POLL: Should rapid-fire bump stocks and similar devices designed to make weapons shoot more rounds faster be banned?


  • AZ Native - 6 years ago

    Guns are simply tools. Tools in the hands of good people are a good thing. Tools in the hands of evil people are a bad thing. A gun will not just up and start killing people and more than a hammer will just up and start building a house. An evil person will use a tool for evil purposes regardless of what rules, laws, and bans are in place. Last I checked, it’s illegal to murder. How many evil people have stopped and thought “oh wait, it’s against the law to murder, so I’d better stop”. Evil criminals don’t care about any laws that are in effect or that ever will be. Have you ever wondered why schools, churches, and other gun free zones keep getting attacked? They are soft targets that any evil criminal would choose over a target that would have armed individuals(police, military, citizens) likely to shoot back and stop their murder spree before they can get started. The only way that a gun free zone can be effective is if you can guarantee that it is a gun free zone. Limited entrances manned by armed guards with metal detectors is the only way to ensure that the evil criminal cannot bring his guns, knives, bombs, or whatever into the “gun free zone”. If you cannot do that, then the silly little pictures of a gun with a red circle with a line through it will only keep good law abiding people from having guns there. Las Vegas is basically one giant gun free zone. The hotel the shooter shot from was a gun free zone. Did any of that stop an evil man from taking guns to his room and shooting a bunch of people? The solution isn’t to ban guns. If you do that then only the criminals, who don’t care about laws anyway will have them. Then you will have even more mass murders. I say we just ban mass murders...oh wait...hmmm...

  • John J Hadden - 6 years ago

    Reinstate God in class rooms, family values. Hire full time guards and arm teachers. Create a panel of high level teachers and a Doctor to evaluate students who become problematic!
    End Video games that are violent.

  • phil mello - 6 years ago

    What is the point of banning anything it the ban doesn’t include any an all attempts to circumvent the ban????????

  • Chris - 6 years ago

    Mental health causes mass shootings, mental health causes terrorism, mental health causes all kinds of murders & massacres. Guns are simply pieces of metal, the operator determines how useful or dangerous they might be.

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