How Would You Grade The Tigers' Offseason?


  • Wonk - 6 years ago

    Interesting comment, Mr. Nichol-hyphen. Very much so. I confidently infer a LOT from it. Maybe one of the reasons why you were not taken up on your generous offer to increase your production in exchange for a pay increase as well--your proposed solution to the ugly quagmire you were mired in-- has something to do with this clear loser-type reflected by your comments here. It may just have EVERYTHING to do with it actually. That is, to me, very unprofessional.

    I'm pretty sure I do understand your general viewpoint despite my lack of knowledge of the particulars at work here. What I can see is that you harbor bitterness toward your former employer as well as a high opinion of yourself. These are not necessarily bad traits, but maybe you are learning through repeated experiences that they mix horribly. I reckon this is not an isolated sort of thing for you, and that those around the office familiar with how you generally are may wel agree, and as such are hardly surprised by your chosen tack of bitter retaliation for your strong belief that you are right and they are wrong, no doubt abut THAT. My guess is that the general reaction of former staffmates is essentially "Yep, there he goes shooting hisself in the foot yet AGAIN, wow." Maybe even "it is a shame for a man to squander such talent because of his horribly grating presence.

    'Doesn't play well with others," you betcha. You likely wonder how I presume such despite my absolute ignorance of the actual dynamics of the staff and nearly total such ignorance of you in action, phil-hyphenation.

    You've likely seen that old saying "it takes one to know one." I see myself in you despite my having very little actual information at hand from which I reach such bold convictions as I presume to do. I see myself in you, the bit that I see, and I've never been accused of not being unusually self-aware. Talent is good and fine--wonderful stuff, even--but others do not find it to be worthwhile, when coupled with such a poisonous attitude who conveys it, even subtly, no matter the talents. Others can hardly NOT notice your general disdain for them, hence the many workplace issues surely at hand.

    No whining intended here, but despite the importance of talent--and talent is undeniably important--it pales in comparison with one's ability to be and remain harmonious with "Peers" you may well runs rings around talentwise. I, too, fail to be blessed with that gift of harmony, and it sure does bite.

    I am aware of it, but that doesn't make it any easier for one to make the necessary changes needed to be less offensive in the workplace, something I, too, am not talented at.

    Best wishes, bitter hyphenman, in making a successful adaptation to the mainstream with respect to that whole harmony stuff. i know it is a major problem as I have that very same danged handicap (er, challenge) in spades, and find it hard not only to change asspect of myself, but to even recognize and REALIZE my horsecrap effect on others in a team sport. I'm sorry that you seem so similar to me, in my ignorant view, because it is a difficult life living that pathway. Best wishes mending your pathway.

    (crikey, hope there wasn't too much repetition. Fun to see only a partial page at any glance. Notice that cover-my-can element and that adorble "we regret the preceding..." there Hyphen-nose. I knew you would. Peace, babe.)

  • Lol - 6 years ago

    Lolololol that's not funny

  • Ben Nicholson-Smith - 6 years ago

    All MLBTR "writers" will never get a real writing job like myself! I always told Tim to can half the staff and give me a raise, but he never did, and now he's stuck with untalented hacks like Jeffy Todd and Steve Adams who can't even get basic spelling, grammar, and player names correctly linked. This site is going down the tubes! I'm glad I got out ASAP.

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