline afficionado; I think it's totally needed by the country in this day and age. And I believe it will be safe, manageable, and profitable for Canada as a whole. Although I would prefer that the oil be refined in Canada and sold in Canada, we know this won't be the case; it will be sold to China. But the response of the government of Alberta is petty, shortsighted, and frankly brain-dead, but did you expect anything else from that government? This move by Notley is unprecedented in all my years in Canada...39 and counting. Her self-righteous attitude is seemingly without knowledge of the attitude of Alberta during the boom years of fossil fuel production from the late 70s through the early 21st century, when Alberta amassed a veritable fortune in its energy slush fund and thumbed its nose at the rest of Canada when asked to share it with 'have-not' Provinces. It wasn't a NATIONAL issue then, was it? Well, the slush fund is gone. Now, Alberta wants Canada to forget those years as it declares that this is a NATIONAL issue?? Alberta was quite happy to go it alone then, and truthfully, I for one will never forget their selfish, Alberta uber-alles mindset that is now again raising its ugly head. Grow up; stop behaving like children.

  • allan - 6 years ago

    The safest way to move oil should be by pipeline, but we are not very good at building pipelines. Enbridge has still not put the Kalamazoo spill behind it and that was years ago. Oil is not only used to move things, it is used to manufacture plastics and fertilizer. My question is; why are we exporting jobs? Canada should have a petro-chemical industry on site instead of exporting at very great risk unrefined product to enrich an individual, corporation or other country.

  • Tim Peterson - 6 years ago

    well being from the Fraser valley for the first 24 years of my life, then the island for 10 and now in Fort Saskatchewan for 18, not in oil industry but a lot of families are around me. Your gas and diesel is made about 10 miles from my home, if you drive or have any plastic in your life you are dependent on oil some of which is refined in Alberta. Pipe lines are safe, most people have two going into their house, what's inside these pipes may be different corrosively but simple chemistry alleviates this as has been for decades, every coast is a shipping lane world wide nothing new ! Alberta and Canada are getting burned with cheep oil that is produced with I'll argue the highest safety standards in the world, unless you like paying higher taxes for all our social programs as they are now or risk our children loosing them in their lifetime We need to get Our oil(Canada) to markets at the best rate we can while we can, safely of course. Companies don't make money from spilled oil so duh !

  • Facts - 6 years ago

    Bruce you might want to check your own spelling before your catostofic event occurs...

    You claim I made an error of fact care to point it out or are you just mad or the grammar police now?

  • Bruce - 6 years ago

    So FACTS , are you a troll or a robot ? Your facts are anything but and you should learn how to spell .

  • Facts - 6 years ago

    So Dianne, you state Notleys position is childish then hope normal working people of Alberta suffer, great logic. Even if all your hippy friend come to the rescue of this poll as you are calling for btw, still doesn’t change the fact the majority of bc is for this pipeline and don’t agree with Horagans position or the fact he’s being propped up by 3 greens pushing there fantasy dreams. But go drink up the wine, coolaid whever you think will save the planet.

  • Diana Schroeder - 6 years ago

    Notley's response is childish and irresponsible. I hope this doesn't lead to a trade war. If so, all those Albertans who vacation and eventually retire in BC will suffer the consequences. What was she thinking? Drink up my friends and toast the coast.

  • GEORGINA SCOTT - 6 years ago

    Trans Mountain is governed by Canadian Laws so comparing pipeline leaks in USA is apples and oranges. Increase in freighter traffic which doesn't have the scrutiny or regulations of oil tanker traffic should be more of a concern if you are really worried about environmental damage rather than blocking oil shipments. Blocking Kinder Morgan has no effect on the oil tankers and barges entering the Puget Sound. Those oil shipments are far higher than the minuscule amount coming from Canadian Ports.

  • gasguzler - 6 years ago

    Nice to see her stand up and give some defiance, quite frankly its about time. It's astounding how the B.C and federal politicians can delay projects and come up with more red tape interference, wonder what J.T is thinking about now.. It's kind of funny really given B.C has a thriving oil and gas sector of its own... what pipeline or where they ship that good old B.C oil and gas to? ... ever ask yourself that?

  • Aaron - 6 years ago

    First of all, Alberta needs to get into the 21st century. Lets start developing new forms of energy. Oil is not the way of the future. You know where you can put your pipelines... Secondly, go ahead and boycott our wine, theres plenty of other people who are buying it. Alberta, its time to realize you are just a province in the country of Canada. Lets work together for a positive change for our country and its citizens. Not some short sighted solution that contributes to the destruction of our planet. Spend that pipeline money developing new technology that will make Canada a leader in energy technology that will guarantee a future for our children and our environment. We cannot stand for more oil spills (and all these new pipelines and transportation methods WILL spill eventually, don't listen to the lies. They always have, and they always will) in the name of profit and greed.

  • F Janson - 6 years ago

    Albertans have been the enemy of British Columbia since Ralph Klein cynically and illegally shipped his ex cons and homeless to Vancouver. This is not a trade war but now an all out war that I hope leads to the break up of the country and Cascadia rising. I was pro pipeline until yesterday but now believe and and all measures should be taken to stop the pipeline and remove Albertans from British Columbia. There are certainly too many Albertans in Vancouver now. I accept the consequences as Bosnians, Serbians and Croations accepted their's.

  • Facts - 6 years ago

    3 comments and mostly bs, no surprise. The majority of bc residents support the pipeline fyi and most of the oil is bound for the USA not 100% China. And it would take a monumental screw up to put a tanker in danger of rupturing a tank not just any ol accident. They are double walled and escorted by tugs, you might not be aware of the advancement in tanker construction since the single walled Valdez incident, google it.

    If you don’t want the pipeline that’s your opinion and we are all intitled to have one, but throwing loose terms around and making facts up doesn’t do the no cause any favours.

    The fact is Alberta needs tide water for exports and we have it and it’s in our nations interest to get this oil to port. If you don’t want it, go live without it and send a pigeon message in a month to give us an update on how living off the land in the dark works for you.

  • Shell game - 6 years ago

    According to the news in the U.S., Kinder Morgan has been found to be financially responsible for over 400 spills from " their" pipelines in the U.S., since 2003.
    The news says that nearly all of the spills were attributed to poor pipeline maintenance.
    It seems that Alberta (and maybe BC) is protecting the USA company from liability.
    It's a good ploy because , Canadians will side with a province before any Texas conpany.

  • Tina - 6 years ago

    This is seriously an issue that we should not stand for. I’m embarrassed to be from Alberta, sorry BC...think it’s time to move out of this province

  • Oily - 6 years ago

    I don't like either choice in this poll. I think that the "wine embargo" is a petty, childish response to a situation that Notley should know well, that Horgan has a mandate to investigate the expansion. However, each should wish to discuss the issue, ASAP, and come up with a way to alleviate concerns of BC residents.

    I don't want it & would rather see it refined in Alberta & sold domestically, but, that doesn't meet the "wants" of the US corporate interests, which, of course, is the real issue at hand. Rock, paper, scissors?

  • Bruce - 6 years ago

    The fact of the matter is the pipeline and increased oil tanker traffic carrying crude bitemun oil are 2 completely separate issues . Increased oil tanker traffic thru Burrard inlet carrying a oil product that virtually would SINK in the event of any kind of accident would cause catostofic consequences. Let’s at least have the evidence that this crude oil that’s entirely 100% destined for CHINA can be properly cleaned up .

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