POLL: Do you agree with an ASU professor's suggestion that schools be shut down until new gun laws are passed?


  • Patsy Castor - 6 years ago

    One way for the professor to make a name. Go ahead protest and when you don’t pass and your school lacks money because you didn’t go to school don’t cry. I am not against stricter gun laws but I am so tired of protests and the fact that they are not very effective. Also it would be beneficial if the protester really believed in what they were protesting. Most of those kids marched to get out of class not because they have a strong belief.

  • Robert - 6 years ago

    Closing schools will not improved the issue stated, all employees would be out of work which means no pay check or benefits, we have laws against murder and yet they continue, wouldn’t be different regarding guns, maybe a change in gun purchase laws, higher age limits, better background checks, local law enforcements does background checks, restricting purchase of auto and semi automatic by reason for one of those guns, and allowing sales of single shot weapons meaning weapons that are only single action (must require cocking), refrain mental illness laws on who has access to them.

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